Starting to get my feet under me

on 4/14/13 2:59 am - Glendale, AZ
VSG on 04/06/13

I am a week out and starting to get my feet under me.  The light went on and I figured out that if I had a Premier Protein (30 grams, 11 oz) for breakfast and a Matrix shake for lunch (23 grams, 8 oz) and another Premier for dinner, mix in 2 - 16 oz bottles of water - one in the morning and one in the afternoon - I would have 62 oz of fluids and 83 grams of protein. 

I kept reading the instructions of 64 oz of fluids and 60-80 grams protein, it sounded so daunting but If I say to myself that I have to drink 3 protein shakes and 2 bottles of water it sounds doable!!

Preop diet start  /VSG Surgery / Current / Goal
               286                 277            219       165

Lapband / Lowest wt LB unfilled because of problems

      286                  250

Highest:     302

Connie S.
on 4/14/13 3:22 am - CA
VSG on 03/04/13
Sounds like you have the next few weeks well in hand. It does help to break things into smaller groups, doesn't it? Congrats and continued good luck.
on 4/14/13 3:51 am
VSG on 03/04/13

May I ask how they taste? I cannot find a shake that taste good. Have you tried their bars?

on 4/14/13 6:28 am - Glendale, AZ
VSG on 04/06/13

I am not at the bar stage yet so I can't say.  I do like the Premier shakes that I got at Costco.  They have to be very cold and I pour them in a glass to drink them.  The first couple sips have a little funny taste but if I keep sipping, it tastes like chocolate milk by the time I finish.  The Matrix shakes are sample packs that ordered and they taste ok to me mixed with water but when I add 2 Tbs of ff milk powder, they taste very good.

Order sample packs or go to GNC as they have a return policy.

Preop diet start  /VSG Surgery / Current / Goal
               286                 277            219       165

Lapband / Lowest wt LB unfilled because of problems

      286                  250

Highest:     302

on 4/14/13 7:59 am - LA
VSG on 04/24/13

When I make my protein shakes (Matrix Nectar Strawberry Cream) I put two scoops of protein mix so I am getting 46 grams per serving.  Anyone else do this? 

"Whether you believe you can or you can't are right! " by Henry Ford

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