What's On Your Monday Menu, RNYers?

on 3/8/15 10:34 pm, edited 3/8/15 10:36 pm
RNY on 07/17/14

Hello!  First off, I want to apologize for my cryptic Friday post.  I was trying to post from home and my husband's laptop kept freezing up on me and for whatever reason, I couldn't post anything from my tablet.  It would let me post a subject line and use the emojis, but nothing else.  LOL  I was home because I took the day off so I could drive downstate and see my Dad for the weekend.  It was a nice trip (even got to see my big brother) and more importantly, I was able to go through like 15 Rubbermaid bins of clothes I'd been storing there since the last time I lost a bunch of weight.  I came home with a LOT of ****  Some stuff I can wear now, and other stuff I'll be able to wear later.  *happydance*  My Dad is also doing a happy dance since I got all that stuff out of his house!

Kristen's Question of the Day!  Do you have siblings?  How many?  Are you the baby?  Oldest?  Tell me! 

I am the youngest of two; my brother Eric is 5 years older.  He also recently dropped a bunch of weight and is looking so great!  We took an "us-ie" yesterday and we joked that we are half the people we used to be.  LOL  If you friend me on Facebook you can see it, because clearly I will never be able to post a picture here.

Time since surgery:  7 months, 3 weeks

B:  Click Mocha.  Oh, Click.  I just can't quit you. 

L:  I think I'll pick up a small chili from Wendy's.  I overslept this morning and didn't pack anything and since I need to go to the bank at lunchtime anyway...

S:  1/2 of a cookies and cream Fit Crunch bar.  Have you seen this thing?  It's enormous.

D:  2 oz. burger with 1 oz. of cheddar and roasted broccoli on the side

TOTALS:  Cals:  819  Protein:  72  Carbs:  53  Fat:  29





on 3/8/15 11:27 pm

Fun AV!  I love shopping in my old clothes.  My parents LOVE when I get my crap out of their house.  For 10 years we had all of our wedding China stored there.  They were ecstatic when we finally got it all out.  I am the baby of two in my family.  My brother is 5 years older than I am.  We were basically raised as separate only children, we don't know each other at all.  At times it makes me sad but we live very different lives and his wife has hated me since childhood (she is only a year older than I am and we grew up in a very small town).  Needless to say, I don't seek out their company.

I had a very nice weekend.  Very low key.  I managed to stay within my calories both days and although my protein was low yesterday I will take it as a win given my recent weekend eating disasters. 

Time since surgery: 8 months

B: SF Latte with almond milk (not my favorite, anyone have a favorite brand?) and Oats with cherries and almonds

S: Coffee with creamer and 1/2 quest bar

L: TJ's Pesto Chicken Sausage, cheddar cheese and good beans chickpeas

S: 1/2 Quest bar

Post-workout: EAS Carb Control Shake

D: Mini meatloaf

W/V: Started

E: 15 mile bike ride and 2000m in the pool (rough night)

Totals: 946 calories, 89 protein, 60 carbs, 46 fat

Have a great day all!

on 3/8/15 11:51 pm - Brighton, IL

Good morning everyone! I had a fun weekend with a lazy day yesterday and a family first trip to Whole Foods on Saturday. Got some amazing meat: Mediterranean Lamb Burgers,pork steak,salmon,tuna and shrimp. The lamb was amazing and we used the tuna and shrimp to make poke. It was delicious too and the first time I had had it. Fun new low cal food experiences that were WLS friendly. I have one sister who is 4 years older. I am the oldest and we don't really speak. We have very different lives. The last time I saw her she didn't recognize me. I also have two step sisters that I didn't know until I was an adult. I am closer to the oldest one Lee Ann than I am to my actual sister. Post op 30 months plus one week and weight at 120.8 today. On track with fluids and vitamins and exercise will be treadmill program 6 and 40 minutes on the bike. Here's the food plan: B 1/2 c steel cut oats with nuts and half a banana with peanut butter L 1/2 c tuna poke with 1/2 c spaghetti squash and pesto from Whole Foods(last of the leftovers) D 31/2 oz pork steak and 1/2 c Brussels sprouts S salted caramel Greek yogurt with granola. Have a great day everyone!




on 3/9/15 4:05 am
RNY on 11/21/14

I love poke!  It is so delicious and fun to experiment with different flavors.  My new favorite is made with pickled ginger and green onions.  It gives it a really fresh taste.  So yummy.

 Height: 5'7".  HW: 299, Program starting weight: 290, SW: 238, CW 138 - 12 pounds under goal!  


on 3/9/15 12:01 am - PA
RNY on 03/18/14

Good morning everyone! I saw you picture on FB AV and you and your bro look so cute! Go you!

