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Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 8/30/23 4:41 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

It looked like DD and her DH had a good anniversary. I had forgotten that mine with deceased DH was the same. It would have been 42 years for us. I spent some of yesterday just feeling sad and still amazed that he isn't alive anymore. How unpredictable life is.

But at the same time I was reflecting with current DH on how good retirement is and especially since I met him. So life is full of unexpected turns.

Speaking of which we don't know what the status of the new AC is though hopefully we will this morning. The workmen lost a fair amount of time and gave us a lot of angst yesterday when they locked themselves out of the condo with the key inside! It was our property manager's key so she couldn't help. I called our building maintenance person because the former owners told us he had a key (we haven't changed the locks). He got there but couldn't find the key. So then there were questions about a lockbox next to the door which we never used. I remembered that the previous owners had given us info on it which I put in my phone. I sent the instructions on opening it to the property manager with the caveat that we had no idea if a key was in it. Thank goodness it worked as they were in the process of calling a locksmith. So anything that can go wrong will!

Which also applies to the people banging away on the siding on DH's home. We left there Monday to escape the banging planning to return today assuming they would be done. So of course they didn't work there Monday or Tuesday but are returning today! So we have to drive out to pick up some clothing and medication to take us through the end of the week. Oh well, at least I get some time with eldest DD who arrived last night and is staying until tomorrow.

Yesterday I found out that my current orthopedist had sent a referral to the surgeon. So I called there multiple times and couldn't get a human but finally left a message that they had the referral and I need a consultation appointment before leaving for Florida on 9/25. No callback of course. A day of frustrations.

I can't wait until life settles down (will it ever?). Have a winning Wednesday!

on 8/30/23 6:29 am

Minnesota continues! Covid outbreak at the dog show. Damn! I'm testing negative, but I'm sick with a cold???????? I could tell when I woke up about 1 am I had a low grade fever. Took my temp at 6 am and it was 99.6. Since I run low, usually around 97 that 99 feels like 100+ in other people. Decided to use a sick day just in case it is covid.

No weight gain in Minnesota. That was nice. Buster traveled well on the way home, but was a little more vocal during taxiing and take off. Once airborne he was quiet as a mouse.

Liz, good luck. I completely understand you frustrations! Sometimes I think Docs and their staffs don't really understand what living with chronic pain is like.

DD, glad you had a wonderful anniversary! You did pick a good one! No question there! So sorry about the Amazing Race. UGH.....

Well, I'm going back to bed to nurse whatever the hell I brought back from Minnesota.

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 8/30/23 6:51 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

I hope you feel better soon (and no COVID). Rest and fluids!

on 8/30/23 10:44 am

Does he ride in the plane with you?

on 8/30/23 2:48 pm, edited 8/30/23 7:49 am
VSG on 06/13/12

Liz, the key episode sounds like something from a Laurel and Hardy skit! And the manager might want to think of a new procedure when it comes to the keys... Either needs another set, or always retain custody of said keys.

Peps, I do know a few folks who have Covid again, and there was a report a few weeks ago that said waste water testing was showing an up tick in cases. When you test, do you swab your throat first? I've read that throat, then nose provides the more accurate test results. However you test, I hope it continues to be negative.

CC the info about the future collapse of the medical care system is grim, and sadly has the ring of authenticity. Maybe there's time still to intervene and head off this coming storm. But it's not the kind of topic that gets people all riled up, so I'm afraid neither political party is going to give it much time.

Diane, it's wonderful to hear about the bustling place your studio now is. The process of creating something is so rewarding. If what you've created is something beautiful, bonus!

I hope Ocean Diane is okay. Check in with us if you can.

Another day of training, some helpful. Some so mediocre. I had to fill out a survey, what did you learn. I'm not sure seemed like kind of a sad response, so I tried to come up with something...

I came home for a bit, I have to go back this evening for an open house. Home again by 8pm, then lots of training and miniscule work time tomorrow. Friday is not part of our contract. I sometimes think that's by design to get free work from us, because teachers are going to do what has to be done. I will try very, very hard to not work greatly outside my contract hours, but I'm pretty sure I will do a few things Friday. It's okay, it will make the first day with kids go smoother...

diane S.
on 8/30/23 3:56 pm

Greetings all

The sun is out in full force today but so is the wind. Wind does not bode well for inland fires and I can see it's a bit grey to the east.

More banking today doing deposits and getting $100 worth of small bills. Fortunately no line. Then I made appointments for mammogram and hair cut and following up on insurance payments and investment stuff. Being an adult sure interferes with my fun. But then it was off to studio where our director and I had a good talk about the studio future and her schedule. Made a couple of things and then home. There was a lovely peace lily on the porch which is thank you gift from the flooring company. Just paid that bill.

Gee Liz are you sure those AC people know what they are doing? Hope you get into the surgeon soon.

Hello out there to Shirley and Ocean Diane!!

Sorry you are sick Peps. Hope it's not covid but I think you are wise to stay home regardless of what it is. Now they talk about the new RSV and vaccines though my doctor is not that enthused about that one.

Gallery duty again tomorrow afternoon. After that I plan to get a pizza and come home for our team's first football game. They will likely lose but it connects me with my roots as well as DH as we are both alums. CC I bet your dad is getting psyched up for college football.

Not much else. More steak tonight. The rib eyes at the health food store are ginormous - enough for two dinners for me and DH. Cheers. Diane S

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