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Thanksgiving True Confessions

on 11/27/10 12:01 am - Decatur, GA
VSG on 08/07/08 with
I went to my neighbors' house for lunch on the day, as I don't have any family.  I kind of feel like a fifth wheel with someone else's family, but what the heck.  They had a full spread of every Thanksgiving-related food item known to man, and I brought the pumpkin pie.

I ate a small piece of ham, passed on the turkey (as someone above said, boring!), and a few bites of anything that looked good -- green bean casserole, creamed corn, mashed pototoes and gravy, stuffing, squash casserole ... I think that was it.  Then an hour or so later we had dessert, and I had a small piece of pumpkin pie and a small piece of sugar-free lemon pie (yuck! It was weird); I left most of the crusts of both of them on the plate.

When I got home and recovered (yes, my poor little stomach was beyond full!), I ate a couple of bites of ham and turkey that they sent me home with ... and then I binged on vanilla wafers.  Sigh.  I don't do crowds well, and the addiction to bingeing has resurfaced big time.  I've tried to cut out the carbs and sugar, throwing stuff away, smashing it up and pouring it down in the garbage, etc., but I just go out a buy more.  I HATE THIS!!!  This is the same battle I had pre-sleeve, and the first year and a half post-op was such a relief, but then I got re-addicted (long story), and am really scared right now.  My weight is up by about 15 pounds (155 this morning), and 150 is my absolute top number before I begin to freak out.  So I'm freaking out!!!

 Highest weight: 292   Pre-op weight: 265   Goal met: 150   Six years out: 185 and trying to lose again!

on 11/27/10 12:41 am - TX
This is what I had, all homemade from scratch by moi:  butter creole roasted hen, cornbread stuffing, mac & cheese, green bean bundles, garlic mashed potatoes and gravy.  It was heavenly and I enjoyed and savored every bite!  Oh, and a few hours later I had a small slice of pecan pie (I even made the crust, go me lol) with vanilla ice cream.  It was such a great feeling to be able to enjoy the holiday without feeling like CRAP from overeating!!

My hubby's plate and my toddler sized plate...I ate about 3/4 of it.  Pre surgery I would have eaten one the size of his with seconds on the mac & cheese and dressing plus 14 different desserts! lol
                                  Goal in EIGHT months!
         Highest/Surgery Weight 248 Goal Weight 165 Current Weight 165-175
                           Starting BMI 33.7 Current BMI 22.1
             I'm 42 years young, my height is 6' and I've had no plastics!
                                          I  my sleeve!!!
on 11/27/10 2:23 am, edited 11/27/10 2:24 am - San Jose, CA

Personally I hate Thanksgiving.  Being a food addict Thanksgiving to me is equivalent to having a national alcoholic binge day!  I did what I usually do and planned to eat my absolute favorite low carb items. 

 Filet mignon with hollandaise sauce and had some homemade low fat/carb pumpkin soup.  I was full with that, but later I allowed myself a "dessert" of a chocolate peanut butter low carb bar.  It was delicious!  I kept myself busy and my mind off the food by playing hostess in an extreme way. 

I hand-made napkin rings and  decorated cups with construction paper and ironed out cloth napkins and things like that. I spent hours cleaning more than necessary, lit a gazillion candles and made everything super special.  It was a great way to distract myself; I often use cleaning as a way of dealing with things or distracting myself.  During the meal (after quickly finishing my own small amount of food) I ran around cleaning up and offering to serve others. 

I had the dishwasher loaded and ready to go before the meal was even finished. Most of the food we had was pre-made by whole foods, so I simply had to heat it up and didn't have to spend much time handling it. 

None of it really called to me though except the pumpkin cheesecake I made.  I was curious how it tasted and it didn't help that everyone was talking about how good it tasted. 

But I kept reminding myself that I have almost a year of perfect low carb abstinence under my belt and I really want my record to stay perfect so I can have a really big accomplishment to celebrate come January 4th.

After the meal I packed up most of the leftovers and sent them home with my in-laws, and the rest packed it away in foil so I wouldn't have to see it every time I open the fridge.  My healthy foods I always keep in clear containers and stuff I don't want to see is always in foil or covered up so I won't see it.

 My son went to spend the weekends at grammas so I spent 4 hours at the gym yesterday which was SOOO luxurious.  I only spent 2 of the hours working out.. the other 2 hours were spent relaxing in the pool, hot tub and steam room.


Start weight: 388, Current Weight: 185, Goal Weight: 180, Weight Lost: 203 lbs
Certified Nutritionist VSG FAQsublimate: To elevate or uplift.
3/2012 Plastics: LBL, 3 Hernias Fixed, BL/BA, Rhinoplasty & Septum Fix. 6/2013 Plastics: Arm and thigh lift

diane S.
on 11/27/10 7:21 am
This sounds like a great thanksgiving, Sublimate! you done good. I kind of hate thanksgiving (and xmas too) for a variety of reasons so i am glad its over. Had leftovers yesterday and ate a little more than on the day itself. this morning i gained a half pound! horrors!  actually think it is from being a little "backed up" so not  worried.

Sounds like everyone really did pretty well. Lets all remember this at xmas and all the other ritual stuffing events we have to obeserve each year. Tonight i am making the remains of the turkey into soup with lemon and fat free sour cream in a recipie from my husbands family. It ordinarily has noodles in it but i am going to cook those separately and anyone who wants pasta can put some in their bowl but i will leave it out. And i won't tell anyone the sour cream is fat free and they will never know!  D

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