What's on your menu for this last day of 2023?

Melody P.
on 12/31/23 2:11 am - Amarillo, TX

thought this was perfect /\

Mornin y'all! How is this the last day of the year? I feel like I just got used to writing 2023. As they say time waits for no man.

My brother and his family are coming over and we're having enchiladas and tacos. I am going to make cheese enchiladas and my mom will make beef with a green sauce. Mine will have a sour cream sauce since the kids don't like peppers and/or flavor. I say that because I usually ad green chilies to my sauce but won't be able to this time. No onions either. Boooooo.

I have a nagging sore on my heel. I must have a little bit of drag on my heel when I walk because it dried out so much. Hopefully it'll heal soon but if not I see my PCP later this month. Sleep is rather ****ty. Can't get comfortable.

QOTD: anything exciting planned for the coming year?

Nothing at all here. I have a possible ablation scheduled for February if the trials work. I am not overly optimistic about it but not hopeless either. Of all the people I've talked to about it, including a group about spine issues, only two people had good luck with it. BUT I am out of other options so try it I must. I couldn't afford to do the light anesthesia so this will be uncomfortable/painful procedures.

B: eggs and coffee x 2

L: enchiladas with maybe a taco or a few nachos. Also some Texas caviar.

D: left overs.


on 12/31/23 5:15 am, edited 12/30/23 9:16 pm
RNY on 06/03/15

Mornin' Weekenders!

my "attendance" here on OH may be spotty for the next few days because we're dealing with the enormous task of closing out someone's life (in this case, my MIL's) after they pass. Fortunately, she was terrifically organized and left notes of what accounts she had, what valuables she had, etc - but this is still going to be a ton of work. We've already had several long days over at her apartment.

no plans for today other than head back over to her apt - although not having plans for New Year's Eve isn't particularly unique for us.

the QOTD yesterday (just read yesterday's thread) was about New Year's regional traditions. When I lived in the South, it was black eyed peas, but I never indulged. I don't think there are specific New Year's food traditions in Wisconsin - but if there were, it'd probably be bratwurst, cheese curds, and beer! A friend of ours is planning to bring some take-out Chinese food for lunch at MIL's apt, but they're calling for freezing drizzle later this morning that'll last until mid-afternoon, so I told her if she wanted to postpone this, it's perfectly understandable. Freezing rain is worse than snow!

QOTD: no plans for the upcoming year other than we'll probably be able to take a vacation together for the first time in a couple of years. While MIL was sick, we were afraid to have both of us out of town in case something happened to her. And of course right before that, there was the COVID lockdown - so it's been quite awhile!

B: coffee with half & half, yogurt or skyr. I was thinking about making sourdough crumpets, too, because I have a lot of sourdough in my fridge, but I may hold off given I still have a few protein muffins in there - plus if we do have Chinese food for lunch, that's a lot of calories

L: if we don't have Chinese food, then maybe hummus with baby carrots over at MIL's. Unless I take some microwavable low-cal entree

AS: I'm going to try to avoid the trail mix over at MIL's. Fortunately I only had one handful of it yesterday, probably 1/3 of a cup or so (even that was a bit high in calories!). I've got some other stuff over there now in addition to the hummus - like a few things of L&F yogurt and some protein bars. So something like that if needed

D: I have no idea! If we're home, maybe some leftover Indian lentil curry.

have a great NYE, everyone!

RNY 06/03/15 by Michael Garren (Madison, WI)

HW: 373 SW: 316 GW: 150 LW: 138 CW: 163

on 12/31/23 5:42 am
WLS on 07/15/22

I'm sorry about your MIL, Trish. Hope you're able to get through what you need to. Sounds like she had good documentation. Best wishes to you and DH.

HW 282, LW 123.4 (8/29/23), CW 144.4

Pre-op-33, M1-12, M2-17, M3-14, M4-11, M5-14, M6-5, M7-6, M8-5, M9-22, M10-6, M11-5, M12-2, M13-2, M14-5

on 12/31/23 6:06 am

Good morning. All!

Not too sure right now, but I've had my coffee and had a thought about having some yogurt this morning. Going to church with my son and his girlfriend so will probably eat out afterwards. Been craving salad so I'm pretty sure I'll have some today.

