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Article on rate of sleeve "failure"

on 11/23/10 2:44 am
I came across this article in Bariatric Times
http://bariatrictimes.com/2010/07/22/sleeve-gastrectomy-fail ure-just-when-we-thought-we-had-the-perfect-operation/

I guess we need to digest this with a grain of salt, but it's good to know what we may be dealing with in the future, and how our side(working your sleeve) of the equation plays into long term results with our sleeves. 

At first, I was a little bummed after reading this article.  Then I started thinking, "girl, you knew this was not brain surgery, and you have to work at maintaining your weight like any other person on the planet."  I also read into it that no study agrees on results and that the studies can't point to why surgery works for at least 70%(possible 85%) of the people and not for others.

So, I think this article only reiterates our need for this group to support each other through our lifelong maintenance!

on 11/23/10 4:20 am
Very interesting, thanks for sharing it, Summer!  I am not discouraged, I still think that its better for me than the alternatives would have been.

"The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody  else up"                     
      Mark Twain                                                       LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCatAnimation One      


mini_me_ now
on 11/23/10 4:39 am
i think we see it on the boards our selves though, where some people dont lose weight, some go off plan and cant get off carbs, some have problems with meds, or emotional eating, some go through trama or a major upset in life and grazing becomes a problem with some.  but 75-80 percent is alot better odds than the 5 percent we were looking at with diet and exercise..
so i agree we need to stay foccussed keep our head in the game and dont get complacent...  i also agree it tends to point to us needing the support and even reading articles like this keep us on our toes.
Linda     5".4

6lbs under goal weight
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(deactivated member)
on 11/23/10 4:54 am
Thank you for sharing this.  I really love reading long-term studies on the sleeve.  I want to point out that the sleeve surgery has not been standardized yet.  My surgeon was just telling our support group the other day, how a different doctor creates a much larger sleeve for his patients.  He mentioned that he used to do this as well until he figured out that long-term it was not helpful.  I believe Dr. Cirangle is getting ready to publish more studies this summer.  I can't wait to read them.  I promise to publish them as soon as I get them.
Jen C.
on 11/23/10 5:18 am
Most of these studies are defining "success" as 50% EWL. That would leave me at 200 pounds which to me would be a complete failure.

I'm not optimistic long term about the success of my sleeve. With a return of hunger and slow dilation of the sleeve, that leaves me right back where I started, relying on willpower. And we all know 97% of us fail on willpower alone.

That doesn't mean I'm giving up, I'll keep on trying. But I'm very discouraged from how I was feeling a year ago, when I thought the sleeve was the best thing ever.
Height: 5'7"     Join US On The VSG Maintenance Group Forum!!  

Ms Shell
on 11/23/10 6:13 am - Hawthorne, CA

Has your hunger returned THAT much?

Has your dilation increased THAT much?

I ask because I'm further out and still don't get hungry UNLESS I eat carbs, whether they are processed or NOT.  It's unfortunate but I KNOW that so I avoid them 90% of the time.  I refuse to buy and keep certain foods IN my house because I will turn to them BEFORE I turn to a steak and I know that'll just bring back my "hunger." 

I ask because I CAN eat 8oz of food at a time and if I WANTED to eat a little more a little while later so I make just enough and I swear I NEVER really want to over eat food...but when I had a lemon meringue on purpose I proceeded to eat the WHOLE pie.  I ask because I have been able to eat 8oz since about 1 1/2 years out and it hasn't increased.

I'm glad you are staying in the fight...

"WLS is only for people who are ready to move past the "diet" mentality" ~Alison Brown
"WLS is not a Do-Over (repeat same mistakes = get a similar outcome.)  It is a Do-BETTER (make lifestyle changes you can continue forever.)" ~ Michele Vicara aka Eggface

Jen C.
on 11/23/10 10:34 am
Yes, my hunger has returned that much.  For most of my life I have been fighting excessive hunger. The first year after my sleeve was like heaven on earth, to me. Although I didn't lose myhunger as much as others, it was for the first time in my life actually reasonable, and I could eat like a normal person. It was nice not to be hungry all day.

I hear you on the carbs. I have definitely found if I can do less than 20 carbs a day, like Atkins induction, it helps with the hunger. Actually it makes me a little nauseated to be in ketosis.

But, the thing is, that was true before surgery too. If the only way to keep my hunger at bay is ultra low carb, well, I just wasted $17,000. Not to mention I need to take more supplements now, for nothing.

I know that a year ago I could eat 1 egg and now I can eat 3. And that I can eat 8 ounces of cottage cheese where most people can eat 4-6 ounces. I'm okay with that, but I'm worried that the few people more than 2 years out report their capacity has continued to slowly increase. I have never eaten to the point of discomfort (well maybe a few times accidentally early out) so I don't really get why I can eat 3 times as much.

I guess I didn't fully appreciate the experimental nature of the sleeve until now. It's scary not to know what is going to happen. 
Height: 5'7"     Join US On The VSG Maintenance Group Forum!!  

Ms Shell
on 11/24/10 1:35 am - Hawthorne, CA
Well love I can't explain things either but I have been able to eat WAY more then most sleevers BUT at the same token I'm not sure who you are speaking about but of GOOD food and MEAT (not eggs because I can eat 3 as well so I rarely eat them alone) but MY full level hasn't changed in almost 2 years.  NOW with OTHER crap don't know if I mentioned I at a whole pie and can consume LARGE amounts of carbs and crap which is why I don't buy them for the home.

