What's on the menu today, RNY-ers?

on 2/11/14 11:11 pm - DC
RNY on 12/16/13

Good morning, OH friends!  I had my eight week post-op appointment yesterday and it went well.  The doctor was pleased with my loss in eight weeks (46.8 lbs) although he didn't celebrate quite as much as I hoped ;)  I was able to get a ton of questions answered and I will post them below although they may not be relevant to many of you and of course every doc has his or her own plan.

1. Is it ok to take Seno (a natural laxative) every few days to "keep it moving" - doc says yes, and in fact I could take it everyday if I needed to

2. What is a good snack for the afternoon before going to the gym - doc and NUT say a hard-boiled egg, a protein shake, or a cheese stick.  NUT wants me to add in fruits but I am not ready for that (mentally) since I am keeping my carbs below 20 g per day.

3. I am sleeping very poorly - wake up early and seem to think about the day, what to pack for lunch, etc and doc doesn't think this is surgery related this far out.

4. I eat a lot of sashimi (raw tuna - no rice) - NUT says to be careful since our stomachs make less acid so we are at a higher risk for foodborne illness, but sushi is ok.

5. My TOM is off schedule and last month was quite a beast - doc says this is totally normal

I told my NUT I generally eat about 700 calories per day and she wants me to have MORE.  I have to say, I am not going to listen to her.  From the successful vets I have seen on here, 700 calories at 8 weeks is fine, and possibly on the high side.  

Anyway, on to my menu:

B: 3 egg bites (egg beaters, cooked crumbled bacon, goat cheese, shallots) 169 calories, 3 g carbs, 18 g protein

L: 2 oz chicken salad made from chicken breast I got Sat at a restaurant (third meal from this breast lol) prepared with crushed red pepper flakes and light mayo, and I eat it with two aged parmesan cheese crisps (Yay crunch!) for 155 calories, 15 g of protein, 3 more g of carbs

D: I have a work dinner tonight so I think a bite of burrata (mozzarella) salad and maybe 3 oz of Amish chicken.  This is about 183 calories, 4 more g of carbs, and 20 g of protein

S: I may have to do a premier protein shake since without it, my protein is only 54 g.

That means the day will be 666 calories, 84 g of protein, 28 g of fat, 14 g of carbs

E: None planned :(

V: I am almost out of calcium, have new chews coming Friday (thank god for amazon prime)

W: I always have 70+ ounces.  I have been loving crystal light lately.

What's on your menu???

on 2/11/14 11:21 pm - OH

Breakfast - cappuccino protein shake

Snack - almonds (I found the yummiest almonds.  From Blue Diamond, they are coffee mocha almonds and they are yummy yummy), about 3/4 of a sliced granny smith apple

Lunch - tomato soup with shredded cheddar cheese

Snack - yogurt

Dinner - I have no clue

Snack - I dunno, protein bar maybe

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 2/12/14 1:57 am - DC
RNY on 12/16/13

Kelly those almonds sound awesome!  I am not quite ready for nuts but I am craving pistacchios ever since someone yesterday had pistacchios!  Your menu must be an inspiration for other vegetarians.  As a meat eater, I always think your food sounds good :)

(deactivated member)
on 2/12/14 12:02 am

B:Egg white omlet with bacon and cheese ( two slices for six little omlets)

S:Sugar-free hot chocolate with protein powder


S:Celery/and 3 carrots with peanut butter.I little nervous never ate celery before.

D:Chicken breast broccli and roasted sweet potatos

on 2/12/14 1:59 am - DC
RNY on 12/16/13

Thanks for the reminder about making SF hot chocolate and adding protein powder.  YUM.  I only tried it once but when it's bitterly cold and snowing (like it will be here as of tonight), that might hit the spot!

(deactivated member)
on 2/12/14 2:43 am

Kelly was the one who told me about mixing the powder with the hot chocolate. I was glad I had a huge container of unflavored protein under my sink that I bought months ago..You can't even taste it.

Today I did have the Light and Fit Greek yogurt today the blends it was lime it was really good.It tasted like dessert.I am one of those people who does not like to mess with my yogurt I only like vanilla but the lime was really good.A lady at the store told me to step out of the box so I did.

For some reason since the surgery I crave lemon and pickles not at the same time thank goodness.

on 2/12/14 2:52 am
RNY on 10/08/13
Love the Key Lime... they have more new flavors now, well, at least they are new at my store... Strawberry Cheesecake and Caramel Machiatto... both are good and I am not normally a yogurt person. These new flavors have made a difference for me.



(deactivated member)
on 2/12/14 3:01 am

I try to be a yogurt person.I am glad they are making some new flavors.The chocolate one with the fruit I didn't like but I think it was due to the color of it.The key lime was really good though.

on 2/12/14 3:06 am
RNY on 10/08/13
Yeah, I didn't even try the Chocolate Cherry one, I don't really like that combination.



on 2/12/14 10:03 pm - DC
RNY on 12/16/13

Ok ladies, I am going to have to try the strawberry cheesecake light and fit!  I wish I loved greek yogurt but I just don't :(  However I will take your recos and buy one!

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