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Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 8/29/23 4:33 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

I think DD had the most challenging day yesterday. Not a lot of good out of that day. Sorry, but I don't even watch the Amazing Race and would balk at participating. And that new person who thought doing her own scheduling wasn't a big deal probably felt that way because she had more time built into her days. Sorry you have to spend your last years dealing with this. My job also changed in the last couple of years in a negative way so I was truly ready to retire at that point.

So I escaped the other house then found out that the siding people won't be there for the next few days. But we got to have a really nice dinner out with SIL and today are meeting friends of DH's in this area for lunch. Ever noticed that most social functions at our age are around food? Maybe I should be more open to Amazing Race activities? Nope, but hiking would be fun once I have a good arm back. Speaking of arms I haven't heard back from any physicians offices (the refer from or to offices). DH says to call again but I bet the doctor is holding it and the admin person won't be able to do much. I hate having to chase these things. I almost guarantee that once this goes through I will end up being offered an appointment at the absolutely worst time.

Anyway, the AC in the condo gets replaced today. That's one good thing. Hopefully nothing melted during the heat in there over the last few days.

Have a tippy Tuesday!

on 8/29/23 2:30 pm
VSG on 06/13/12

Doctor appointments are a nightmare. When my kids were little, our clinic kept one doctor's schedule free, so you could call in with an ear ache and be seen same day. Now it's impossible to see anybody for weeks. The health system we use is actually losing money, not because there isn't demand, but because they can't hire enough staff to accommodate all the demand. If they could, they'd see more patients everyday and be in the black.

Speaking of doctors, my PCP left our system, so now I need to establish a relationship with a new provider. Sigh. It's always something!

I met with all the big wigs today. They told me they understand our concerns, and are working to get procedures in place. So I guess I'm glad we met, so I could articulate what boots on the ground see.

DH and I are going out to a cute French bistro in Minneapolis to celebrate our anniversary. I have been very, very fortunate.

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 8/29/23 2:51 pm - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

Happy Anniversary!!!

diane S.
on 8/29/23 5:28 pm

Greetings all

Yes DD you win the prize for worst day for yesterday. Hope today is better. What were these people thinking making you go around to businesses? What a waste of energy. Hope your anniversary is wonderful and the bistro is great.

Yeah, seems like all social events revolve around food. Maybe I should go back to playing bridge though that always had lunch. Thats why I quit it. Got tired of making lunch. Could be convinced if I played at a club like my friends do.

Scrabble today and I won two games of three. I only beat the Shark about one game out of five and today he flattened me. Oh well. Then a quick store visit as its on the way. After that I had to drive up to Trinidad to retrieve my phone which I left up there yesterday. After that I attached this ridiculous census survey for the studio business. All these questions about how often we develop cloud computing tech or how many patents we hold or sell. Hello? We are a little place where people pay money to come and play with clay. We fire it in big kilns - not exactly a new technology. 55 pages of garbage. I told them at the end that all we do is play with clay. So there.

Liz glad the AC is going in. Much needed.

And yeah medical care is becoming scarce. Even the emergency room wait is 7 hours or more. I have not had an actual doctors appointment for a specific condition in years. Not since the foot thing with the giant boot cure. High tech.

CC hope you are still having good summer weather up there and that the treasurer stuff was not too awful. I have a bit of that also but I am blowing it off for today.

Steak and little tomatoes on the menu tonight. The dogs are refusing their kibble and burger. They usually both hold out and then eat together. Weird. Social eating?

Not much else. Diane S

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Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 8/30/23 4:25 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

Ha! Even the dogs eat as a group - peer pressure there too!

on 8/29/23 6:06 pm

I read an article about how we need to hold onto our hats if we think the medical system is bad now. There aren't enough doctors in training and those that are in training don't want to do family/gp medicine. They want high pay-off specialties, but even then, there are not enough of them. Plus the number of doctors retiring or about to retire is set to skyrocket. The cost of medical school and malpractice insurance were some of the problem. Doctors are being replaced with PAs and NPs, but those seem good for run of the mill illness, not catching, treating, or managing the serious stuff. Interestingly, veterinarians are in a similar decline.

Brr. Cold and super windy here today with rain! The 80s return next week, but we barely made it to 60 today with 30mph gusts. The sunset is phenomenal.

We did go out to dinner with friends and that was lovely. I also cleaned my house a bit and did laundry, plus a post office trip. That's about it.

Hope you all had a great day!
