Nashville Nutrition and Emotional Wellness

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on 3/23/09 3:16 am
Topic: RE: Question about dumping syndrome
My husband loves Dr. Melvin. He was great to work with and had a great bedside manner. That is saying alot because he is more particular than I am. Michael had diarrhea but also some vomitting and still does but to a lesser degree  if he tries to eat too much or too fast. I think he has learned his limits and tries to eat within them. He still has some problem with some things like chicken or pork. (It may be that it is too dry). His taste did change and he said that after the surgery he did not have the major cravings and at one point lost his interest in food. He used to love to eat. I eat for all sorts of reasons but he ate out of pure enjoyment with the food. Now he eats because he is hungry and needs the nutrition. He does not regret the surgery and would not hesitate to do it again. Within 3 months of the surgery he was able to stop all diabetes medications and his diabetes was out of control before the surgery. He was also disabled and is in a wheelchair. He now has more energy and gets out whereas before he hardly left the house. To help combat the lonliness, I found 2 great little toy poodles to keep him company. They give him something to do and company during the day. If you cannot keep a pet, then this support group or other groups can help you not be so lonely and take a focus from eating. Establishing a support group from family and friends before surgery is key. Just make sure it is someone supportive and reliable that will be helpful. We learned after Michael's surgery who we could count on and who was not helpful.  After surgery and losing the weight you may feel like doing things or getting involved in other interests that you are not able to do now which will help with the eating. I am planning on surgery now and I too am at my highest weight. I feel that if I do not take this step, I will not be able to be as active and may not be able to work for much longer. I value my independence too much and do not want this to happen. Also I have to be healthy in order to make sure that I can help Michael when he needs assistance. For whatever reason, you have made the choice for surgery and I think you will do fine. One thing we do not ever give ourselves credit for, is that we have to be strong to put up with the limitations and adversity from the obesity and to deal with others opinions and remarks to us. So I think as someone living with obesity we are stronger and tougher than we realize.
on 3/20/09 5:38 pm - Chapel Hill, TN
Topic: RE: Question about dumping syndrome
Hi! I am in the beginning steps of having the surgery done (gastric bypass). I will be meeting with the surgeon for the first time on May 12th. I've been assigned to Dr. Melvin. Could you tell me if he has a great bedside manner? I've had doctors in the past that you can tell had no sense of humor, and didn't care about their patients, only about getting paid. They were just boring and unsensitive and no sense of humor. Just wondering, because you mentioned that your husbadn had the same doctor. Also, this dumping thing (diarrhea I'm guessing), is it permanent after having the surgery, or is it only after eating certain foods that our bodies can't handle? Also, is it true that your tastes of foods dramatically change after having had the surgery? Sorry, for asking SO many questions, but I am currently at my heighest weight that I've EVER been at in my WHOLE life, and I eat for all the wrong reasons (which is hard, because I live alone, and am a permanently dsiabled shut in, which makes it difficult to not eat, especially when you get lonely). I'm terrified of failing the diet after getting the surgery. Part of me says I can do it, but then there's this other part of me that says that since I failed every other diet in my life, what makes me think I can do any better on this one. Thanks for ANY help you can give me. Oh! One other question, after the surgery, do you still have all the food cravings that you had before the surgery, or does that (hopefully) change too?
Truly Trina
on 3/18/09 12:04 pm - Nashville, TN
Topic: RE: Thought ya'll might enjoy cinnamon!!
I just love cinnamon..... 

This is good to know....

I am like Bob, I like to sprinkle it on my oatmeal with raisins and walnuts.....YUM

   Trinafat05-19-06-1.jpg 100 x 75 picture by trina_davis_photoTrinaandBobbieJuly2008-1-2-1-1.jpg 63 x 100 picture by trina_davis_photo*Member of Student Dietetics*  *Certified support group leader Obesity Help*  Patient Rep support group moderator Vanderbilt Center Surgical Weight Loss
Start weight 277    Reached my goal weight 115



Bob L.
on 3/13/09 10:54 am - Clarksville, TN
Topic: RE: Thought ya'll might enjoy cinnamon!!
I've read it has great benefits but for as long as I can remember I've loved cinnamon. I still eat it daily in my yogurt or oatmeal. It's nice to know that finally something you love is good for you!!! C'ya Bob

on 3/13/09 7:59 am - MT. JULIET, TN
Topic: RE: Thought ya'll might enjoy cinnamon!!

2Corinthians 5:7
on 3/12/09 4:05 am - Goodlettsville, TN
Topic: RE: Tell me what you think about Hemp Hearts
This is what I've come up with, Humm,very interesting, One place said they would send samples, that's a thought??I know go back and read more Barb but here's what I've found so far:

33% Protein, 9% Omega-3, & Rich in Vitamin E

Now certified organic. Hemp is a gift of nature and a complete protein. Enjoy the world’s most nutritious seeds, either plain or as a delicious condiment. Shelled hempseeds (“hemp nut") are 33% digestible pure protein, are rich in vitamin E, magnesium, as well as Omega-3 (ALA) and Omega-6 (LA) — the essential fatty acids (EFAs) doctors recommend.

