How many inches did you lose?

on 8/7/12 11:26 pm - TN
How many inches did you lose from around your waist after a LBL?

I have 1 LBL with full abdominoplasty schedule for October 1.  I have lost 155 lbs and am currently under 190, and am currently wearing a size 33 pant.  I am curious from other guys, How many inches did you lose off your waist.  I am planning on telling my surgeon that its OK to go with the anchor incision.  I am more interested in having a flat stomach under my clothes than worrying about the scar.


 160 lbs lost. Surgeons Goal Reached in 33 weeks.  My Goal in 37 Weeks.

VSG: 11/2/2011; LBL+Thigh Lift+BL: 10/3/2012; Brach+Mastopexy:  7/22/2013

Laura in Texas
on 8/8/12 3:27 am
Zero. I'm exactly the same size as before my lower body lift. I had 2 square feet weighing 5 pounds removed. I'm one of the few who did not go down in size. Still thankful to have the skin removed.

Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

on 8/8/12 4:05 am - TN
 I'm looking forward to having it all out of the way too!  Thanks FI sharing.

 160 lbs lost. Surgeons Goal Reached in 33 weeks.  My Goal in 37 Weeks.

VSG: 11/2/2011; LBL+Thigh Lift+BL: 10/3/2012; Brach+Mastopexy:  7/22/2013

on 8/8/12 4:33 am
I lost 6 inches and 2 pant sizes.  And I had the anchor cut.  I couldn't be happier with my decision.  I also could care less about the scar.  I wanted the flat belly.  Good luck! 

HW/Surgery/Current/Surgeon's goal/my goal
Plastics with with Dr. Sauceda on 05/03/2012
Brachioplasty/Extended Tummy Tuck with Anchor/BL/Med. Thigh Lift

Love my Body By Sauceda

Debra Welker
on 8/9/12 10:55 am - Kaukauna, WI
I also had the anchor cut and lost 5 inches more below the waist line than around it, panni area. I am happy with mine also, Someone said if you gain weight it will apear above the waistline, not sure if thaats true or not. I lost 110 before the tummy tuck and and 8 since.
on 8/15/12 1:35 pm
VSG on 06/04/09 with
My surgeon said most people lose 2 sizes....however for myself I didnt. My excess skin sat higher - it was on top of my pants, so I am the same size but it looks way better. I *think* and *hope* lol my waist went down 4 inches, but because my swelling came back really bad my waist is the same as pre-surgery. But trust me....even the same size, but without the skin, it looks 100% better. So dont worry too much about that! <---check out my vlog of my progress

VSG 6/4/2009: I'm 5'4",   HW 242,   SW 234,   CW 155.  Size 6 generally.

PS with Dr. Agha 5/14/2012 - LBL, Arm lift, fat transfer to (_:_) 
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