One week out tomorrow. Liquids getting boring!

on 8/19/12 6:31 pm - Des Moines, IA
VSG on 08/13/12
 I'm doing well with my liquids in general, but sure wish I had some different savory choices. I don't like Cream of Wheat, so that's a no go. I have been having various low fat cream soups -- tomato, cream of broccoli, cheddar cheese. I've also had some broths. Tonight, I had the cheddar cheese cream soup, and as a side, I had a tablespoon or two of the au jus from the pork cooked for my family's dinner! I just had to have another flavor.

Any ideas to spice up another week of full liquids? 
on 8/19/12 6:39 pm
VSG on 05/24/12

         HW 266  SW 243  CW 161  

on 8/19/12 6:43 pm
I know what u mean!! Post op one week on Tuesday and I already want to eat food!
on 8/19/12 6:49 pm - CA
VSG on 08/14/12
I'm right behind you.  1 week on Tuesday and I keep craving something I can actually chew and swallow.  Any suggestions would be helpful. 

So is it ok to eat cream of tomato soup?  My doc says no citrus type juice including tomato but I would love to have some cream of tomato soup.  I guess I'll need to run that one by him.  Hang in there!  One more week and we'll be chewing (a little).


VSG 8/14/12
Dr. Zare
San Jose, CA    

Highest weight: 253 Starting Weight: 253 Surgery Weight: 225 Current Weight: 197

on 8/19/12 6:53 pm
You are lucky -- I'm on clear liquids only for the first week.  I wish I could have a creamy soup, but it looks like I'll have to wait until Wednesday when I hit the one-week mark.   


on 8/19/12 8:22 pm - Des Moines, IA
VSG on 08/13/12
I guess each doc is different! I'm just rotating through soups one can at a time, lol. I have a suggested meal plan that has a 4 oz lunch and a 4 oz dinner. Instead of 2 oz soup and 2 oz yogurt or ff/sf pudding, I'm having 4 oz of the cream soup. I get the pudding taste from the milk/protein smoothies (just milk, protein, ice in the blender), so I want all the savory I can get.
on 8/20/12 4:51 am - NJ
VSG on 08/13/12
Im in the same boat as you today i am one week post op and the desires for flavor are strong. I slow cooked turkey wings with potatoes and carrots for my husband yesterday and i was annoyed at him somewhat lol just for existing and getting to eat a delicious dinner i couldnt have. I later apologized to him about 100 times for being mad at him for nothing lol.

I have gone thru many canned soups also and i have one soup one day and the rest goes to waste because when im done i dont want to look at it another day. My girl friend suggested making my own soup and creaming it but then wouldnt that put me in the puree stage... grrrrrr let me know if u get any good pointers. Lets keep in touch and share our chanllenges. Good luck
on 8/20/12 7:56 am - IL
I am so sick of liquids already!!! I would almost rather not eat. Most of it makes me nauseous.  Crushed ice is my mainstay.  However, I did eat some hot and sour soup (just the broth) which was very tasty.  Having difficulty with getting my protein in and keeping meds down. One week follow up tomorrow and should be cleared for pureed foods :).

"The trouble with quotes on the Internet is that you can never tell if they are genuine." - Abraham Lincoln


Surgery date:  August 13
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