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Sunday, August 27, 2023

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 8/27/23 7:19 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

It is almost September! So weird that football is starting so soon. It was much quieter around here this weekend in the restaurants and stores so the summer visitors are declining quickly.

The siding removers are here again today. We didn't think they would come on a Sunday, but they were here promptly at 8 am again. It looks like they are almost done with the removal - next step is hammering in all the new siding. It never occurred to DH that pictures might fall off the wall so after one fell and broke he took down some others. But not too thoroughly as there was another broken one in the sunroom this morning.

I am driving DH to golf as my car is blocked by the construction vehicles in the driveway. I really prefer my little car vs. his SUV, but there is no way I can stay and listen to the banging all day. I feel guilty having to leave Justice. I will take him for another long walk later.

Have a super Sunday!

on 8/27/23 10:34 am
VSG on 06/13/12

Even needed repairs are such a pain. There have been a number of storms recently, that could have brought hail damage, and then a new roof for us. But I just dread the process. Our roof is not that old, and DH checks it frequently (he's up there a lot trimming over hanging branches). So hopefully we've not been foolish not following up with professional inspection.

We got home at midnight. The day started with a drive just across the Oklahoma border to meet up with some more cousins. The Missouri cousins are DHs first cousins, and they know each other better. These cousins were his Dad's, and their children are his 2nd cousins. The cousins in their 80s remember meeting DH when he was a baby, but haven't seen him since. They were so gracious and so kind, and seemed very pleased to meet us. Lots of stories about DHs grandparents and great grandparents. My MIL did not like to go to Missouri, so DH did not spend a lot of time with this part of his family growing up. He started traveling to Missouri on his own when he was an adult, and got to know his family then. Now, as we get older, I think we start our life reviews, and search to explain who we are and how we got here... some questions got answered in Missouri. We really are tribal at heart...

Today is unpacking, grocery shopping, and getting my head straight for school. I really like my principal, but she's giving me anxiety! We are meeting at City Hall instead of school tomorrow. We should bring our iPad. ( I read this last night as I was driving through Iowa. My iPad is in my school desk, uncharged. School's locked today, and there won't be enough time to charge it if I pick it up tomorrow). We should wear comfortable clothes and shoes we can walk in. (please, no scavenger hunts) We should plan on going outside, no matter what the weather. (That actually looks fine). None of it sounds good to me. I'd like a staff meeting to update me on things I need to know, a shared powerpoint, and then be allowed to go to my room and start doing the million tasks I need to do.

Well I still have today to be the boss of me. Its a lovely early fall day. Something to savor.

on 8/27/23 11:26 am

Those instructions are giving off strong "ice breaker/team-building" vibes! I would not like that either!!!

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 8/27/23 2:38 pm - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

I guess I am old but that team-building, ice-breaker stuff feels like forcing people to relate and talk to one another when they should be able to figure that on their own... Maybe an outgrowth of all the younger folks who do all their interaction over their phones???

on 8/27/23 3:14 pm

I effing loathe, detest and despise those damn ice breaker activities. Whatever she's got up her sleeve sounds like a doozy!

on 8/27/23 3:30 pm

I am going to tell you that the term "Minnesota Nice" is not a joke. It's the God's honest truth. People ARE really quite nice here and so terribly welcoming. I don't know, but I get the feeling that Minnesota life is not nearly as hectic as California life. However, I have never had so many people drive up my rear end as I have had here. LOL! I even had one person pass me on the right (on the shoulder of the road). So, Minnesota driving is a new one for me. I can deal with California crazy drivers because I know that. This is a whole new level of odd. Any thoughts DD????

Oh, and the land of 10,000 lakes thing. TRUE! There is a lake or pond practically everywhere you look. Not really, but I swear there are at least 20 lakes/ponds that I pass on 20 minute drive from the hotel to the show site.

The weather was horrific here the first two days. I flew in on Wednesday and the heat was brutal. Thursday was better, but still ridiculously hot and humid. Friday was statistically better, but the sun was out and it felt like a wet sauna. Who knew that the dew point could be in the 80s????? Yesterday and today were absolutely delightful. Gorgeous weather and from what people told me, much more in line with traditional summer weather here. I could get used to this type of weather - mid 70s, light breeze, not very humid...

