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Monday, August 28, 2023

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 8/28/23 4:13 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

It's Monday again. Good luck at that ice-breaker thing DD. Maybe some who it will be fun?

The weather here is iffy but at least it is quiet for about another hour. I think we are escaping to my Cape home for a couple of days. I felt guilty leaving the noise but knowing Justice was subjected to it. They are supposed to free my car this morning so I can get out (DH is at golf). In the meantime I have to pack clothes for the next couple of days. I do find myself wearing a lot of the same stuff with this moving back and forth.

The other "activity" today is chasing the doctors so I can get a referral to the surgeon in Boston. I hate having to do that stuff. Maybe I will get lucky and they will call me before I have to call them again and give me an appointment at a decent day/time. Somehow I doubt it.

I used my arm more yesterday as it didn't hurt as much but it felt like it weighted a ton - probably from non-use. But today it is more sore again.

Time to get my act together before the workers arrive.

Have a mild Monday!

on 8/28/23 7:15 am

Today is travel day! Will be glad to be back in my own digs. Very good to know that Buster is a good traveler. Wonder if the RV weekends prepped him for hotel living and airplane travel?

DD is probably in the throes of in service ice breakers.... Yuck

Water retention seems to finally fled. The bummer is that it'll come right back with the airplane flight! Boooo!!!

Marvelous Monday to all!

on 8/28/23 2:53 pm
VSG on 06/13/12

My day was not very good. The activity was The Amazing Race, where we went to local businesses and performed a task. I guess it was so we can understand what types of jobs we're preparing students for? Lots of walking, almost 2 miles. I guess I walk slow, because it was hard to keep up. One business was a dance studio. We had to walk on a balance beam (but not elevated, it was on the floor), then stand on a cushion and do a yoga pose, then pick up little plastic things with our toes and drop them in a bucket, then run back while holding a ball between our knees. It was a relay race. Sigh.

We had a department meeting where we discussed again, our new task where we have to schedule our own meetings. A new admin said, I've never worked at a district where they had a scheduler, it will be fine. Turns out she also never worked at a district where the sped teachers didn't have two preps: one for lesson planning and grading etc and one for special ed paperwork and due process tasks. It was interesting to watch her face as she digested this info. You don't have a due process hour? Nope. I guess we're screwed.

And then, the most heartbreaking of all, a colleague who had breast cancer about 18 years ago now has uterine cancer. She is having surgery Wednesday, and will have to have chemo. It's so sad. Right now, her doctors don't believe it has metastasized, praying that continues to be the diagnosis.

On the food front, I didn't really have time to eat much...

on 8/28/23 6:34 pm

Oh DD, that sounds like a terrible day!! Lordy, the relay sounds horrible.

on 8/28/23 6:36 pm

Today my dad!s wife and I went to the big town to meet with the kitchen designer. Hopefully we're getting close.

Aside from that, I did treasurer stuff. Not fun, but it's done. It's cooled off here at night a lot. Beautiful fall like days.

Hope you all are well!

diane S.
on 8/28/23 11:03 pm

Greetings all

late check in on iPad after wine so I am useless. Gallery duty today and lots of fun visitors. One peculiar guy came in and chatted a lot about his future as an artist or a surfer. He showed me his art on a flip phone. Not bad but he has. A ways to go before success. He said wANTED to be either a surfer or lawyer.

anyway it was a nic e day with lots of guests and I was able to steer them To desired restaurants,

discovered a modest cash shortage which I think might be a confused new member or she may have dementia.Oy vey

scabble tomorrow and more when I have keyboard. One gallery member had his house burn down Friday so we are trying to help

sunny day and all is well

diaNE S

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