What are YOU eating today?

on 9/8/13 1:16 am - Alexander, AR
Getting ready for vacation, so I'm not eh clean out the fridge mode. No telling what crazy combos I might come up with, but here is what it could be

B--- made grilled cheese sandwiches on high protein bread, 2% cheese

Lunch----- leftover chicken taco mix, so maybe one of those on a carb balance tortilla

Dinner....steak, leftover asparagus and roasted sweet tater

Doesn't sound bad. Well see what happens, but this is the "plan"



on 9/8/13 3:06 am

Breakfast:  Oatmeal--1 cup cooked with splenda and three prunes

Snack:  sugar free popsicle

Lunch:  Ham steak--3 ounces, green beans

Snack:  celery sticks and bell peppers

Dinner: Maybe chicken thighs, more green beans, and 1/2 homemade buttermilk biscuits

Snack:  celery

on 9/8/13 10:17 am - Alexander, AR
I love chicken thighs. Sometimes on Monday, when I'm off, I'll grill up a half dozen or so to have during the week. They don't dry out like breasts



on 9/8/13 9:15 am - Canada
B- Water, and my coffee with 1% milk, protein oatmeal with 1% milk and ho****er and half cup frozen raspberries


L My crockpot shredded pork tenderloin with veggies, and tomato/veggie sauce and shredded "3 cheeses for pizza" as topping...


Glass Chardonnay white wine (it's Sunday evening after all)

D salad with tomato, cucumber, lettuce and thawed cooked shrimp, and fresh basil and chives...with lemon infused olive oil/balsamic vinegar home blend dressing.


Cheers, Jennifer
on 9/8/13 10:17 am - Alexander, AR
Your salad sounds wonderful!



on 9/8/13 10:16 am - Alexander, AR
Well, I decided to make a meat loaf so Gary will have it for sandwiches while I'm gone. Steak tomorrow night



Nancy B
on 9/8/13 10:31 am - Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada

B  hot chocolate protein drink

S  pear & yogurt

L   an amazing wildflower salad with blackberries & sunflower seed oil dressing at the potluck, 1/2 devilled egg & raw veggies

S  pear

D too tired to eat...maybe soup later this evening

lots of water.Got lost on the way home...I had the scenic route but was happy to get home by dusk *s*..at least I was going in the right direction this time.

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on 9/8/13 10:37 am - Alexander, AR
Honey, you're going to turn into a pear!



Nancy B
on 9/8/13 1:22 pm - Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada

Egad, I KNOW! Pears are not my favourite fruit either.

And though I took 3 quarts of pears to the potluck(they were eaten so fast), we still have baskets and baskets of them!

And now JB has at least two HUGE soup pots of "gestooffe peren" made, now what do I do with this? Im assuming, since they are now cooked, they can be frozen?

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Laureen S.
on 9/8/13 10:28 pm - Maple Shade, NJ

B:  cheese stick and cut up fruit

S:  None

L:  Turkey chili with lowfat cheese

S:  cheese stick

D:  Thai Seafood soup and Japanese roll with tuna, white fish, salmon, asparagus, tobki and wasabi sauce

S;  Slim Bear 100 calorie Ice cream sandwich

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

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