Because I'm 3 years out and I plan to make this work (and for ME it's all about having a viable PLAN) I plan around with food.  I've been maintaining for over a  year and a 1/2 now.  I've learned that the ONLY carbs that "make" me hungry are processed carbs and by processed I mean even oatmeal and whole grain bread.  Apples, oranges, grapefruit, canteloupe, grapes, strawberries are all GOOD carbs and don't make me hungry.

Basically I'm trying to say that you need to STOP worrying about OTHER people and start finding out what works for YOU.  Just because a few others sleeve keeps stretching does NOT mean YOURS will.  You could be like me in that aspect as I've been able to eat 6oz of cottage cheese since 18 months and guess what I can still ONLY eat 6oz...

Instead of thinking you've wasted 17K use what you are LEARNING about your body to make a plan.  So what you can eat more...NOW it's time to decide WHAT you plan on eating for LIFE and make a PLAN for your LIFE with food.

My plan is simple yet complicated.  I MUST weigh and measure MY food.  Not everybody has to but instead of belly aching about it (which I do sometimes) I just say so what...this is about ME and not "everybody"  else.  I HAVE to do what MY body says and because I CAN eat more I have to limit myself.  So that means cooking, weighing and measuring 90% of the time. I post the daily thread and do I get sick of seeing the 3oz ONLY people...hell yeah but so what again there is NOTHING I can do BUT cause UNDO stress worrying about what OTHER people can and can't do.

I can't have certain foods in my house period.  I equate it to being an alcoholic.  No reasonable person would be ok with having alcohol around an alcoholic would they?  So for the most part I can't have any processed carbs.  I USED to have this whole grain pasta in my cabinet (just because) well one day about a month ago when I was upset I USED this pasta to feed the emotion I was feeling...so NOW no more PASTA in the cabinet UNTIL I am making a specific meal why because I USED it in a way it wasn't intended.  Before my surgery I would have done that and buried my head in the sand like it never happened.  NOW I have to see my triggers and make a decision about what I want to do about it.  It's always been hard for me to throw away food but NOW if I see me USING it I will toss that **** in a heart beat.  I have many many processed foods but just wanted to give you an example.

I HAVE to give myself a 5-10lb window that's OK to see on the scale.  Why because MY body when I eat PROCESSED carbs can EASILY bounce 5lbs in a day.  Again I could be jealous of those who can have these small 3lb window but it's not MY body.  So I weigh everyday even when I'm "bad" because if I stick my head in the sand it'll be NO time till I'm up 20+.

Everyday I'm on this site reading others stories and sharing my own.  Everyday I AM an ADDICT and that's OK because it's one day at a time.

While the VSG may be "experimental" I know of many many RnYers and they can pack away food like no ones business.  I read about a few DSers that MUS****ch their carbs too. 

Not that you asked for my advice but try to stop worrying about tomorrow and focus on TODAY but in the same vein PLAN for when tomorrow comes.

MS Shell

"WLS is only for people who are ready to move past the "diet" mentality" ~Alison Brown
"WLS is not a Do-Over (repeat same mistakes = get a similar outcome.)  It is a Do-BETTER (make lifestyle changes you can continue forever.)" ~ Michele Vicara aka Eggface

Mandyplus2 ..
on 11/24/10 4:00 am - GA
Love this post Ms Shell. I think attitude is extremely important with ANY weight loss surgery, and your attitude is great!

I also wanted to tell you, if it's any consolation...I saw this episode of House Hunters International a few weeks ago. The couple looking for a home were both in the fitness industry, as trainers/writers. They were both very physically fit and active. They talked about the kitchen they want in their new house, and they said that they eat at least 6 times per day and they both weigh and measure everything that goes in their mouth. I thought that was really interesting that some normies (though they were health/fitness nuts) need to do that also. = )
 5'8" - 40 years old

on 11/24/10 8:10 am
First off, big HUGS!! I feel your frustration and worry too.  I do "feel" hungry quite often, especially when bored or stressed, and worry all the time if I'm eating more, etc.  I think we are all frustrated with the unknown ahead of of us.  This helps me stay vigilant, especially weighing myself daily.

I also understand the frustration/responsibility/burden of having spent sooo much on our surgery.  I paid $21K between hospital and surgeon, feeling guilty the whole time(should I have remodeled the kitchen or taken the family on vacation??).  I think this keeps me on track too because I don't want to feel like I spent all of that money for nothing, especially with all of the nay sayers around me telling me that I was throwing good money out after bad!

How tall are you?  I know that taller people have longer stomachs and therefore eat more than us "shorties".  I'm 5'3", and I did go out and buy cottage cheese to do the test, just for you, but I'm overwhelmed(and therefore grazing!) with having 45 people for Thanksgiving dinner, then 65 for Saturday's 50th birthday bash for hubby so I've been MIA since I posted this article. I know with Wendy's chili, I measure out half of a small order and eat it, then save the rest for the next day.  I'm sure I could eat more, but there are days that 1/2 makes me very full.  Again, did I mention that I'm only 5'3"??

I'm glad to hear that you are going to stick with it though, and we are ALL here to help and support you any way we can!
