Really huge and by far the best NSV.

on 10/19/13 5:57 am
I'm 11 months post op today. I've lost 159lbs since surgery and 210lbs since starting my journey in June 2012. Recently I've made a few posts in regards to still struggling with image issues, specifically my legs, well calves. Today I decided to take a trip to the huge outlet mall about 30 mins from me. I've been on the hunt for leggings because I love the sweater dress and leggings look and bought the dress but not the the leggings because I just have had this distorted image of things. I don't know what changed but on my drive down here I had an epiphany.

I'VE LOST 210 POUNDS. yes, I still have 50 to go but 210 freaking pounds. In the last year I have turned my life around. My boyfriend and I are finally together (we were doing the long distance thing for the majority of the 2.5 years we've been together), in May we moved into a gorgeous townhouse, I'm back in school with a 4.0 and loving every minute of it. I'm doing things I otherwise wouldn't have been able to do. I'm healthy, my moms healthy and cancer free, my brother is getting engaged (shhhh no one knows but me). Life is... Dare I say it... About as perfect as I could ever ask for. I'm still losing, just a lot slower, since there's less to lose. This is a marathon not a sprint right?

That being said I'm about to march myself, thick calves and all, into Forever 21 and buy me some leggings. Tuesday when my bf has off we are going to the movies (dying to see Carrie) and I'm going to wear my sweater dress and leggings and I am going to OWN IT.

So to all those who may be where I was please take a step back and look at everything you've accomplished. Even if you're early out or even pre op you've made the decision to have this surgery and there will be crazy ups and downs. It's not easy but I promise you it's worth it. Own it and be proud of making the decision to take control of your life. It would have been much easier for me to say screw having surgery and just let myself continue to eat my way through life.

*happy dance*

Height: 5'8", HW: 6/4/12 440lbs, SW: 11/19/12 389lbs, CW: 219lbs 01/01/2014


on 10/19/13 6:07 am
RNY on 05/13/13
Excellent post and AMEN to a marathon, not a sprint!
Rock those leggings and that dress!!


HW333--SW 289--GW of 160 5' 11" woman.  I only know the way I know & when you ask for input/advice, you'll get the way I've been successful through my surgeon & nutritionist. Please consult your surgeon & nutritionist for how to do it their way.  Biggest regret? Not doing this 10 years ago! Every day is better than the day before...and it was a pretty great day!




on 10/19/13 6:17 am
Thanks! 11 months of telling myself that for it to finally really sink in!

Height: 5'8", HW: 6/4/12 440lbs, SW: 11/19/12 389lbs, CW: 219lbs 01/01/2014


on 10/19/13 6:07 am
RNY on 09/11/13


on 10/19/13 6:18 am

Height: 5'8", HW: 6/4/12 440lbs, SW: 11/19/12 389lbs, CW: 219lbs 01/01/2014


on 10/19/13 6:09 am - OR

YOU GO GIRL!!!!! 210 lbs That is freaking awesome. The fact that you can go in Forever 21 and buy anything but accessories is freaking awesome! Keep up the good work lady!

on 10/19/13 6:19 am
Thank you! Swing and a miss though apparently I missed a huge sale. Only leggings they had were a small and xsmall which I am not! Oh we'll I'm not gonna stop I'm on a mission now!

Height: 5'8", HW: 6/4/12 440lbs, SW: 11/19/12 389lbs, CW: 219lbs 01/01/2014


on 10/19/13 6:46 am
Charlotte Russe saves the day! What killer sales!

Height: 5'8", HW: 6/4/12 440lbs, SW: 11/19/12 389lbs, CW: 219lbs 01/01/2014


on 10/19/13 10:10 am

Yeah just a big freakin' yeah for you. Thanks for posting. 


on 10/19/13 1:15 pm


hw: 311  cw:304  sw:???  gw:150

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