Appropriate/Reasonable Response

Lisa T.
on 5/28/13 3:01 am - Indianapolis, IN
RNY on 06/07/12

My response - Those seaweed body wraps at our local spa work wonders! :) 

Seriously, I fessed up and shared.  Once people learned about the surgery and saw the steps I took to improve my health, they've been nothing but cheerleaders.  This weekend I saw some people I haven't seen since last summer and it was very moving to hear them say things like...."I've been cheering for you as you post on Facebook", or "you've made tremendous progress."  Never in a million years did I think people would use words like inspiration or success to describe me.  Their comments confirmed that I made the best choice for me and that I'm working my tool!

Height 4'11"  HW:  235  SW:  230  GW:  130   RNY 6/7/12   




on 5/28/13 3:11 am
When people ask me about my weight loss, I tell them it took hard work, eating changes and exercise, all which are true. If they ask me about my eating plan, which people at work were bound to notice, I tell them I've seen a nutritionist, which is also true. The reason I don't tell people bout the WLS is because 1) it's none of their business and 2) if they say I took the easy way out, I'd probably smack them around. So to avoid an arrest, I keep it to myself, with the exception of family..
Member Services
on 5/28/13 4:12 am - Irvine, CA

Posts in this thread have been removed due to violations of our Terms of Service. The pertinent portions of the TOS that were violated include inciting anger and references with personal attacks of another member.  Keep it on the subject and not a person/persons comments.

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Member Services

on 5/28/13 6:08 am

I was out for 12 weeks because I have multiple sclerosis which slowed my recovery.  MS is a b****, and I make no apologies or excuses fro the time that I required to be well enough to return to work.  I do work in one of the worst, most toxic places that I have ever worked in, across 2 careers. Abysmal management with all the attendant fallout.  

In any event, thank you all for the thoughtful responses.  I have a lot to think about.

RNY 3/11/13. 


on 5/28/13 10:35 am - CA
On May 28, 2013 at 1:08 PM Pacific Time, PrincessBelle wrote:

I was out for 12 weeks because I have multiple sclerosis which slowed my recovery.  MS is a b****, and I make no apologies or excuses fro the time that I required to be well enough to return to work.  I do work in one of the worst, most toxic places that I have ever worked in, across 2 careers. Abysmal management with all the attendant fallout.  

In any event, thank you all for the thoughtful responses.  I have a lot to think about.

Ok, at that point I would just tell them that you had surgery and had complications because of your MS. If you don't feel comfortable discussing the surgery just say it was issues with your MS. (which it was!)



in other news: I think there are a few people on this message board who are a bit... dramatic. Asking someone why they took 12 weeks off, to better answer their question is perfectly acceptable.

RNY Surgery was on 4/12/2013. Now currently on the Never hungry ever bench

Starting weight: 320lbs

Current Weight:  203lbs


on 5/28/13 12:19 pm - OR
RNY on 05/10/12

Bless your heart. I dramatically wish you wonderful success in your journey! :)

HW (Jan 2012): 308    SW (May 2012): 275       CW: 145   GW: 135  

on 5/28/13 11:10 am - NY

Gee, sorry about your MS and your toxic work environment... congratulations on your successful wls.  I also told all, BUT, I absolutely LOVE the people I work with and consider most of my co-workers among my best friends.  I'm very lucky!


Good luck for continued success and better health!

Linda, Endwell, NY RNY 11/5/12

on 5/28/13 6:28 am
RNY on 09/11/12
On May 27, 2013 at 11:43 PM Pacific Time, PrincessBelle wrote:
I am scheduled to return to work next Monday, after a 12 week leave. I don't plan to volunteer that I had WLS. Assuming anyone comments on my weight loss--I'm down 53 pounds but am still quite obese--I'm hoping a simple thank you will do. For the people that push the issue, how do/have you vets of the process handle it?

What do you feel comfortable in your response?  Do you want people to know you've had surgery or do you want to keep it to yourself?  You have to know what you want to say.

When people asked me, I told them I had surgery and that it's helped me to get on track along with eating better and excersize. 

  Annie  HW 289   SW 257   GW 150
Allen Y.
on 5/28/13 10:18 am - Garland, TX

I missed only a week of work after my revision to RNY. But a month later I was diagnosed with a fistula and was in the hospital for a week and then out of work for some time after that but no where near 12 weeks. To those that asked, I just told them I had some medical complications and that hopefully they are behind me now and I am on the mend, thanks for asking.


That worked for me, your mileage may vary.



on 5/28/13 11:38 am - North York, Canada

I'm still pre-op, but I've already talked to some people at my job about my upcoming surgery. My thought process is, I'm proud of myself for making this decision - all of us know it's not an easy one to make - and I feel, since I'll be out of the office for up to 4 weeks, that it only makes sense that people know why. Not to mention, when I get back and I've lost weight, there won't be any gasps and shocked stares - or if there are, they'll hopefully be good ones. ;)

This is only my opinion, but I think that not being upfront about it is potentially damaging - to yourself and your confidence. You've taken a HUGE step in your own health and well-being; you should be proud. If there are people in your work life who think "Oh, she lied about why she lost that weight!!" then they're going to look at it as though you're ashamed. Whether or not you are, that's what people will say/assume/think. If you put it out there that you've made a good decision for yourself and your life, it sort of 'sets the tone', I think.

I have a really, really great relationship with my coworkers. In an office of 70ish people, I truly like everyone. We're a close group, and I've already received support. Give people a chance; you might be pleasantly surprised. :)

Congratulations on your loss thus far! :)

Referral to Surgeon: February 12, 2013 Appointment with Surgeon: April 24, 2013 Endoscopy: April 30, 2013 Referral sent to Bariatric Registry: May 2, 2013 Orientation Appointment: May 27, 2013 Dr Klein Appointment: June 6, 2013 Second Upper GI Series: June 11 Dr Glazer: August 12, 2013 RN/RD/SW: August 29. 2013 Follow-up With Dr Klein: September 23, 2013 Start Opti: October 23, 2013 Surgery Date: November 14, 2013 


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