Unlike flax, hemp contains valuable Super Omega-3 (SDA) and Super Omega-6 (GLA), which help our bodies metabolize fat.

To ensure the highest nutritional quality, a mechanical cold-shelling process removes the hempseed’s hard outer shells, yielding a 100% raw gourmet superfood that tastes like pine nuts.

Eat 2-4 tablespoons daily by adding to cereal, omlets, yogurt, soups, snacks, smoothies, salads, pasta, veggies, dressings, and desserts. Consider making fresh hemp milk in your blender, or lightly pan-toast the seeds — but not above 325°F, to conserve the EFAs.

Canadian farmers grow this hemp without pesticides or herbicides which makes this product safer for you and the planet! Growing hemp (a nonpsychoactive crop) restores our soils and conserves forests, contributing to a healthy and sustainable world.

on 3/12/09 3:59 am - Goodlettsville, TN
Topic: Thought ya'll might enjoy cinnamon!!
.I get this e-mail daily about nutritional finds. today was about cinnamon thought is sounded very interesting especially if you are still in process of loosing  or still such as me have Diabetes. Of course there are some things that must be prepared our way, or we can only have very little of. Of course for many of us it may be further down the line. But that time will come , I promise. Please give feedback? Hugz Barb
Aahhh….the spicy, sweet smell of cinnamon! Cinnamon not only smells and tastes good, adding wonderful flavor to many foods, it's also what we call a SuperSpice.

Cinnamon comes from the interior bark of evergreen trees native to Asia. Cassia cinnamon comes from Southeast Asia and has the flavor and aroma most of us are familiar with. However, there are many different kinds of cassia cinnamon, each with its own distinct flavor and strength, and in some cases, different grades. Ceylon cinnamon is complex, less sweet and has a bit of citrus flavor. English and Mexican foods are often made with this cinnamon. Cinnamon comes ground, in chunks and in sticks.

We're still learning about all the good things cinnamon has to offer our bodies but one exciting benefit is its effect on lowering blood glucose levels. In one study, patients with type II diabetes who took one-half a teaspoon of cinnamon daily found their "fasting" serum glucose levels were lowered by 18 to 29 percent. This study also found that triglyceride levels were lowered by 23 to 30 percent, LDL (bad) cholesterol levels were lowered by 7 to 27 percent and total cholesterol levels were lowered by 12 to 26 percent. What's really fascinating is that 20 days after the study period ended, the benefits were still in effect.

Cinnamon has antibacterial properties. The natural, essential oils in cinnamon have been clinically shown to stop or reduce the growth of bacteria and fungi.

And another study has demonstrated that just smelling cinnamon can increase your cognitive abilities.

It's fairly easy to add a little cinnamon to your life. I like to sprinkle it on my oatmeal and some cereals. It's also good on yogurt, mixed with some fruit and topped with granola. My kids like it on whole-wheat toast and waffles. Of course, it works very well with baked fruit desserts, muffins and loaf breads (i.e. pumpkin bread). You can also add cinnamon to savory dishes such as stews and chilies.

Simmer milk with a little vanilla and a cinnamon stick for a few minutes. You can either drink the milk with a little honey or pour some on your oatmeal. There are other great

Bob L.
on 3/12/09 3:58 am - Clarksville, TN
Topic: RE: Tell me what you think about Hemp Hearts
Found them at a local Vitamin Shop here in Clarksville in the Kholl's Plaza across from the mall. She had it in small 2"x 2" packets to try, this was about 8 months ago with a write up about it. After Jamie said she thought it being higher in calorie then beneficial I didn't pursue it? C'ya

Truly Trina
on 3/11/09 10:18 pm - Nashville, TN
Topic: RE: Tell me what you think about Hemp Hearts
Good Morning Barbara,  

Yea, tell me what you come up with and what you find out....  See I am getting you to venture out....  it is fun out here outside of the comfort zone... Scary.... but fun....

Okay sunshine, today is your Surgerybirthday....... My goodness look how far you have come in one year....  I am so very proud of you....  You are an inspiration to us all....  We luv ya sunshine...

   Trinafat05-19-06-1.jpg 100 x 75 picture by trina_davis_photoTrinaandBobbieJuly2008-1-2-1-1.jpg 63 x 100 picture by trina_davis_photo*Member of Student Dietetics*  *Certified support group leader Obesity Help*  Patient Rep support group moderator Vanderbilt Center Surgical Weight Loss
Start weight 277    Reached my goal weight 115



Truly Trina
on 3/11/09 10:09 pm - Nashville, TN
Topic: RE: Tell me what you think about Hemp Hearts
Good Morning Heather  

We found them at a Health food store...  Do you have a health food store in your area? 

   Trinafat05-19-06-1.jpg 100 x 75 picture by trina_davis_photoTrinaandBobbieJuly2008-1-2-1-1.jpg 63 x 100 picture by trina_davis_photo*Member of Student Dietetics*  *Certified support group leader Obesity Help*  Patient Rep support group moderator Vanderbilt Center Surgical Weight Loss
Start weight 277    Reached my goal weight 115


