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Friday, September 8, 2023

on 9/8/23 9:55 am

Liz, I hope you neck is showing some improvement!

Big argument with my dad yesterday that turned me into a child again at 51. His Wall Street Journal app layout didn't look like it always did and since I touched his iPad the day before, clearly I did something to break it. He was not nice. I was fuming knowing I didn't do anything. In the end, I was able to show him that the change was a result of an update meant to "improve" the app. He grudgingly apologized, but I am still hanging on to residual anger over the whole thing. He was being a jerk. My dad's wife said that was an old person response (deep suspicion about change and needing to assign blame for said change). It was. But I'm still steering clear today.

I think I may clean out the smoker today for the end of the season. Yucky job.

I watched an interesting interview with a doctor on semaglutides. He was saying if you don't fix the carb issue first and cut out sugar, you won't see the results you want. He said he's had patients gain weight on them because they think, I'm on these shots, I can eat pizza and junk food. Or alternatively, they have no appetite, but when they do eat, it's carb focused and not protein focused and they end up with muscle wasting weight loss more than fat weight loss making regain even faster. As we all know, there is no magic solution! DD, your protein forward approach sounds like the right one!

That's all I've got. Just nursing my snit over here... Take care everybody!

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 9/8/23 10:28 am, edited 9/8/23 3:28 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

Fights with parents are always disturbing no matter the cause. Your stepmom does seem to have some insight but that doesn't help your feelings regardless. I bet your Dad is feeling sheepish.

I showed DH your picture from yesterday and he said the guy may just have been stretching. It certainly did look odd though.

Yesterday I saw my PCP and got more meds to take for my neck - she increased the muscle relaxant and added another med to aid in the healing process. Right now I am waiting for the corticosteroid injection in my shoulder.

If I feel well enough when sitting (and not too sleepy as that is a side-affect) I am taking DH to a fancy restaurant for his birthday today. I so hate that we had to cancel our Block Island trip. And I hope I am well enough to go to Nashville with the SILs on Monday.

Keep your fingers crossed that all these meds work!

Have a full Friday!

diane S.
on 9/8/23 3:43 pm

Greetings all

Sunny and almost warm here today. My big outing was to go pick up dog meds and I got to showing my puppy pictures and forgot my debit card. Figured it out when I went to the store next door but oy vey. Now my husband thinks I am senile. Oh well.

CC sorry your dad got cranky. His wife wisely realizes that it is a bit of an aging thing. Subtile but I think older people sometimes back slide a bit on their filters or maturity or whatever. I had that with Crazy Pat only 10,000 times worse. She would explode for no apparent reason. You dad will blow it off so you should too.

I went looking for roast chicken legs at the store but there were none. I got some chicken breast to hopefully cook. Tomorrow is our football game and it is early. I am going to make chili. And sunday we want to see the movie "Strays" with a friend who also has border terriers. The movie doesn't screen until 8:20 which is late for us old folks so we might just stream it at an earlier hour. I will let my friend decide that one.

Yeah the carb issue is the real one. Thinking back to how I lost all my VSG weight it was a commitment to do what my doctor said plus the fact that I just was not hungry at all. It was quite some time before I had much interest in other stuff. I was actually fairly obsessive but it worked. Wish I could catch a dose of that now. Just need to make myself do the protein.

Liz hope the meds help so you can take your Nashville trip. Sounds like fun.

Lord it seems strange to see the high school busy. Guess it really is fall.

Cheers. Diane S

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on 9/8/23 4:55 pm
VSG on 06/13/12

Haha, that's pretty funny you got distracted by showing puppy pictures. I used to be terrible about leaving my credit card, debit card or whole purse behind. It was when the kids were little. They're distracting too :)

on 9/8/23 4:52 pm
VSG on 06/13/12

CC, so sorry your Dad was unkind towards you. You're entitled to some space right now. One time I was talking with my Dad because he had been a bit snippy with my kids. I asked him if he wanted them to remember him as a cranky old man, and he said sort of the same thing, that he didn't have the same energy he'd had previously to cope with things. I had some sympathy, I know how I feel when I'm all tapped out, but we all have a responsibility to be kind to our loved ones.

Liz, sure hope you get enough relief to go to Nashville. Whatever you decide, but your health/comfort needs first.

Speaking of loved ones, DH and I were talking about his Dad, and out of nowhere I started to cry and said, I miss him. It's 30 years since he passed. Grief just ambushes at the most unexpected times.

Today was generally good, but I am so tired. DH and I went to our happy hour place, and we're home now, going to watch some TV, then bed. Tomorrow we plan to go kayaking.

Very excited, we just bought our season tickets to The Guthrie, a national treasure of a theater right here in Minneapolis. And this season they are doing three Shakespeare plays, The History plays: Richard II, Henry IV, and Henry V. And Little Shop of Horrors. I felt very happy and pleased as I added them to my Google calendar.

I feel some concern for people on Wegovy who haven't had the education we had before our sleeves. I'm careful about protein because my program drummed into my head the danger you could do to your body eating low calorie without at least 60 grams of protein daily. Some people get so sick, and I believe that everyone reacts differently, but also if all you do is eat less of what was a not great diet, that's not going to help.Another example, my WLS clinic doubled my dose of Omeprizole while I'm taking Wegovy, because excess acid can lead to nausea. I think this preventive measure is really helpful. So I'm not saying I blame the people who are struggling with Wegovy, I think they deserve more education about how to handle this strong appetite supression. I'm grateful for the care my WLS clinic provided, and is providing now.
