Quinoa Expericences?

on 12/29/12 12:06 am - Canada

Does / has anyone experience about this supposed 'Super Food' ?  Taste / recipes, etc?


on 12/29/12 12:14 am - IA

I used this for the first time yesterday.  I made some soup that was lacking something, so I cooked up some quinoa per the directions on the box and added it.  It doesn't taste like much, but it made my soup thicker and more hearty.  The fact that it is high in protein is a bonus.

I can see if you flavored it with chicken broth or spices that it might be a good side dish. 

I will be trying it again.

on 12/29/12 12:20 am

I have used it before. Its got a nutty flavor and has the consistency of couscous.  I have cooked it with chicken broth and spices and have done a few mixes. 


Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 12/29/12 1:12 am - OH

I occasionally cook some up with black beans and a small amount of diced jalapenos (which i think is very tasty), but it has a higher carb to protein ratio than I would like so I don't have it very often.  I would take the "super food" stuff with a grain of salt (no pun intended), though.


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on 12/29/12 1:23 am - Fullerton, CA

I cook it in chicken broth...when done add 1 can of black beans, 1 can of white beans, finely chopped red onion, garlic and 2 tablespoons of any Italian dressing mix and eat,,,,lots of protein!

on 12/29/12 1:26 am - Canada

That one sounds interesting, I may give it a try.  I can only eat small amounts still so it' gonna go bad before I eat it all but it's worth a try, thanks!

on 12/29/12 1:43 am - Canada
After cooked the quinoa add seasong (salt, garlic and onion) add milk and square cheeses so yummy.

Other idea is boil with apple or pear and some skin of pineaple and cinanmon . After blend and strain. Your can drink cold or hot. (Sugar, sacarine or other substitute.)

And other idea cook the quinoa and cool it. You can use with any salad.

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on 12/29/12 2:00 am - FL

Nik on her site had a nice long teaching on using quinoa.....check i tout...www.bariaticfoodie.com....i have tried it a couple of times but was not please with the results..i have used quinoa flour and almond flour for things instead of white flour, but its expensive......

i read that you had to rinse it before using it...if you bought it in a box, it was rinsed..it you bought it a bulk, you had to rinse it as it has something on it that is not good unless you rinse it....

good luck


on 12/29/12 3:00 am - Canada

All good suggestions thanks! I appreciate that some didn't really like it and that it is bland or tasteless so it looks like use a little and flavour it as it's mostly a base it sounds like.  I will buy some today and use it sparingly and let you know how it worked out. Sounds like an experiment to come....Thanks again!

Dagne Tripplehorn
on 12/29/12 3:00 am - OR
RNY on 04/06/12

I ate it often before RNY, but now that I don't really eat grains it's off the menu. It is a great substitute for brown rice, bulgar, and other whole grains, and it cooks fast. It lasts a long time as a dry product, but I seem to recall it does not last indefinitely, the way brown rice does. If you want carbohydrates that have some protein, it's a good choice.

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