Vague or tell people?

(deactivated member)
on 12/1/12 6:02 am

I think you can do what you want to do, within your own conscience. I don't think my medical history is anyone's business, so no one really knows except a WLS buddy and my mom. My ex knows, but he's long gone. When people see old pictures of me and they ask I tell them it was all hard work. It was. It still is!

on 12/1/12 6:26 am
I told four people in my life. No coworkers. Etx. That worked best for me.
on 12/1/12 6:31 am - WA

To me the difference is - My medical situation is my business and if someone just want to know because they love to spread gossip well that is too bad I am not going to be a part of that.

If someone truly is interested and I could help them well that is a different story.

When they asked why I was off of work for medical leave....that is none of their business.


  RNY 8/29/12       5' 9" tall


(deactivated member)
on 12/1/12 6:43 am - Cicero, IN

It isn't anyone's business what we do; family or otherwise! Everyone is different! We should tell others only what we feel comfortable with telling.

on 12/1/12 7:00 am - Morris, IL
RNY on 06/04/12

I am totally with Lora on this one except I've told every and anyone. Because I've done so I found 2 people who had it years ago and are struggling and I've been able to help them back on track. A co-worker had it done 3 mo after me and I was his "guinea pig" as he called it so he could see what it was like for me. two other people have sent me messages on fb after I announced on there that they too had the surgery and they offered their support. One had it right after me one years ago, I had no idea about either of them.

I think the BS of diet and exercise is cruel to tell someone who is also MO or obese because it sends them the message that they too can do it that way when most of us can't.

View more of my photos at

5' 3" - HW: 244 SW:234  GW:120 LW: 107 CW:110 Made goal 3/16/13!    

on 12/1/12 7:40 am, edited 12/1/12 7:42 am
RNY on 11/06/12

I chose to self-pay and use vacation time because my health and my medical procedures are not the business of anyone I work with.  As a matter of fact, my company has a strict policy that we are not allowed to speak of medical procedures in the office or on company time due to potential lawsuits regarding employee privacy.  No one is allowed to comment on appearance, diet, or even asking how someone is feeling if they have been out sick.  We have had employees who were obviously pregnant and we are not allowed to ask about it, or ask about the newborn during work hours.


I choose to follow my company's policy and not put my job in jeopardy  so no one knows or comments on appearance - good or bad.  As far as my co-workers know I was on vacation out of state.



Lori P.
on 12/1/12 8:39 am - Kenosha, WI

That is sad....I can't imagine not being able to ask a coworker, who is also a new mommy, how the new baby is doing.  Or asking after the health of a coworker that struggles with a chronic condition to offer support and empathy.   Someone must have really burned the company bad.


     SW 212 / Goal 130 / Current 130



on 12/1/12 7:53 am - NY

I pretty much dept it to myself, I told them when it was over and all was well

on 12/1/12 8:17 am

Tell people what you want.  You owe no one an explanation.  Many people say they lost their weight with diet and exercise.  Some people shout about the RNY from the mountain tops.  And others are somewhere in between.  You need to decide where your comfort level is.  There is nothing wrong with saying I am having an RNY to fix reflux and the weight loss is an added bonus. 

I had it to help control my diabetes and high cholesterol. My PCP wanted me to start insulin.  That was what forced me into the RNY.  I walked out of the hospital 2 days after surgery off all diabetic meds and was off cholesterol meds in 3 months.   I have found most people to be pretty positive.  Most negativity is due to ignorance.  I am trying to correct that.  But that's me.  You need to decide where you are comfortable.



on 12/1/12 9:01 am

Totally up to you on what you want to reveal.  I tell everyone.. I am proud of my decision and the results so far.  I also make sure when I order a coffee or something I explain why I need NO sugar.  You know those people at Starbucks don't always listen 


But you need to do whatever you feel is right for you.  I haven't had anyone come back at me with a negative response because they see how well I'm doing and how good I feel.  I am not ashamed of having the surgery and I explain the procedure in detail if they ask me.  I have had some people say.. "oh I know so and so is thinking about having that done".  If I can give them some positive results hopefully it will make their decision easier. 


 Realize Band 11/2009 ... revision to RNY 12/27/11. 


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