I DID MY FACE WORK. Now I have been transformed head to toe in 2013!

MyLady Heidi
on 1/31/14 12:51 am

I just looked on the plastics board and saw you deactivated.  That sucks!  You need to come back.  And OH still has issues with uploading to private albums, I can't upload to mine either.  I am sure they are tirelessly working on this glitch.  Right guys?

Member Services
on 1/31/14 12:49 am - Irvine, CA

Hi Heidi,

We are working on the photo privacy as a priority.  Thanks for your patience!  We're on it! 

on 1/31/14 12:55 am

No. I did not deactivate. I am still here. I will try to get those pix to upload. argh!

Living larger than ever,
My Bariatric Life


MyLady Heidi
on 1/31/14 5:26 am

Until they fix it the album can't be private, it can be password protected but not private.  Which is crazy but they are working on it.

on 1/31/14 10:24 am

I have mine set so that only friends can see it with a password. I looked for public photos of me on this site and results said there are none. Are you sure about this? I don;t want my nude photos out there.

Living larger than ever,
My Bariatric Life


on 2/5/14 3:28 am

Since there seems to be problems accessing my photo album on ObesityHelp, you may view them on my facelift review on RealSelf http://www.realself.com/review/carmel-in-facelift-and-feel-15-years-younger-incredible-work-dr-catherine I wish thwt I could post them here privately.

Living larger than ever,
My Bariatric Life


MyLady Heidi
on 2/6/14 1:42 pm

Wow your face turned out great.  You had much more excess neck skin then I did, that is truly amazing she sculpted such a lovely chin and neck for you.  What else did she do with your face?  You are beautiful.  Now you look like a hot 49.

on 2/7/14 7:57 am

LOL, thanks so much. But I definitely do not look 49 anymore :-)


Living larger than ever,
My Bariatric Life


MyLady Heidi
on 2/8/14 3:15 am

You got the hot body and smooth face, now its time for a cute short modern hairstyle to complete your look.  The long frizzy hair is very dating.

on 2/8/14 10:38 am

Ick, it sure is! When I look at my before photos I have to wonder how I thought my hair looked good?!?!? I usually straighten my hair now and I like it alot. The two pix of my face show me with the straightened hair, but it is tosseled (sp) because I am laying on a pillow. It was a bit frizzy in the body photo because I did not straighten it. I woke up Saturday morning and my husband said."We are going to NJ." So off we went!

I don't think I could go shorter than shoulder legnth. I have a big head. Really... it is a joke between me and my husband what big heads my family has. My stylist is excellent. She did a style based on my body and face. I keep playing with makeup because I found my old style doesn't work on my new face, either.

Living larger than ever,
My Bariatric Life


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