It was a tough weekend

on 5/5/13 7:14 am - Glendale, AZ
VSG on 04/06/13

for head hunger.  We went camping this weekend and camping has always been a snack binge.  I am a month out so am eating mushy foods and my husband has been trying really hard to stick to an eating plan to keep his blood sugar down.  

We didn't take any SNACKS!!! 

I wanted them and would have eaten them if they were there but now I know that I can survive without them.  I can't wait until we go again, I am taking a swimming suit and going in the lake! 

We don't need no stinkin' snacks!!!!


Preop diet start  /VSG Surgery / Current / Goal
               286                 277            219       165

Lapband / Lowest wt LB unfilled because of problems

      286                  250

Highest:     302

on 5/5/13 7:26 am - McDonough, GA
VSG on 10/03/12
Great plan not taking snacks. I like your attitude. Great job. Keep it up. It will pay off.

MIMI  Highest weight 215  SW 203  GW 125   M1 -22  M2 -12  M3 -11  M4 -7  M5 -10  M6 -5  M7 -6  M8 -5  M9 -4  M10 -3  In maintenance since June 2013  HT- 5'2"  



on 5/5/13 7:30 am

Great job, keep up the good work! angry

on 5/5/13 8:33 am - HI
VSG on 05/13/13


on 5/5/13 10:19 am
VSG on 05/01/13
Way to go girl!!!!!


on 5/5/13 10:39 am
VSG on 11/21/12 with

I'm so happy for both of you that you took such good care of yourselves.  Onward!  :)


5'8"    HRW 357 on 7/09/12    SW 339   >196 8/26/13 (surgeon's goal)   TWL  193     CW   164 

*:•-:¦:-•:*1st pers. goal 178 on 10/16/13; ultimate goal 164 on 12/13/13*:•-:¦:-•:* 

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