Corn on the cob???

on 7/26/11 12:45 am - Lancaster, NY
I am about 3-1/2 months post surgery and am doing great.  Eating well, losing weight steadily, et al.  Pretty much nothing bothers my sleeve, except eating too much of course.

I will probably call my doctor about this but I wondered if anyone knows when it is okay to eat corn?  My FAVORITE part of summer is all of the fresh fruits and vegetables but I especially love corn on the cob.  I am going to a picnic where they are fire-roasting the corn and I am dying to have some.  I realize that corn is not the best thing for us to have in that it has a lot of carbs, and I certainly don't plan on eating it all the time, but I wondered if it would hurt my sleeve to eat a little.  I have not had any problems with other fresh fruits and vegetables, although I have not had lettuce or celery due to the obvious digestion issues.

Any opinions, answers etc????

“...but with God all things are possible."  - Matthew 19:26                        
on 7/26/11 12:49 am - IA
Girl...I love my fresh corn! I live in Iowa (who has the BEST fresh corn EVER) and love to eat corn on cob. When visiting my Nut, she said that we should stay away from corn because of the hull.

Height - 4'10"
on 7/26/11 12:54 am - Lancaster, NY
Oh crap!   That's not the answer I wanted to hear...
“...but with God all things are possible."  - Matthew 19:26                        
on 7/26/11 1:00 am - IA
LOL...sorry Mary! Me neither.  But then...let's see who has eaten them and see how they felt.
Height - 4'10"
Amy B.
on 7/26/11 1:14 am - East Jordan, MI
I had fire roasted corn, (dipped in the coffee can of butter!) 8 weeks post op and had no problems.   I took a bite and waited about 5 minutes before eating the rest.  I usually know within that time if a food is going to cause issues.  I also eat a small romaine lettuce salad with English cukes (skin on) at least once a week.  Again, no issues. 
on 7/26/11 1:17 am - MN
I just saw my really good NUT yesterday and we talked about this very thing. I told her I'd enjoyed all the fresh fruit I wanted this summer, knowing full well it could slow down my weight loss - and it did. I was OK with that and we talked about the fruit sugar/carb thing.

Then we moved on to sweet corn. I live smack dab in the middle of Green Giant country. In fact, we have the Jolly Green Giant living in town. Yes, really and truly. He's really tall - he's a giant after all -  and gets a red scarf around his neck in the winter to keep him warm. The only thing she had to say was a reminder of high fructose corn syrup and that gave me my answer. We all know the evil of HFCS by now, don't we?

No corn on or off the cob for me. Not, at least, until I know I can manage maintenance. Next year, maybe. 

5'5"  Age 63  HW 212  SW 200 Currently 8 pounds below goal

on 7/26/11 1:30 am
Everything in moderation.  I think your tummy could handle it at this point, but corn doesn't give you much nutrition and it has carbs.  That said, I am not a carb counter.  My plan doesn't call for it.  I enjoy my corn on the cob on occasion.  It does however...give me gas
 HW-304 / SW- 286 / CW-198.25 / GW-170
on 7/26/11 1:30 am - MN
I know this may be unpopular, but I purposely eat a little bit of corn every couple days. Since well before my surgey, I've had constipation issues. It's the vitamins. I know...I know...TMI!

Someone once told me corn is the pipe cleaner of the vegetable world and I have to agree. My system just works worlds better when I include corn in my diet. It works better than anything over the counter I've tried. I don't go crazy, but in moderation for's necessary and just tastes damn good.
  Age 49 Height 5'5" HW/280 SW/250 CW/157  
Behind every success is effort...Behind every effort is passion...Behind every passion is someone with the courage to try.
on 7/26/11 1:33 am - Lancaster, NY
I am not really worried about the HFCS or the carb issue since I am not planning to eat it regularly. I was more concerned about the digestive issues. But thanks for the info...I want all the information I can get for these issues. Although I do wonder about the HFCS...wouldn't that only be an issue with canned corn? I really only like corn, on the cob, in the summer when it is fresh.
“...but with God all things are possible."  - Matthew 19:26                        
on 7/26/11 1:37 am - Lancaster, NY
Thanks for all of the replies. Looks like the consensus is that it is not great nutritionally but my sleeve will probably be able to handle it. I will probably try a bite or two and then wait for a bit to see how it goes down.
“...but with God all things are possible."  - Matthew 19:26                        
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