embarrassed to ask but need relief...skin apron problems

on 11/30/11 12:50 pm
Ditto the Gold Bond here, happy apron all the way!

And when I asked this wonderful forum about a similar issue in my genital crease area, one of the suggestions, antibiotic ointment, knocked it out in two days.


Highest weight: 340
Surgery weight: 313
Surgery date: 10/24/11
Current weight 170... 170 pounds lost!!!!

I am not a doctor, but I play one at work.

on 11/30/11 9:31 am - TN
I use Hibiclens wash in the bathtub then corn starch after drying off when it happens to me.

This may sound odd, but another thing that works is using deoderant (same stuff you use under your arms!) and that can help with the smell. 

I can understand about being embarassed, but I think alot of us here can completely relate!!

Hope this helps!
HW: 330   SW 314   CW 262   GW 130      
on 11/30/11 9:41 am - AL
Get yeast infection cream and apply it or Apple cider vinegar with the mother in it or Melaleuca products ....they all work wonders!
on 11/30/11 9:45 am - TN
Good point about the Apple Cider Vinegar...I've also put it in my bathwater and it relieves a bit of the pain from the rawness.  It also has natural anti-bacterial properties.
HW: 330   SW 314   CW 262   GW 130      
on 11/30/11 9:43 am - West Chester, PA
 this is gonna sound weird but may help to dry it. when my mom was pregnant she had trouble reaching down to dry herself "down there" so her obgyn told her when she was blowdrying her hair after her shower to just give a quick blow down there too. i'm guessing that would work for underneath your stomach as well

                                                                       <3 jen <3


                                    <3 starting weight: 252 <3 goal weight: 135 <3 current weight: 151 <3

                                      RNY: 9/27/10 <3 Extended Tummy Tuck w/hip & thigh lipo: 6/6/13

on 11/30/11 10:08 pm
Ok I have been dealing with this for years.. first you need lotrimin cream from like walmart antifungul cream for like athletes foot. and then the most important part is corn startch baby powder.. pour it in your hand and put it all down there.. the cornstartch protects and helps to keep it dry and not rubbing or sking sticking to each other.. Your Dr. might not do the surgery if it is actively inflamed and raw.. get it cleared up fast...
on 11/30/11 9:51 am
You might want to try Gold Bond Medicated powder.
                    3/24/10 - 297 lbs the day of surgery    
Daphne G.
on 11/30/11 10:54 am - WI
Cassandra C.
on 11/30/11 10:01 am - NY
RNY on 06/11/12
 I get this alot too. I used  Gold Bond Medicated Body Powder. just put it on like you would put baby powder on a baby. It cools the area and takes away the inch almost instantly. I can find it at my grocery near the shampoo and stuff like that. Try it ! It works like a charm and you don't need a perscription for it.  Good luck with the surgery. 
on 11/30/11 10:51 am
If you can get yourself a hand held shower head, that will help immensely.  I have the same problem.  Something that sounds stupid but has helped me alot is, I use a couple pair of my husbands brand new (unused by him or anyone else) socks that are all white and all cotton and I stretch one sock per side of my stomach out from  the crease in my leg up as far as it will stretch out.  the cotton in the sock is super absorbent and it will wick away the moisture which then will help keep the smell under control.  I bathe every day.  and I have noticed using this practice does the trick for me.  Now if you are "galded" then I would call the doctor and ask for a script for clotrimazole.  It is a cream and it takes care of the galding and keeps it under control and I am pretty sure its inexpensive.  And also, I do the same thing for under my breasts.  I wash good, dry good, and put a little ointment under there and stretch out a sock and it works like a charm for me.  What casues the smell is when the skin sweats and rubs together and the bacteria have a heydey.  Take care and my best to you.
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