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Daily Maintenance Weigh In - Tueday, Dec14/10

Maintaining Cindy
on 12/13/10 10:23 pm
Daily Maintenance Weigh In - Tueday, Dec14/10 

Surgery Date - June 12/09
Highest Weight - 230 lbs
Surgery Weight - 230 lbs
Total Amount Lost - 88 lbs
Goal Range - 140 lbs - 145 lbs
Yesterday's Weight - 145.6 lbs
Today's Weight - 145.4 lbs
Gain/Loss -  -.2 lbs 

Random Thoughts:  
-  Have a good one!


on 12/13/10 10:32 pm
VSG on 12/14/09 with
Highest Weight -
299 lbs
Surgery Weight - 283 lbs

Total Amount Lost - 114 lbs
Goal Range - 165 lbs - 175 lbs
Yesterday's Weight - 186 lbs
Today's Weight - 185 lbs
Gain/Loss -  -1 lbs 

(deactivated member)
on 12/14/10 12:15 am
104 today, that is .4 less than yesterday.  I will take it.  This brings me back to within .2 of the 103.8 I usually am at.  I seem to fluctuate between 103 and 105 lbs.  This is a good range for me.  Yesterday, I ate an it's it, an ice cream product, did not seem to harm me much. 
on 12/14/10 1:40 am

Goal Range - 115 lbs - 118 lbs
Yesterday's Weight - 120.4 lbs
Today's Weight - 121.8 lbs
Gain/Loss -  +1.4 lbs 


I feel like I'm completely out of control!  Ever since Thanksgiving and my vacation, I'm finding it harder to stay on track.  Then this past week all of my vendors have brought in so many goodies and I have not been able to say no.  My daughter is home for the holidays, we have had a party Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and MONDAY!!! I'm invited to a friends homes for dinner Wednesday and Friday, and I have a dinner party Saturday and Sunday.  Now to add insult to injury, I hurt my knee Saturday while trying to go down a ladder getting the Xmas decorations from the garage, so no gym in the near future!
Today, I'm trying to get back to basics.  I'm a little freaked out that I have put on 3 pounds in a week!

Maintaining Cindy
on 12/14/10 1:50 am
I can relate...

I am eating like a pig, with no end in sight...

I am moody and easily frustrated...

I also fell and badly sprained my wrist, hurt my back in two places and my tailbone is bruised and swollen...

Sigh... what a strange time for me, I am usually so upbeat and happy-go-lucky...

I feel like **** and can't wait until these damn vitamins and supplements come in...  I should have just stayed on my old meds...   grrrrrrrrr

Big hugs to you honey, I did not want to dump, but I DID wanted you to know you are not alone.

When the time is right, we will get control and be back on track...

Sorry you are struggling... 


mini_me_ now
on 12/14/10 6:20 am

cindy if you need to dump,scream,yelll bang your head... if it helps then do it we are all here to support you.
Linda     5".4

6lbs under goal weight
                  Join US On The VSG Maintenance Group Forum!! 
Maintaining Cindy
on 12/14/10 6:29 am
Aawwwhhhh thanks so much Linda...  I am trying to hang in there...

You have no idea how much I appreciate your kind words...

Hugs to you my sweet friend!


on 12/14/10 6:22 am
VSG on 09/01/08 with
Staying the same for today.  Hope I can say the same tomorrow.  We had a huge catered lunch today and I am stuffed.  Tomorrow is another day.
                  5'1"  Age 62   Goal weight between 128 - 135  
Ms Shell
on 12/14/10 7:50 am - Hawthorne, CA
Hey girl it's been awhile.  I decided to take off "diet" mode until January.  I mean for ME it's just not worth the stress of trying to be good, failing, getting depressed and all upset with myself etc etc.  So I'm UP out of my "range" but I honestly don't care.

I'm still on the boards and for ME that keeps me mentally in the game even though I have taken myself physically out of it.

Just remember this time WILL pass my love.

Highest Weight = 345
Surgery Weight = 302.6
Current Weight = 204.6

"WLS is only for people who are ready to move past the "diet" mentality" ~Alison Brown
"WLS is not a Do-Over (repeat same mistakes = get a similar outcome.)  It is a Do-BETTER (make lifestyle changes you can continue forever.)" ~ Michele Vicara aka Eggface

Maintaining Cindy
on 12/14/10 10:12 am
It is ALWAYS so good to hear from you.  I am right there with you!!  There is a time and a place and now is not the time.  AND I too am not going to worry about it right now.

I am proud of you and I so appreciate you stopping by, I have been here, but just barley, as much as I can handle right now.  AND as soon as I stepped out of the shadows, you guys were there for me.

I love you guys, and even though I am going through a lot right now, I feel you guys right there beside me...

Big long friendship hugs, we will get back to it, as soon as we are good and ready...

Take care and enjoy the holiday season my sweet!

