Those 2 years out or more...Do you still daily drink your protein shakes??

Diminishing Dawn
on 4/21/11 10:14 pm - Windsor, Canada
Will be 5 years out in July.


I get all my protein from food.


17+ years post op RNY. first year blog here or My LongTimer blog. Tummy Tuck Dr. Matic 2014 -Ohip funded panni Windsor WLS support group.message me anytime!
HW:290 LW:139 RW: 167 CW: 139

on 4/21/11 11:09 pm - Around Knoxville, TN
5 days out of 7? Yes...most certainly. And since I just got my labs back yesterday, looks like I'm going to be doing it more often. I CAN get all my protein through food but to be honest, my shakes are quite tasty and I enjoy them.

Be happy. 


on 4/21/11 11:19 pm - OH
I'm about 2.5 years out.  I drink them when I need extra protein.  I don't need them all  the time.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 4/22/11 1:18 am - Cincinnati, OH
i am 2.5 years out.  I quit drinking shakes after about a year.  I thought I was getting enough from food.  My latest lab work shows that is not true and I'm now supplementing again 1-2 shakes/day.
on 4/22/11 2:45 am
I am 9 years post op. The funny thing is, I never drank protein supps in the first years following surgery; it was never suggested to me to do so and was not the "norm" then. I was told to get my protein from regular food.

Recently (since last year when I was trying to maximize my nutritional status prior to plastic surgery) I started drinking one shake a day and found I LIKE them. So, I do USUALLY drink one a day, for breakfast, mixed with coffee to make a mocha. I like the convenience of them. I find that the earlier in the day I start eating "real food" the more I want to eat, so I like postponing that for a bit. But I need something to start my metabolism and fuel my workout, which is in the morning.

So, short answer....YES, I find myself lately drinking one a day.

Marilyn (now in NM)
RNY 10/2/01
(updated March 2012)

Lady Lithia
on 4/22/11 2:59 am
I still drink two to thre protein shakes a day, sometimes four

For me it is a combination of factors...

I can't drink straigh****er... still .....2 oz is okay, 3 oz makes me queasy and 4 oz will make me throw up. It's just not in the cards. So my liquid choices are:

Crystal light - too acidic by itself
almond milk - I like this, but it is a bit expensive and has a lot more calories than my shakes
Light fruit juices - a lot of empty calories in these
Hot chocolate - but in the summer in AZ? NO WAY
Teas - still it's AZ and I'm not fond of iced tea

So I don't have many ways of getting in my liquids.

I use a less expensive but still high quality whey protein concentrate (made by Syntrax).... mix it in water and add some crystal light. 110 calories, 20 oz liquid...... it's good bang-for-the-buck.

I didn't used to drink shakes on the weekend, and kept them to the work day, but I found that I was just NOT having much to drink if I was not drinking a protein shake, which is not good. so I've gotten back into hte habit of drinking them at home on the weekends.

(I'm three years out) and SHOULD buy stock in Syntrax since I'm supporting them!

~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost! 
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
giraffesmiley.gif picture by hardyharhar_bucket

Pupcake !.
on 4/22/11 3:55 am - Stranded in, IA
One for breakfast for the last 7+ years.  I do more when I need to lose but always do the breakfast one

on 4/22/11 4:00 am - Beaverton, OR
Yep, almost 6 years out and drink 1 daily, usually first thing in the morning.  Besides my protein levels running on the low end, I just feel better when I start the day with it.  Sometimes, I make one in the late afternoon, if I feel I need it.  I'm just experimenting at maintainence now, trying to figure out what I need to maintain this new weight.  I'm definitely more comfortable doing an extra shake, than adding in carbs, even good carbs, which can start the cravings for me.
(deactivated member)
on 4/22/11 9:32 am - NJ
hi there.  I am two years out (almost 3 from having wls - was banded and revised to rny) and yes indeed, I still have a shake or two, or a bar daily.

there is no way in hell would I get enough protein from the meager amounts of food I eat.  I have been maintaining within a 5 pound window for over a year now (between 103 - 108, I am 5 feet tall and started out with the band at 216, and RNY somewhere between 195 - 200ish).

Do you do shakes still?

on 4/22/11 10:54 am
You're right I didn't say...Not as much as I should.  I do about 1 a months...But I keep things like beef jerkey, plain almonds, walnuts, roasted soy nuts in my pockets...Pop a couple of those when I feel my blood sugar dropping.  I eat a lot of dense protein throughout the day; yogurt, Wendy's Chili, fish dinners, crockpot stews, Rockin Roll Bars.  I have an ok tasting mix...Just not using it enough...
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