~ Carla

Amy Liz
on 12/31/23 6:10 am
RNY on 11/21/16

Good morning ~ Happy New Years Eve!! I'm ready to shed 2023 and move on to 2024 - bring it! Yesterday was a bit rough anxiety and food wise, I got tripped up. I plan my food down to the calorie everyday, but things got moved around and I simply couldn't roll (see accountability). I felt out of control adding all the things. The calories added up, protein mostly but I can't beat myself up, I just need to move on. Today will be better. Park with the dogs, Target and TJ's. Kiddo is coming over for laundry, football and dinner. Otherwise, no plans but to make it to east coast New Years and hit the rack.

QOTD -A few friend weekend trips that I'm excited about. Alos a trip to Mexico with the hubs is still being planned.

Accountability - I ended up way overeating. I could not stop eating the f*ing chili I made. Then I made protein pudding w/greek yogurt -yum B****e Legendary Protein chips - delicious, no caking on teeth or after taste, think protein popchips and had a few SF Russell Stover candies. I just couldn't stop and never got full. 189.9 to end the year.

b- coffee x 4

l - chili

d- smashburgers

s- jerky and veggie snacks only

Have a great New Years Eve!!

RNY 11/21/16 - HW/SW 309 LW 150

REVISION 4/10/23 - HW 240 SW 225 CW 175!! GW 175 (6/14/24)

on 12/31/23 6:28 am
RNY on 08/21/12

Yay for getting to the 8s!

6'3" tall, male.

Highest weight was 475. RNY on 08/21/12. Current weight: 198.

M1 -24; M2 -21; M3 -19; M4 -21; M5 -13; M6 -21; M7 -10; M8 -16; M9 -10; M10 -8; M11 -6; M12 -5.

on 12/31/23 7:07 am
RNY on 10/29/19

I'll be your bale of hay to step on while climbing back in the saddle today. You got this, Amy! You are doing great!

Amy Liz
on 12/31/23 8:44 am
RNY on 11/21/16

You are a great friend - thank you! Happy New Year and HBD to R!

RNY 11/21/16 - HW/SW 309 LW 150

REVISION 4/10/23 - HW 240 SW 225 CW 175!! GW 175 (6/14/24)

on 12/31/23 7:23 am
RNY on 10/29/19

Good morning last day of 2023. I have to say, for me, 2023 did not disappoint. I've had amazing adventures, met true friends in person, gathered more peeps into my tribe, watched the grands grow and expand their worlds, been loved on and been loved by said tribe. Scooped up on my bad days and shared the load of my loved ones on theirs. We lost a very dear friend in March, and his family has made Attitude of Gratitude their mantra and for 2024, I'm climbing aboard that train.

Today, I think my cold is finally on it's way out. Yesterday I was so worn out. Again, no exercise. But excellent food choices and lots of water and fake coffee. So, since I am feeling better I am dressed to go out for a walk. Just waiting for it to warm up a little bit and be sure I can dodge the rain. Then it will be home to make chocolate mousse for my "sweet" event for this evening. I ended up with mini chicken and mini beef tacos from Trader Joe's for my "savory" event tonight. I feel a little bit like a light weight for ending up with something pre made and heat and take, but yesterday I was just not feeling a thing. I also got the TJ's everything but the elote dip to go with them.

QoTD: Lots planned in 2024. I have a friends meet up in Jan, Feb, and March, a week at the lake in April in the rig, The Denali Rail Trail to Denali National Park followed by an Alaskan cruise in June and Italy in September. So far. Yes, I am deeply in gratitude of my ability to do these things. I will never forget the days when I had to feed a family of 5 on less than $$25.00 a week. Or never getting a new piece of clothing for me that wasn't on super clearance so that I could clothe my children. I am a very lucky girl in many ways.

As for food today, I am going with super careful for B/L because parties are starting at 4:30 and goodness knows what I'll get into. I just looked at my scale history and I am .2 pounds more today than I was January 1. I'm very pleased by that, but still jonesing to lose these last few pounds I found.

Peace Everybody. I wish you all a safe and happy NYE. I'll probably be safely tucked in bed by 9:30 local time (with my midnight alarm set) after ringing in the new year on Jim and Chrissy time.

Height 5'3"

HW 200

surgery date 10/29/19 177.9

CW 121.4

goal weight 125

Melody P.
on 12/31/23 8:17 am - Amarillo, TX

You've earned every single second of every adventure!


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