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Tuesday, September 5, 2023

on 9/5/23 1:32 pm

Wooooo we're starting late today!

I don't have much to report. It's hot here, but that ends after tonight. Thank goodness for a/c. Tonight we're having a neighbor over for dinner. Pulled pork.

Aside from that, I've got nothing! Hope you all are well...

on 9/5/23 2:09 pm, edited 9/5/23 7:09 am
VSG on 06/13/12

Survived the first day of school! There's a few characters to contend with, but classes should be good. I am exhausted. I left as I had promised myself I would, not staying late to "get more done". So all in all, it's all fine.

93 today, but low 70s forecast for tomorrow. I suppose since the building is not going to need so much cooling tomorrow, they did not crank the AC. Normally I need a cardigan or something, but it was a swampy mess today.

DH is making tacos for dinner, bless him.

diane S.
on 9/5/23 3:53 pm

Greetings all

Sunny day here. After scrabble I did a million errands. Store stop, pick up payroll, sign and deliver payroll and pick up cash to pay housekeeper tomorrow. Half the streets are torn up here and in a small town there are not many alternatives.

DH is watching some hideous sci fi. So I am zoning out playing scrabble.

Not much going on. Pot pie tonight (from a new source so it's an experiment) and I may get the lemon bars for DH made tonight.

As mentioned we had dinner at friends yesterday. It's sad to see everyones infirmities adding up. Our widowed 80 year old friend has a new girlfriend and she seems quite nice. Fits right in. Also our friends have a new rescue dog who was named Lily but they changed it to Lucky Ducky. She is a mixed breed - looks sort of like a min pin - but is very sweet and friendly. I took dog treats.

One thing - I bought a cookie at the store - impulse - thinking it was chocolate chip. It was raisin! Not good. Even the dog did not want much.

Hoping this dumb movie will be over soon.

DD glad the first day is over and that you have identified your "challenges". Stay cool. You too everyone!

Diane S

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on 9/5/23 7:15 pm

I remember reading raisins are doggy no-nos. So good it wasn't wanted!

on 9/5/23 10:45 pm

They have to eat A LOT of raisins to reach toxicity. Same with grapes.
