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Saturday, September 2, 2023

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 9/2/23 5:23 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

Sunny but still crisp day. Without much wind we may try the beach for a while. There aren't a lot of those days left here.

Nice afternoon cookout at our friend's home yesterday. We met their 1 year old grandson for the first time. Great little disposition!

Not much else to report on. DH's home is almost done being sided. They may start with the trim repairs needed at my home on Monday. It will be good to get it done - I sure hope I am done with major home repairs for a while.

Have a smooth Saturday!

on 9/2/23 6:44 am
VSG on 06/13/12

It's going to be a hot one today! DH was teasing me that I should bring my swimsuit to my great nephews birthday party in case I want to run through the sprinkler with the kids.

The task I worked on yesterday took 5 hours, 3 more than I expected. The electronic files were a mess. But it's done, and I won't have to do this particular task again this year. When I'm getting frustrated, I'm telling myself, you only have to do these workshop week tasks one more time, ever. That feels good!

The scale was kind today. I've lost 14 pounds now. I don't see any change in how I look, and I don't feel it really when I'm moving around. That's what I'm anxious for, to feel less "weighted" down, to move with more ease. But there is a noticeable difference in how some of my clothes fit, and I can wear pants that I couldn't last summer. Next week I go up a dose. Hoping I tolerate it okay. I think I will.

Enjoy the beach Liz!

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 9/2/23 7:44 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

Only one more year after this? It will go fast.

Congrats on 14 pounds!

on 9/2/23 12:24 pm

Yesterday was a better day. And gorgeous too. Today is cloudy and cool and we had storms this morning. I think we go up to 80 for the next few days as DD's heatwave heads this way.

I'm starting to think about heading home. I need to make a list of things I need to do before I go. One is smoking some more meats for my folks for the rest of the year and next spring. Then cleaning out the smoker (blech, awful job). Cleaning the house, bagging up the linens to keep them free of mice, a run to Goodwill, finishing up the kitchen design stuff for the main house, etc.

Work is still progressing on my house in AZ. I think they were grouting this week. Lord knows what slithered/crawled in while they had doors without screens wide open for days... I sent a deposit for a bunch of new furniture and recovering furniture for there, but there is still more to order.

I also need a list of things to get done when I get back. A doctor's check up, check my thyroid numbers, find someone to remove the arthritis cyst on my finger that looks ugly and talk about my finger arthritis, call an electrician to change out some outdoor plugs and ground some pipes, HVAC appt to change out a thermostat that I can't control remotely... Lots to do everywhere!

Tonight we're making baked buffalo chicken wings for dinner. Hope you all are having a great day!

diane S.
on 9/2/23 3:02 pm

Greetings all

The sun was out big time this morning but is now being a little shy. It rained some last night as I learned when I suddenly found a wet dog in my lap.

So today has been a laundry day mainly for DH. His birthday is wednesday and I think I will make him some lemon bars rather than a cake. Much easier. I used to be a good baker but have not done it in years. He does not particularly want to do anything so maybe I will make a small picnic. Unfortunately that means a trip to the dreaded Safeway, home of the world's slowest grocery checkers.

As part pf the laundry festivities, I was folding clothes and such. My sock drawer would not close. Too much crap and no two alike again. So I emptied it out, got rid of ones I hate, matched up what I could, and I have at least 15 socks with no match. How can this happen? Me thinks an expidition into the darkest reaches of the laundry pile is in order.

Home repairs all over the place! Good luck with that Liz and CC. Hope is goes well and that the 3 stooges are not included.

I think my brother went to Burning Man. There was a rainstorm there and the place is full of sticky mud and they are telling people to conserve food and water. No one can get in or out. He has not responded to a text but I hear service is not good there. Hoping he is ok. He has a motor home and a couple of friends so hoping they look after him.

I am having cravings for sweets. Maybe because I was looking at lemon bar recipes. Dang its always something.

DD smaller pants are the true test of weight loss. Congrats on your success. Nice.

Cheers. Diane S

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Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 9/3/23 4:25 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

I hope your brother is okay. I just read about what was going on with Burning Man. They said that people with RVs were letting tent campers in as the tents are submerged in the mud. What a mess, literally.
