Bad Weekend

on 6/23/13 2:33 pm - Glendale, AZ
VSG on 04/06/13

The weekend is over....I had my fun and now I have to get on track!  I was totally off program for the whole weekend.  We ate out three times and I did not make good choices (I am too ashamed to list). 

Tomorrow, I will be up at 5:00 am to go to the gym, home at 6:30 to eat breakfast and get my food ready for the day.  And I will get back on program and stay on program!

I find I really like fitting into smaller and smaller clothes. 

Preop diet start  /VSG Surgery / Current / Goal
               286                 277            219       165

Lapband / Lowest wt LB unfilled because of problems

      286                  250

Highest:     302

on 6/23/13 3:31 pm
Forgive yourself and move on! You're doing awesome no stopping now! Yay!
(deactivated member)
on 6/23/13 3:52 pm

Is this the way you want other weekends to go?  I am asking in all seriousness because I am wondering if you view this as change worthy behavior.  If you think it's change worthy, than you might want to do an autopsy as to what happened, why it happened, what your thought and feelings were at the time, what environment triggered you and so on.  If this is not change worthy, than there is nothing to forgive, just carry on.  I am not being facetious, we really do get to set our own goals and what we think is change worthy or not. If this is change worthy and you just forgive yourself and move on, you will not learn much and will need to repeat this again.

on 6/24/13 12:28 am - Glendale, AZ
VSG on 04/06/13

No I don't want to do this every weekend!  I have stayed on program from 4/6 to now and love my sleeve and the weight loss.  It started when we went to Red Robin because I had my birthday and got a free burger so Mike was supposed to get the big burger and I was going to get a plain burger that I could eat with mustard.  Instead I saw these chicken wing things and then it was downhill from there.  We were on the move for the weekend and I didn't take the time to pack my food and think about what I was doing.  I know that I don't want to do this again and will take the time next weekend to pay attention to myself and spend my time and calories wisely. 

Gotta keep my head in the game!!!!!!


Preop diet start  /VSG Surgery / Current / Goal
               286                 277            219       165

Lapband / Lowest wt LB unfilled because of problems

      286                  250

Highest:     302

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