VSG Maintenance Group

September 4, 2023

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 9/4/23 4:38 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

So yesterday we were discussing books and TV with some meat to them. But then DH and I re-watched the last 2 episodes of Virgin River in preparation for the new season. Rom-com nonsense but at least one can sleep without nightmares afterwards.

Nice weather again today. DS just called and said he was sick with a fever and sore throat. Uh-oh. So far DH and I feel fine.

I need to pack tomorrow for the 2 night trip I am taking DH on for his birthday. We are going to Block Island in RI, which neither of us has previously visited. The weather looks good for a trip to a beach island thank goodness. I booked the hotel 2 months ago so there was no predicting what we would get.

Time to get ready for our morning Justice walk. It is low tide this morning so we can take him out on the sandbars. He really enjoys that.

Have a meaningful Monday!

on 9/4/23 9:14 am
VSG on 06/13/12

The last day of summer! It's gorgeous today, DH and I are going to head out to one of the lakes for a bit. I really need to get a few things in order for the coming week, but the water is calling ...

Goodness Diane, I hope you hear from your brother soon and that he is all right. What a crazy thing to happen!

The scale went down a little bit again. Funny how losing even a fraction of a pound can lift my spirits.

on 9/4/23 9:39 am

Happy Labor Day!

Covid seems to have come and gone. Just have the last little bits - what I always refer to as the tail end of a cold. Still have a bit of congestion, and maybe tire a little more easily than normal, but that's it. It has really morphed into a much milder virus. Smart virus. Best to keep one's host alive so the host can pass you along to be fruitful and multiply. Dead hosts really are not much good to a virus.

Weight has come back down in to my newer acceptable range. I am going to have to get school prepped for food though. For as obsessed as I can be about weight, etc... I'm pretty lousy about prepping and planning food ahead of time. Again, that is part of the eating disorder vs. diet brain thinking. Probably should talk that out with the shrink....

Today and tomorrow are breeding days for Dinah. Sadly, our puppy daddy of choice won't work because of the holiday. So we will have to wait another year-ish for that breeding. For now I'll repeat the breeding the produced Buster and Molly. Clearly, I got a few good ones out of that breeding.

Glad everyone seems to be doing well in general. Liz, hope you avoid whatever it is DS contracted. Seems to me we are having an early flu/covid season.

Diamond Diane, when the water calls, answer! What lake is it that you frequent? There are so many in Minnesota! Seriously, you can't drive a 1/2 mile without seeing a pond or lake. It's amazing to my CA eyes!

CC, do you like the verbosity of the book's dialogue? Or is it cumbersome?

Diane S., hope your brother gets out safely and soon. It is really quite rare for the monsoon weather to get that far north in Nevada.

Be well everyone.

on 9/4/23 4:30 pm
VSG on 06/13/12

There are 5 lakes in Minneapolis proper, called the chain of lakes. Except for Cedar Lake, they all have walking, biking paths around them. Really lovely, I can sit at the beach, DH brings his bike and rides, and when he gets back, I swim. Today we went to Bde Maka Ska. When we bring the kayaks, we can use channels to paddle from one to another. Hopefully next Saturday's activity.

on 9/4/23 6:51 pm, edited 9/4/23 11:51 am

It's easy to listen to and not cumbersome thus far (6.5 hours in). It's one of those books that makes me think that I have a very unexpressive, shallow inner monologue compared to the characters... They are exploring their inner depths and I have an Instagram song stuck in my head on repeat.

I didn't read anything about it before I started, so I have no idea where it's going. Feels like I'm just along for the scenery. It'll be interesting to see how he connects very unconnected stories, characters, and time periods back together.

diane S.
on 9/4/23 12:53 pm


Quick check in. Finally heard from brother. He is on the road out of burning man and is safe and had a great time. I was really worried about him as he has this rare disease and cannot exert himself. So all is well and I hope to hear about it in a few days.

Just made a pile of cheese crisps to take to friends for dinner. So I better get ready. More later. Diane s

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Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 9/4/23 2:23 pm - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

So glad your brother is ok and enjoyed himself.

on 9/4/23 4:31 pm
VSG on 06/13/12

Glad your brother is okay and actually had a great time. An adventure!

on 9/4/23 1:44 pm
VSG on 06/26/17

Good Morning All,

Popping in- well overdue! Its been a crazy busy few weeks culminating with commencing my new role yesterday. Wowsers is it going to be full on! I didnt sleep well last night as I couldnt quiet my mind. Why is is my natural go to - to doubt my ability and fear failure? Im sure it will all be fine. My boss is new as well but an industry gun, shes full on and I think it will like following a mini hurricane but I love a challenge. Old dogs can learn new tricks- watch this space. DH & I are staying in the city this week. Its proving to be a great choice. We had dinner in Chinatown last night.

We had our youngest grandsons birthday on Saturday. It was a farm themed one. I did lots of cooking. Will post in TT. It went very well but gosh we were very tired. Sunday my DSD had us for brunch for Fathers Day - which was lovely. Family time is always special.

Well I had best get moving as I want to go in earlier today. Have a wonderful afternoon/evening all


Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 9/4/23 2:24 pm - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

Always on the go! I hope the new role works out well for you.
