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Friday, September 1, 2023

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 9/1/23 5:00 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

Another sunny, Fall-like day here. We have a cookout at friends later today so I am mulling over appetizer recipes. DH and I are staying here at my Cape house until Sunday when the siding people are supposed to be done there. They do my house soon after.

We met with DH's sisters for dinner last night. More less than optimal eating at a pizza place, though I didn't eat a lot of it. Of course then I had 2 cookies back at home. Though I would dearly love to drop 10 or so pounds which I think would happen with consistent healthy eating, I just can't seem to get in the proper frame of mind. But I know it would be better for my BP.

I am disappointed at waiting 3 months for the surgical consult. But it does mean that there is a chance for having surgery in my preferred time frame during or right after the holidays. At least I will have another cortisone injection which hopefully will give me some less painful time in between. I can't get it until I return from Nashville so that trip and the one for DH's birthday next week will be tough. I ordered a more robust sling to use during the plane travel to Nashville. I know how to protect my arm for the most part but I want to make sure I don't unintentionally do something stupid during the plane trips.

Have a fine Friday!

on 9/1/23 7:26 am
VSG on 06/13/12

Here's hoping that once you see the surgeon, you get scheduled quickly. It will be good going into the appointment that you have had multiple cortisone shots, and PT. You will have completed the "more conservative" treatments they need to try first.

Lovely morning, but a heat wave is coming! Besides my nephew's birthday party, we have no other firm plans for Labor Day Weekend and I'm glad! My parents were planning on going to the party also, but if it is humid and in the 90s as predicted, my Mom might not be able to.

Time to read the paper, and then finish up my paperwork so I'm free when DH gets home from work. Today is not a contract day for teachers, but you can be sure most are working on something. Some in their rooms. I'm happy what I need to finish I can do at home. :)

on 9/1/23 7:38 am

Pretty bad day yesterday with the a-hole MI guy who is president of the non-profit I am treasurer for. I nearly quit. Arguing with him made my heart rate alarm on my Apple watch go off twice in one conversation. I could not have been more in the right and his insanity went on to include going into the local bank 4 time yesterday and cursing at them in bizarre rants. All I needed him to do was sign a form so we could set up a CD. The bank manager called me rattled at his outburst to try to understand what he was upset about. The only reason I didn't quit is I made a commitment to the group and it would really leave them in the lurch. So I will stay until my term is out (16 months) with the stipulation that I not interact with him at all except for strictly treasurer related items, and even then I won't allow myself to be on the receiving end of his insanity. I won't be answering his calls. He can leave a message and I will decide whether we need to discuss whatever he's calling about.

I really am most disappointed in myself (and sickened!) for ever being remotely interested in him. How pathetically lonely and desperate am I to have not seen how weird and awful he is? Note to self, in the rare instance each decade that someone shows interest in me, there is something really wrong with them. I only attract the absolute mentally ill dregs of men. A solitary life is so much better.

But today is a new day, I have fresh boundaries, it's beautiful outside, and I am grateful for all other aspects of my life.

Peps, hope you feel better soon! DD, best of luck with school. I hope it improves from where it started. Liz, Frick and Frack's cousins are working on my house now. Day before yesterday, I had to ask my neighbor to go over and close the door from the garage to the house they had left propped open when they left so I wasn't cooling a 3 car garage all night with the a/c. I texted the contractor to ask them to close everything when they left. He did, but they proceeded to leave a slider open last night. So I made them go back and close it (45 minute round trip) rather than calling my neighbor again. Some people only learn through consequences. They are tiling and grouting and have had all sorts of doors open all day for days. I don't want to think about what has crawled and slithered into my house.

on 9/1/23 8:06 am
VSG on 06/13/12

Oh CC it hurts to see you evaluate yourself so harshly! The jerk seemed interesting at first because these type of people are always so good at being charming. I bet there is not one person in our group who hasn't had this experience, of being wooed by a crazy narcissist for romance or friendship, and being taken in by the whole thing. They are masters at this!! I know I've been down that road more than once. Also, you had social connections, so your guard is down, if so and so knows him...the important part is that when he showed his true colors, you wouldn't put up with it. Someone else might not have had the strength, insight or courage to do that. I'm just sorry you still have to deal with him. I admire how you want to honor your commitment, while still having good boundaries. That's not an easy thing to do, to balance both. You my friend, are awesome.

on 9/1/23 3:40 pm

Thank you! I think it's that I have to interact with him. So many opportunities to kick myself and ask what were you thinking?! It would be easier to forget I made such a mistake and let it go if I never had to look at his awful visage again...

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 9/1/23 12:58 pm - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

Yes, Frick and Frack are everywhere...

You definitely should not chastise yourself for having an earlier interest in that a__. He obviously has a serious personality disorder at best but many people with them can be charming when they want to be.

diane S.
on 9/1/23 3:58 pm

greetings all

It's overcast here and I fear some of it is smoke although I don't smell it. No fire danger here but I feel bad for those inland. I got my hair cut today and the hairdresser had been inland and said there were markings on houses in some areas as to where the water sources were and other factors I did not understand. But we agreed that if the fire fighters came around putting markers on our houses, it was time to leave. I am grateful to be safe.

Well Liz, sounds like Curley and Moe made an impression on you. Hope that stuff has straightened out. And yeah it seems like it's impossible to eat healthy at a pizza place. Thats what I brought home last night. Hope the cortisone is soon and that it lasts up until consult time. Mega sling is in order.

CC sorry Mr. Jerk was so unpleasant. Hard to fathom why someone would pitch such a fit at a bank. You are wise to draw the line on contact. But don't beat yourself up for having been minimally friendly. People are deep and some don't show their stripes right away. Yep, sucks to be him!! Distance is a good thing.

DD hope your school stuff is done and you can relax for the weekend. Ditto a great anniversary.

So I got about 3 inches of hair chopped off and then went to the studio. Several people raved about my hair which makes me think it must have been really bad looking before. Note to self: visit hair dresser more often.

Last nights football game was a real heart breaker. Lost in the last seconds due to a previous interception and a bone headed penalty that put opponent into field goal range. Facebook is all lit up about this. Nebraska fans are dead serious about this stuff. But also, my alma mater set a new world record for attendance of a women's sporting event. National champ women's volley ball held a game in the football stadium and result was 92,003 attending!! That will stick for awhile. My niece goes to those games with her son and he loves womens sports. A good thing.

Monday we do to friends for labor day. I am trying to think up something easy and unique. Maybe some kind of gourmet pickled veggies? I love pickled baby corn...

Cheers. Diane S

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on 9/1/23 6:37 pm
VSG on 06/13/12

Wait, Minnesota Gophers won? Sorry to rub salt in the wound, but I stopped watching the first quarter, because I thought it looked like another trouncing for the Gophers. I'm a U of M graduate, but I don't follow Gopher football closely. Sometimes, like yesterday, I'll watch if DH has it on.

diane S.
on 9/1/23 6:57 pm

Yep DD the gophers won in the last seconds. Nebraska was ahead earlier but of course they blew it. oh well.. ds

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