Saturday, what are we eating?

on 9/21/13 1:26 am - Alexander, AR
Well, the last few days have been crazy, heck the last 10 days with vacation and all. But, I'm hoping I'll get reorganized and be able to post more often.

My food choices have been good, nothing bad, just not enough. No time to eat, exercise, talk, just work. Not a bad thing if you're self employed, but messes up the rest of my life!


B.....pita with. Egg and cheese

S.....chai protein shake

L....1/2 PB & J on high protein bread

S...hard boiled egg

D.....pot roast with veggies

S....SF Popsicles ...2



(deactivated member)
on 9/21/13 1:45 am

Hey Susan

I have been journaling my food for a short while and I am glad to see this post back on OH.  My goals are a balanced carb/protein/fat ration food plan of about 1200 calories a day.

Today my plan is

Breakfast - oatmeal with blueberries and a hard boiled egg.

Lunch -  pork cutlet grilled, asparagus and sweet potatoes

supper - grilled chicken, spinach, and tomato cucumber salad

snacks  - fresh fruit (apple, orange, or bosc pear)

If I want a treat I'll eat a carb smart fudgecicle


(deactivated member)
on 9/21/13 1:46 am

oops  that should be carb/protien/fat ratio 

on 9/21/13 2:56 am

I woke up a little on the sickish side.  It could be the increased pain meds because of my crappy knee or it could just be a bug or something.

Breakfast: sugar free popsicle.

Snack:  bell pepper and celery

Lunch:  I am so not going to eat...I am still a little weak

Snack: my plan is to eat some fruit...maybe orange/apple slices

Dinner:  maybe chili.  Depends.

Snack:  My plan is to eat more fruit...I also have frozen berries. 

on 9/21/13 3:07 am
RNY on 09/04/13

Last day on full liquids:

B - Isopure protein shake and vitamins

L - 1/2 cup  cream of chicken soup(strained) and vitamins

S - Isopure protein shake

D - 1/2 cup fat free yogurt

S - SF choc pudding

Hope everyone has a wonderful Saturday!





on 9/22/13 4:13 am


Are you handling the sugar free puddings and such okay.   Some of those with a lot of sugar alcohols can either make me sick or give me very explosive diarrhea.  

It looks like you are doing pretty good on your food.  Are you managing to get the fluids such as water down?  


on 9/23/13 2:36 am
RNY on 09/04/13

I did not have any reactions to the sf puddings. I managed to get at least 6-8 glasses of fluids in daily, plus my vitamins.

So far so good.





Connie D.
on 9/21/13 3:12 am

Hello Susan....I did post this thread one other day this week. I don't want to be stepping on your toes and post it when you plan to.


B....Boost High Protein Drink and a pear

L....Boost.....wasn't feeling the best

D....turkey brat and green beans

S....crackers and cheese

HUGS....connie d


on 9/21/13 3:31 am - Alexander, AR
Not toe stepping here, Connie! In fact, if I don't have it done by early evening, it means I'm swamped at work, so would you go ahead and do it!



Connie D.
on 9/21/13 6:29 am, edited 9/21/13 6:29 am

Thanks Susan...that makes me feel better. Have a great day!

Hugs and love.....connie d


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