Boy, it sure is green here, too! I was expecting "drought" conditions. Talking with a pilot who travels North America for Delta, he explained that yes, MN was having a very dry year, but it wasn't "California Dry". There has been no mention of water usage reduction or any real worry about supply. It's simply that May and June (I think he said) were the driest in many years, BUT that they had the "wettest" or snowiest winter since record keeping began in MN. Anyhow, I am very, very fond of this state. Too bad the taxes are high and it snows so damn much during the winter. Love the people, the atmosphere and the topography. It's really beautiful.

Buster KICKED Airedale butt this weekend. I mean tremendously so. It's sort of unbelievable how well he did. He is leaving here and AKC champion. Today he was shown as a champion and beat all but the number one Airedale in the country for best of breed. None of the other Airedale champion owners were too pleased about being beaten by "a puppy".

We leave MN tomorrow around 10. DD, I'll wave in the air to you! So sorry we didn't get to connect. Maybe next time!

on 8/27/23 4:40 pm
VSG on 06/13/12

I so hope we can do that!

Drivers here are very weird! They are terrible at entering the freeway or conversely will not yield to let someone enter. They love to hang in the passing lane. They won't zipper merge when there's a lane closure, everyone gets out of the lane that will be closing a mile ahead of time, and then if someone does zoom down the lane to where its closed like you are supposed to, people won't let them merge. We've even had DOT ads to explain how to zipper merge, and people just will not do it. And you only honk your horn in the most dire of situations, like an impending collision. Horn honking is a huge personal affront, its like the biggest f you someone can give.

It is very green here in the summer. We have a lot of water, and a short growing season, so everything leafs out and blossoms in the same few months. It's a paradise in the summer and fall, and a torment in winter and spring. Glad you enjoyed your visit :)

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 8/28/23 3:57 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

Sounds like you had mixed experiences in MN, but the heat was unusual? I have only passed through the airport so it was interesting to hear about what you experienced. I think I would like being there in the more typical summer.

Fantastic job by Buster. You must be one proud dog papa!

diane S.
on 8/27/23 3:43 pm

Greetings all

It was foggy this morning and downright cold! The sun has now made an appearance. There are a number of fires 60 or so miles to the north. I think Crescent City had its power off for awhile to avoid parking fires in windy weather. Like in Lahaina and here at Paradise a few years ago. There are beautiful areas in the northern CA mountains but why anyone would live there is beyond me due to fire danger. People have to evacuate due to smoke alone.

Well Liz I am with you. Escape your home during loud work. At least it's getting done. Who know it would result in pictures falling down!! We had our siding replaced a few years ago and I don't recall any stuff falling down. I do remember a roof replacement many years ago and the roofers put a ghetto blaster on top of my chimney and heavy metal came out of my fireplace.

Uh oh DD, don't like the sound of the city hall school meeting with instructions on apparel. What are they going to do - have you sit in a sweat lodge? And did they say bring an uncharged iPad or did I misunderstand. Is there a time limit on this event? Have you watched Abbot Elementary? Makes me think of that. Teachers with more than x years of experience should be excused.

I have frittered away the day gluing slugs on to wine stopper and also reviewing entrance/financing documents for someone on a retirement home. Always exciting.

Dinner last night was some deli chicken coated with "everything" bagel seasoning. The seasoning was decent but the chicken was tough. Guess I will scrape the rest off and its dog dinner. I got a deli burrito for tonight.

Gallery duty tomorrow afternoon with a friend scheduled to stop by to chat. It will likely be slow since it's monday but one can never tell. At least it's only a half day.

And DD nice that you explored some family history with DH. There is always something interesting to be found. And I am sure the elderly cousins loved it.

Diane s

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on 8/27/23 4:45 pm
VSG on 06/13/12

Whatever it is we need to do on an iPad, I won't be doing, because I won't have time to retrieve mine and charge it. Other people must have commented, because we got an email saying we can use our phones.
