To plastic or not to plastic

Ashley G.
on 3/20/13 10:59 am - SC


I went and saw a plastic surgeon today for a consultation on what do with my excess skin.  I'm lucky and I don't have much, but there is some there and there's  no way around it without surgery.  The surgery he recommended is called "Around the World" and will end up costing me around $20,000 (which will be out of pocket).  I am on the fence about having this surgery.  

On one hand, I really want to have it.  I have worked very hard to get where I am today as far as weight loss and I would like my body to look good as well.  I haven't seen the weight I am since high school and I would like to do everything I can to enjoy it.

On the other hand, I think it may be a frivolous expense.  So what if I have some extra skin?  It could always be worse.

Any thoughts from those of you who have had plastic surgery?

Kim S.
on 3/20/13 10:49 pm - Helena, AL

I initially never thought I'd have plastics.  However, 3 and 1/2 years after I lost the weight, I continued to have hygiene issues due to the extra skin.  I was tired of the sweating, and I continually got infections inside my cavernous belly button.  Also, running was a constant reminder of the skin as it was flapping around.

I finally decided that I should look into getting the skin removed and I did.  I chose the LBL and BL.  I am so thrilled with the results!  I never felt ugly before and was very confident in my body, but I cannot even explain how good I feel about it now!  I feel like the last remnant of the fat lady has been removed.

Clothes just fit better. bikini underwear and thongs are actually visible now! And the best part is this summer I wont have to take a second shower and change my clothes each afternoon from sweating!

I was self pay and felt a bit guilty about spending the money, but now I feel like it was soooo worth it!

Laura in Texas
on 3/21/13 1:30 am

Mentally, the excess skin really screwed me up. I had to get plastics to feel whole again. It worked and mentally I am so much more at peace now. Also, I have read that those of us who have plastics are more likely to maintain our weight. I know I am even more determined now to stay at goal. No way I'm messing things up now!! 

My boyfriend loved me as-is and did not want me to have plastic surgery. Afterwards he admitted he could tell how it helped me mentally and it was the right decision.

Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

on 3/21/13 1:31 am - CA

I am 59 years old and 2 weeks post op from Extended Tummy Tuck.  I paid $10,000 and was feeling very guilty about taking this money out of our Tax Shelter Annuity because my husband wants to retire this summer.  He was very supportive, but I still HAD guilt until TODAY!  I finally had the courage to look at my results in the mirror.  The guilt has washed away   I am amazed at the results just in 2 weeks.  And my husband is also so pleased with my results.  It was a difficult decision also because of my daughter's not approving. My husband is the one that had to remind me of our last vacation in Barcelona, Spain searching for a pharmacy with cream for a horrific rash that I had due to the excess skin and heat.  He reminded me that my daughters have not experienced what I have in my lifetime and that I deserve it.  I am so thankful for his love, understanding and support.  I wouldn't have gone through with plastics without him. 

Please know it is the most difficult surgery I have ever had in my life and I would never want a loved one to go through the pain/discomfort that I did for the first 3 days after surgery.  However, would I do it again?  In a heart beat!!!


RYN 9/20/11--HW 211--CW120--Extended TT 3/7/13   

GOAL Weight 120 met 18 months post op


on 3/21/13 2:07 am - Newton, IL

I'm about 3 weeks out from a tummy tuck/breast lift & implants.   I never ever ever ever ever thought I'd be "that girl".  Thought it was just vanity to remove the extra skin, that I could live with it, that I should just be happy with losing the weight.   I will shout it to the rooftops that I was wrong.  Flat out wrong.   It's hard to put it words to it but it's like I've stopped being the fat girl who has lost weight and am now just a person.   It's mentally put me in a better place.   Not to say it will do that for you...I did not expect this as a result of surgery, I really just wanted my extra skin to be gone.  

on 3/21/13 3:44 pm

I had my DS just before I turned 55 to cure my diabetes.  I also lost weight which left me with hanging skin and I'd had floppy boobs for a long time.  Before I turned 59, I had and LBL, BL, arms, sm thigh lift and then a full neck and face lift.  I feel totally normal now.  I did go back this last Jan for my UBL.  Now I feel good in clothes and out.  I'm not sure I can put a price on my mental health about being NORMAL.  Yes, I have scars, but they are so much better than the excess skin.  I'm still paying back on my 401k loan, but yeah, I'd do it again.  I'll be 61 in less than 2 months and I love my new body.  Am I model perfect, nope and didn't want to be.  Am I like any other normal weighted 60 yr old woman?  You betcha!

HW/225 - 5'1" ~ SW/205/after surgery 215 ~ CW/145~ BMI-25.8~Normal BMI 132 ~DS Dr Rabkin 4/17/08
Plastics in Monterrey - See Group on OH Dr Sauceda Jan 13, 2011
LBL, BL, small thigh lift, arms & a full facelift on 1/17/11
UBL 1/21/13
Love my Body by Sauceda

on 4/3/13 5:48 am

I feel so much better after getting rid of the loose skin. Like Laura it messed with my head.

on 4/3/13 6:21 am - West Chester, PA

my skin is completely messing with my head. i have mental breakdowns about the way my body looks, and have completely avoided any sort of romantic relationship for the past year and a half because of how uncomfortable i am with the way that i look. my surgery is june 6th and i cannot wait.

                                                                       <3 jen <3


                                    <3 starting weight: 252 <3 goal weight: 135 <3 current weight: 151 <3

                                      RNY: 9/27/10 <3 Extended Tummy Tuck w/hip & thigh lipo: 6/6/13

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