My parents sold my childhood home about 1.5 years ago so I was forced to get everything out. They were downsizing and my mother told us that we each could keep TWO BOXES at their new place and that was it - OMG, it was soooo hard. But honestly - I'm glad it's done now. All those childhood art projects, etc. I did talk her into four boxes in the end though LOL...

I have just one sibling, a sister. She's 5 years older than me and we were never close growing up but are super close now. She and her husband (and two little girls) actually bought a house in the town where I live, so we're both physically and emotionally close LOL. It's been interesting navigating my WLS with her. Like conveniently she scheduled to move to her new house the same week I had my surgery (even though they had closed weeks before hand) and sometimes she's super snarky about how "skinny" I am now. But mostly she's incredibly supportive. She asks me lots of questions of nutrition now and asks for advice, though she doesn't follow up...don't we know that story well.

The last few weeks have been really difficult for me food-wise. I have not been making good choices and the scale is showing it - I have been bouncing from 157.5 to 159.5 for weeks and weeks. I am happy and healthy where I am - but for just one day I want to see 155, my personal goal, on the scale - so if I really DO want that to happen, I need to get myself under control. My challenge to myself this week is to NOT EAT ANYTHING NOT ON MFP IN THE MORNING. If it isn't in my plan, it isn't in my mouth. 

Time since surgery: 11+ months

B: ham and cheese egg cups, granola thing, yogurt tube

S: coffee & cream, L&F + PB2

L: cottage cheese, apple slices with Laughing Cow Light wedge, deli ham, salted caramel peanut bar

S: turkey sticks and a Babybel Light

D: PowerCrunch bar between my spinning class and my ESL student

S: SkinnyPop and a Yasso bar

TOTALS: Calories 1315, Protein 101, Carbs 100, Fat 58

V/W: started

E: spinning!

There's a lot of greek yogurt on my menu today...I loooooove greek yogurt.

This is the beginning of the last week at my current job - Thursday is my last day, it's hard to believe I'm about to say good bye to this place - yesh!

RNY @ Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia with Dr. Tatyan Clark 3/18/2014

on 3/9/15 12:08 am - DC
RNY on 12/16/13

Hi Kristen and everyone!  Sounds like good weekends were had by all.  My weekend was pretty awesome - I had a major NSV and ran a 5k!!!  I was terrified but I did it.  I was in Vegas for work, and my colleague convinced me to stay an extra night and run a 5k in Red Rock Canyon.  Let me tell you, I was NEVER a runner and this is as shocking to me as to anyone.  I ran it in 31:20 which is about 6 mph on average.  I am pretty freaking proud of myself.  Not to mention, as an adult, it's very rare to have "firsts" so running my first race was pretty exciting.  Here I am with my medal!

Then I ate and ate and ate all day while traveling home.  I am having my plastic surgery in less than 2 weeks and although I am doing a lot of core work in preparation, I know that I need to have very very high protein numbers these next two weeks (I always get around 80+ g but I am aiming for 100+).

I have one brother who is 3 years younger than me.  We fought like hell growing up, but now we are super close.  I adore him and would do anything for him.  I hope that he will have WLS - he can lose and gain 100 lbs easily, and has done so multiple times.  He is going to start a family soon and perhaps I can inspire him.  He is already asking me for recipe ideas :)

B: Light and Fit greek yogurt with almonds

L: Egg salad made with 2 eggs and light mayo, Mr. O's crunchy cheese crisps (thanks, Anny, for finding these!)

S: 1 oz port salut cheese with reduced guilt pita crisps from Trader Joe's

D: Jalapeño and sharp cheddar chicken burger, one sweet potato pancake

S: Another chicken burger if I need it after my workout

E: Plyofit class at the gym, and some cardio after

Totals are 1,200 calories, 91 g protein.  I may think about another protein snack.

Have a great day, all!


on 3/9/15 12:13 am
RNY on 07/17/14

Go you!  I can't even imagine running; brisk walk maybe, but that's about it.  LOL  And what a great picture!





on 3/9/15 12:22 am - DC
RNY on 12/16/13

TRUST me, I was the same!  I mean, I used to walk on the treadmill at like 3.4 mph and now I run at 6.0 mph???  It's a lot easier being lighter.  But there were definitely quite a few obese people that did the 5k at a brisk walk.  Anny and I have discussed running at length.  I wouldn't say I enjoy it, but I feel proud that I can do it.  She is now running a mile at a time.  Try it one day and you may surprise yourself :)

on 3/9/15 12:23 am

What a great photo!  Congrats!  Red Rock had to be beautiful scenery to run in :)

on 3/9/15 4:08 am
RNY on 11/21/14

Wow, congratulations on an amazing accomplishment.  You are such an inspiration.

 Height: 5'7".  HW: 299, Program starting weight: 290, SW: 238, CW 138 - 12 pounds under goal!  


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