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Sunday. September 3, 2023

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 9/3/23 5:09 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

Attempt number 2 after losing the first post.

We are back to summer with a high of 80 expected today. We return to gypsy mode packing up for 2 nights at DH's home as the siding is supposed to be finished today. They start on my house tomorrow.

Not much else to report. Eating is still not under control and I feel so tired lately which I think contributes to it. I don't sleep well at night right now and it takes such an effort to do things like showering and dressing that I feel worn out. What a whiner I sound like! I hate that.

Time to pack. Have a successful Sunday!

on 9/3/23 8:17 am
VSG on 06/13/12

Hardly a whiner. Chronic pain is a real energy drain. Not sleeping well impacts everything.Take care of yourself, and allow accommodations for your situation.

We enjoyed our great nephew's birthday party. He is 3, and has an interesting quirk, he does not like people singing to him, not happy birthday, or welcome songs in preschool etc. He is social, and is fine with attention ( he had no problem opening his presents in front of everyone) so I think the singing thing is really interesting. I like that his parents don't push him on this issue, each kid in their own way ...

My parents were able to attend. My SIL is a home health aide, and she was able to get a motorized wheelchair on loan for my Mom to test out. She was able to drive across my nephews lawn and visit his chicken coop. She thinks she might prefer a scooter. Her Occupational Therapist is working on getting her one or the other.

No plans today, but to take care of some things around the house, read the paper. Last night we started season 3 of Only Murders in the Building. Really enjoy this series.

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 9/3/23 12:06 pm - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

Good show! I think we have an episode ready to watch. Talk about quirky ;)

on 9/3/23 10:48 am

I LOVE Only Murders, DD! I'm saving this season until my folks get to AZ as I got them hooked on it.

Warm beautiful day here today. I'm sitting outside in the sun while I have pulled pork on the smoker. I also couldn't sleep last night and have been up since 3:30. I started the smoker as soon as I could see outside, so it's been on since 7. Hopefully starting it early means I won't be cooking still at midnight like last time! My folks are going to a neighbor's ****tail party tonight. I was invited, but am not interested. Claudia bought me a coaster from the local gift shop here that says, "Listen, I still want to be invited but I'm not going." She said it sounded like me. Ha! It does! The introvert's mantra....

I've started listening to the audiobook version of my book club book for this month, Covenant of Water. The author is of Indian descent and the story takes place in India. He narrates the book and it really transports you!

I think that's it for me, hope you all are well!

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 9/3/23 12:08 pm - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

Let me know how you like the book - I just downloaded it on my kindle a day or 2 ago.

I like that: "Listen, I still want to be invited but I'm not going". I'm a selective introvert especially as I get older.

on 9/3/23 12:42 pm, edited 9/3/23 5:44 am

So far so good, I'm 5 hours in to what is a 31 hour recording, so we'll see. It's very slow paced, but that fits with the storytelling. I can't keep the names straight, which I imagine might be easier with a book. What stands out to me thus far is how much more emotional and effusive the characters' thoughts and speech is. Makes me see how stilted we are in today's America by comparison.

It starts out with the 12 year old girl marrying a man in his 40s in the early 1900s. Hard not to see that through modern western eyes, as it was seen as a very good match for her. Times change!

diane S.
on 9/3/23 3:13 pm

Greetings all

Early for me to check in. The sun is out and it's calm and nice. Sweat shirt traded in for t shirt. I survived the dreaded trip to Safeway. Lordy grocery prices are high. I am fortunate to be able to afford what I want but it just goes against my grain to pay $6 for a can of fancy tuna. Oh well, at least I am well fed. I got the stuff to make lemon bars for DH. Gonna cheat and use bottled lemon juice. Had to buy powdered sugar and sweetened coconut in bags that I will not use in 10 years. I used to bake often but not these days.

DD interesting that your little nephew does not like people singing. Could be that he has perfect pitch and can't stand all the bad notes!! I remember hearing our 4 year old nephew sing twinkle twinkle and thinking the kid had perfect pitch. He doesn't but he is a fabulous singer!. Anyway glad it was fun. The chair/scooter sounds like a good option for your mom. Is there an "off road" model for use in the yard? I remember where my mom lived there were quite a few of those scooters motoring around.

CC I am with you on the introvert motto. I wanna be invited too but..... Hope the pulled pork comes out well. Years ago I thought a neighbor's house was on fire but it was only his smoker. Around here it's salmon but there is no salmon season this year due to lack of fish. Anyway, good on you for starting the meat early. Bet it's great.

The great laundry expedition continues here. We have all these old sheets and throws on the couch due to dogs. My spot is positively gritty from Poppy digging outside. And the new light taupe floor shows dirt way more than the ancient blue dirt colored carpet.

Liz sorry for your continued pain. DD is right - it takes a lot out of you.

So the reports on Burning Man are horrid. Mud so bad no one can move. Some people are walking miles to get out but my brother can't do that. I think he rented a big motor home so it's likely stuck. No communication.

We started the Australian show "Fisk". A woman lawyer who is always getting into some sort of trouble. I can relate...

Diane S

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Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 9/4/23 4:29 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

Fisk is a good show: quite amusing and it is fun how she just speaks her mind about things.

I hope you hear from your brother soon. I read this morning that they think the weather is going to let up today and they may be able to let people leave if the main road becomes passable.
