Appropriate/Reasonable Response

on 5/27/13 11:18 pm, edited 5/27/13 11:18 pm - Grand Prairie, TX
on 5/27/13 11:20 pm - Grand Prairie, TX

No matter what you tell people, with such a dramatic weight loss after a lengthy time off, they are probably going to figure out that you had WLS ( or just assume you did). By being honest, you will circumvent the whole "We all know she had surgery, she must be lying to us because she's ashamed." You may be a valuable source of information/inspiration to someone else who could benefit from surgery. Who knows? Your co-workers may even turn out to be some of your greatest supporters - and you will need some good support. In the end, you know your co-workers better than we do, and I'm sure you'll handle the situation appropriately - good luck!

Keeping track of my progress without a scale...Starting size: 28-Current size: 6-Goal size: 14

sand's not a's a frame of mind...

Citizen Kim
on 5/27/13 11:29 pm - Castle Rock, CO

To tell or not to tell is your choice, but if you choose to lie, expect people to ask you outright at some point - you really can't "hide" a 100lb+ weight loss!!

You teach people how to treat you, so if you feel a simple "thank you" suffices, then it will!!!

Well done on the weight loss!

Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

on 5/28/13 11:47 am

There is that "L" word again.  I hate it when people suggest that it is a lie when you don't come out with every detail.  You have a right to own privileged information about yourself or anyone in your confidence.  When people bug you about details they more than likely are nosey and really don't care that much about you but they like to gossip about you.  

Here are some suggestions:

1. I'll go into it later when I have time.

2. I considerate it privileged information.

3.  I'm a very private person and don't intend to discuss it.

4.  Oh, I don't want to bore you to death.

5.  I'm back to work and that is the important thing.  I really missed everyone here.

Many more...see how many you can think of.



Citizen Kim
on 5/28/13 10:56 pm, edited 5/28/13 10:58 pm - Castle Rock, CO

From my personal moral perspective, there is lying by omission - such as saying you are doing it with diet and exercise (giving a false impression that the RNY has had nothing to do with it) and lying by saying you were off work because of XYZ.   No tap dancing around changes that -  maybe your moral perspective is different to mine?

I choose not to entertain personal questions if I don't want to,  but I'm not sure that everyone is as confident as I am in shutting down nosey nellies.    I have no problems in telling people to mind their own business but I think that the OP is not cut from the same cloth - hence her question.

All of this becomes a moot point after a while - no one ever asks me how I lost 100lbs!


Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

on 5/28/13 12:01 am

I am 9 years post op.  I never hid it, I just told people the truth.  Makes life easier and its nothing to hide or be ashamed.  Usually people just have alot of questions about the procedure and lifestyle.  Of course, that is completely your choice as to how you handle the situation.  You would be surprised to learn that you can inspire others and you may find a friend or two that have had the same procedure!  I certainly have through years.  Best of luck!

on 5/28/13 12:05 am
RNY on 12/18/12

I just tell people the truth.  I know it's none of their business, but I feel like I would look foolish for lying - especially when the weight loss will be so significant.  I can't lie to people's faces!  I have gotten nothing but support.  I figured I would get some judgement, etc., but seriously, nothing but support and well wishes.  People often push the issue with me - probably everyday someone says how great I look and then immediately ask what I am doing to loose the weight.  They ask this because most women struggle with weight loss and everyone is looking for answers.  I just say - "I had WLS.  I also eat extremely healthy and exercise also."  You'll be surprised at how much better you feel for just telling the truth.  I am not ashamed of my surgery.  I was extremely ashamed of being fat.  For me, now that I'm loosing weight and looking better - judge me all you want!!!!


Oxford Comma Hag
on 5/28/13 12:16 am
I think there is a lot of worry among new post ops in what people will say. My experience is that if you are happy for yourself then others will be as well. I was matter of fact about my surgery: not defensive or effusive about the details.
Everyone knew I was morbidly obese; they weren't shocked when I did something about it.
I never had anyone push for details. I think it's because most people are not that interested in my medical history. Unless you are surrounded by extrordinarily nosy people or your workplace HR is not doing its job, you are likely worrying over something that eill not happen.

I fight badgers with spoons.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255

on 5/28/13 12:24 am - NC
RNY on 02/26/13
I just tell them that during my time off I was able to concentrate on eating healthy and exercising and intend to keep the new lifestyle. I haven't had any issues with coworkers questioning thy, but I only see them once a month anyway.

HW - 319, SW - 303.5 



Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 5/28/13 12:54 am - OH

But they will eventually figure out that you had surgery and many will resent that you lied by indicating that you were doing it with just healthy eating and exercising.  It also brings false hope (or additional guilt and self-deprecation) to others who then think that they, too SHOULD be able to do it if they just try harder, which is BS.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

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