Motivation to exercise

on 6/11/12 9:48 am - MI
RNY on 05/09/12

Over the past few weeks, my rents have been inquiring about me establishing an
exercise routine.  I was active as a kid (softball, cheer, etc), but I'm not a natural
exerciser.  It takes alot to get me off my couch or computer chair and do something
outside that entails exercise.  Anyone else feel that way?

Anyhow, I walked 1.1 miles yesterday.  I wasn't going to walk today because I have a
good excuse of "it's too humid out".  However, I realized I had 45 minutes before my
show (Hell's Kitchen) starts and nothing to do.  So, I talked myself into going for another
1.1 mile walk today.

How often do you or did you exercise?  I'm 1 month post-op.

Surgery: 5/9/12              HW: 302           SW:  287.6        CW:  158

on 6/11/12 9:53 am - WI
RNY on 06/01/12
During my pre-op I was exercising 3 days a week for 60 mins each session.,..I am now 10 days post op and I try to walk atleat a half an hour everyday...I miss being at the gym though and am looking foward to be released by my doc on thursday!! I was like you before it rwally helps thar I have a buddy to work oujt with. D o you have anyone who could help motivate you?

  5' 2" HW: 240.2 SW: 234.2 CW: 162.1 GW: 137lbs                  

    "No dream is out of reach as long as you believe it."

    "With faith all things are possible" 


on 6/11/12 10:07 am
Jood job hollie take it day by day girl!
on 6/11/12 10:17 am
 At first I tried to walk every day for several minutes a few times a day. That was simply all I could safely do. Then I built that up to doing about 30-45 minutes of brisk walking or the eliptical.  Eventually I was able to run and walk.  Then I could run for 30 minutes, then 45 and now an hour.  BUT, I too get bored and don't really like exercise.  I do however like the way I feel when the workout is over.  I like the results, ie. the weight loss.  And I like the accomplishment.  You know, being able to say I can run 5 miles.  Getting a medal or tee shirt for completing a race is motivating.  Also, to combat the boredom, I vary the routines.  Sometimes I lift weights.  Sometimes I walk or use the eliptical. Sometimes I do BOSU and Step Bench and sometimes I do combinations of these exercises.  These days I workout about 5 times a week.  If I'm training for a race I may do six days.  But I ALWAYS have my next goal in mind.  I know of I'm not moving forward toward a goal, then I am backsliding.

Hope this helps!

on 6/11/12 11:01 am - CT
 I need to find that motivation too...I am getting my treadmill back from my daughter so maybe that will help. I also want to start biking.  We have some great trails here and I really should take advantage of it..keep going least you have started.thats a huge plus
Amy D.
on 6/11/12 11:11 am - VA
RNY on 03/13/12
I exercise for about an hour every day. Most days I take a brisk walk around the neighborhood or at the park but sometimes, like when the weather is bad, I'll do an aerobics video.

I'm excited because now that preschool is over and we no longer have that payment in our budget we are going to join the local Y. I can't wait to do some weight training and have some variation to my workouts. Esp swimming!

Good job on getting out today. The more you do it, the easier it gets and the more you make it part of your routine the more you'll miss it when you don't do it!!

As far as motivation--remember, muscle burns calories so the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn. Plus, you'll likely lose weight faster and tone up better if you exercise than if you don't!
HW: 272 lbs. (BMI 49.7)     SW: 237 lbs. (BMI 43.3)    GW: 140 lbs. (BMI 25.6)   
on 6/11/12 2:45 pm
 I got a crazy ass dog that I knew would need long walks every day. I just came back from walking her for the second time today. Walking everyday is enough exercise to keep me in maintenance.
I also swim and ride my bike. I didn't start riding a bike until I lost 100 pounds.

How it works for me is I get up, take a shower, put on real clothes and shoes that tie..then I take the dog walking. The dog knows this and is watching every single moment. She keeps me in line. I love my dog Lucy.

I also try and walk in places that are physically beautiful. I live about a 1/3 of a mile from the beach. I also live close to a big park with lots of trees. For me exercise is good for much more than weight loss.

Deb T.


on 6/11/12 2:48 pm
RNY on 02/15/12
 "Shoes that tie".

You sound like a FlyLady follower.  :D
_._._._._. _._._._._. _._._._._. _._._._._. _._._._._. _._._._._. _._._._._. _._._._._. 
Check out my video blog!
Highest weight: 269.  Surgery weight: 233.  Goal weight: 144, and then we'll see.. 
on 6/11/12 5:55 pm
 My sink is clean. I don't stress about the whole house. I also have the bes****er bottle in the world.
Shoes that tie really changed my life. I use to real sandals that were easy to pop off and get comfy on the couch. I don't take them off until I go to bed.
Thanks flylady!


on 6/11/12 7:32 pm
 My dogs keep me in line with exercise as well.  Knowing that their one life to live, happiness, and contentment depends on me, really inspires me to get out there on days I don't want to.  Plus, it has the added benefit of calm dogs, lol.  

RNY, 8/1/2011
HW: 348          SW: 306          CW:-fighting regain
    GW: 140

He who endures, conquers. ~Persius

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