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on 5/11/14 2:11 am, edited 5/11/14 3:24 am - Toronto, Canada
Topic: Trouble Getting My Family Dr. On board....

Hey there, first post on the forums for me.... a bit shy still.

Anyway, I'm 29 and live in Ontario, Canada. My mom had WLS over 10 years ago and has had excellent success, my Uncle recently also had it done. I've been struggling with my own weight since I was young, unfortunately as an impressionable teenager I tried a lot of diets: SlimFast, Atkins, TOPS, Weigh****chers (I was 12 then), Jenny Criage, they just... don't work for me.

I'm active, I do 90minutes a day of cardio (Ya Zumba!) and when I turned 20 I decided I didn't care what other's thought, I felt healthy, and I was proud of my body. I don't feel that way anymore. I'm almost 300lbs no matter what I do, just keeping it below that terrifying number takes a lot. I want to get the surgery but I don't even know how to start the process, everything has changed since I helped my mom get her approval for OHIP to cover the surgery.

I've mentioned it once or twice to my family doctor, but his response is either "that's nice" or "we're going to try a few things first" he never follows through. I can't afford to not have a doctor right now... but I also don't know what to do to lay down the law that I want to be considered for this surgery. I am so proud of my mom and uncle, but I don't want to wait until I'm in my 50s like they did, I want to be able to enjoy my life while I still can!!

I'm hoping I can find some answers, support, and...I don't know... any help on just getting things started.


Chibi :3


Oh I'd also like to add that the last time I spoke with my Family Dr. about this he said I was "Too Young"

on 5/9/14 6:22 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: Am I the only one?!?!?!

Nice to meet you! I am 3 months post op and down 88 lbs including my 3 week optifast diet. I had the Rny on February 13th in Toronto.

on 5/9/14 4:44 pm, edited 5/9/14 4:45 pm
RNY on 08/07/14
Topic: RE: Am I the only one?!?!?!

Hi Jessica, you and I have a lot in the same boat! I"m 32 this year as well, and my goal weight is 185. The last time I was under 200lbs was in grade 4, so the thought of being less than that this time next year is very surreal. I haven't had surgery yet, but the booking coordinator has told me I'm looking at surgery within 3-4 months. Which surgery did you have? I"m going in for RNY.

on 2/8/14 9:45 am
Revision on 12/28/13
Topic: RE: Am I the only one?!?!?!

You havenothing to worry about.  The weight will come off!0

on 2/8/14 1:21 am - Canada
Topic: Am I the only one?!?!?!

My name is Jessica, I am 32. I am from Ontario, Canada. I am being operated on by Dr. Grantcharov at St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto on February 13th, 2014! 2 more sleeps until I start making my way there... I was 355.9 when i started my Optifast on January 22, I now weigh 329.9. I am hoping to get down to 325 for my surgery. My goal weight is 180 lbs... I haven't weighed that since grade 7 (11 years old?).

Diana C.
on 12/30/13 4:21 am - Austin, TX
RNY on 06/28/11 with
Topic: RE: Wowzers! This board is DEAD!

Now because we've managed to get 2 replies in 2 or so days, this thread is now considered "HOT" LOLOLOLOL

Diana C.
on 12/30/13 4:20 am - Austin, TX
RNY on 06/28/11 with
Topic: RE: Wowzers! This board is DEAD!

Well that definitely sucks!!  LOL @ "good luck to any lurkers" ;)

Josh H.
on 12/30/13 3:56 am - Merida, Mexico
RNY on 12/20/05 with
Topic: RE: Wowzers! This board is DEAD!

This site used to be crazy busy when I joined over 8 years ago. There were several posts a day on these boards and now there are about 2 a month it seems. Haven't been on here in a long time to see however. I believe the popularity of Facebook and their different WLS groups has killed OH unfortunately. Well good luck to any lurkers hanging around out there on your journeys!


"I'm not ashamed of where i've been but proud of where i am!"

Heavy Duty00
on 12/7/13 3:00 am
Topic: Pre-op conditions

Silly me, I thought for sure I would just show up to my bariatric surgeon's office, sign a few papers, talk with a nutritionist, and have my surgery within 1-3 months. I guess when you haven't been taking care of yourself for so many years a lot of things start coming to light and out of the wood works. I definitely want to do things the right way even if it makes the process much slower. After all, I am seeking bariatric surgery as a means to lose weight to be HEALTHY and healthy I shall be.

All of the preliminary tests are shedding light on a lot of pre-existing conditions. I knew something was wrong but I didn't exactly what. I'm working on finding out exactly what has been making me feel like crap for so many years. True, the surgery will help alleviate most, if not all, of the conditions. Don't I owe it to myself to try to remedy them myself first and use such a drastic surgery as a last resort? Hmmm good question. What did you guys do before surgery?

Diana C.
on 12/4/13 2:52 am - Austin, TX
RNY on 06/28/11 with
Topic: RE: Wowzers! This board is DEAD!

Same here.  It looks different to me as well!  And it seems the activity is a lot less as well.

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