what was your first\second week like?

on 6/13/14 8:15 am

Need help! I'm ten days out from surgery and i feel like i should be doing much better than i am....with the recovery. The side that they removed the stomach from is still very sore and tender. When i couch, its a 10 on the pain scale. I'm also just achy all over my belly and tired. can any of you vets think back to when you were ten days out?? I'm not taking pain meds, but it seems like most people i speak to didn't use them after they left the hospital. I know everyone is different and i am following up with my doc but i need some insight from people who have been through this. What was your experience your first\second week?


on 6/13/14 9:51 am

I can remember that far back because I am only 15 days post-op.  I can tell you that my lower left side still hurt a great deal at that time and it still does now.   But, it does feel better than it did 5 days ago.  I still have a hydrocodon elixir that I can drink at night time if it hurts to much (I toss and turn in bed at night which is brutal on my stomach). I try very very hard to not take it but I have had to twice this week.  From all my Dr. has said and this site has said, that pain is very normal so I guess I am trying to say grin and bear it for now and it will gradually get better.  Thats what I have to do often.  I made the mistake of going back to work after a week post-op and I have been paying for it since.  My 16 month old son gave me a head cold this week and I haven't been able to walk on the track like last week so I think that has something to do with the pain being so strong.  I wish you a good weekend and to not feel bad or different if you need to use those pain meds.  That's what they are there for.  All of our experiences are different and just because you are taking meds doesn't mean your journey is doomed, just what you have to deal with temporarily.  


Keep smiling and realize it will all be worth it.

March 2014 (366lbs) - May 29 2014 surgery date VSG (350lbs) - June 9 2014 (329lbs)


on 6/13/14 10:29 am
VSG on 02/20/14

I had a lot of soreness on the side my stomach came out of for at least the first 3 weeks. It is also pretty normal to be tired, you are consuming so few calories. I took 2 weeks off work, and during that time I barely left the house. If you can, just use this time to relax. Focus on meeting your fluid needs now, it wil be hard to meet your protein goals for the first few weeks.

check out my blog!


Kelly Jean
on 6/13/14 10:55 am
VSG on 04/08/14

What your saying sounds very very normal... I had pain for a minimum of 2 to 3 weeks... Each day it will get a bit better... I promise... sleep with a pillow on each side of you this way your not tempted to roll over because that will cause more pain... Also make sure you drink enough keep drinking and walk walk walk.... this will all help you heal... and don't be a hero if you need some meds take them.... best of luck and congrats on your new sleeve.... trust me within a few weeks you won't even remember how much pain your in now you will just be loving your new found energy and health and body!!!



on 6/14/14 3:28 am

Thank you so much! I feel much better about things now that i have read your replies.

Keith L.
on 6/14/14 5:11 am - Navarre, FL
VSG on 09/28/12

I think a lot of recover is mindset. I had tenderness for a long time but I was back to work 4 days after my surgery and I felt pretty good other than the soreness around the incisions. I also took my bandages off early so my wounds got lots of air and I healed pretty quickly. I used antibacterial soap when I showered which I think helped to speed the healing. I also walked A LOT, sound counterintuitive but the exercise helps a lot. Also as hard as it is get your protein in, at this stage the easiest way to do that is with IsoPure Zero carb. 40g of protein in 20oz. They taste like ass but if you add some Mio you can choke them down. Two a day gets you very close to where you need to be but protein is very important for healing. Also you might want to consider taking a BCAA supplement (Branch Chain Amino Acids) which also help the proteins grow muscles which is really what healing is. I think if you do those two things you will feel better in no time.

VSG: 9/28/2012 - Dr. Sergio Verboonen  My Food/Recipe Blog - MyBigFatFoodie.com

?My Fitness Pal Profile ?View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com


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