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Sunday, September 10, 2023

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 9/10/23 5:21 am, edited 9/10/23 5:22 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

Cudos to Peps and DD for setting priorities and making plans for retirement. I truly don't know how teachers handle their work environment beyond the satisfaction of enriching children's educational lives.

Nashville is cleared for takeoff tomorrow. As of this morning my neck feels more or less normal. I am going to stop taking 2 of the medications for it and titrate off the prednisone. Who knew that spasms in the neck could be so debilitating! My shoulder is also feeling pretty good though it sure makes a lot of noises when I use it like normal (but they don't hurt).

Back to gypsy life. I have to pack here at DH's this morning to go back to my home this afternoon to repack for Nashville. DH doesn't understand why I need to bring almost everything from here. It is because I have to make sure I have what I need for my travels. Maybe I will leave behind a few things but most need to go.

My appetite has been a bit suppressed this week either because I wasn't moving around much or because of the muscle relaxer I was taking. I'm a little concerned that the prednisone will kick it into high gear. But I suppose snacking won't be as easy when traveling.

Have a safe Sunday!

on 9/10/23 7:12 am
VSG on 06/13/12

Yeah for Nashville! I find Prednisone to be a miracle! One time I had the most crushing TMJ pain, sat all weekend with an ice pack on my face, and the Prednisone knocked it right out. I've taken it 3 times, and every time I got relief, and also a little hit of euphoria. It's not something I would want to have to take on a daily basis, but it was great for acute pain/inflammation.

I get the packing thing, if you brought it to DHs house it's because it's something you need with you everyday. (Most of the stuff) Whether you're packing for an overnight or 3 weeks, there is a certain amount of things you need.

We did go kayaking yesterday, and it did start to drizzle on us :). We came upon a bald eagle resting in the sand. We stopped to watch him, just beautiful. When he did fly off, we were so close we could hear his wings flapping. Awesome.

Today DH will watch the Vikings, I might join him, or I might go to Costco. One thing for sure, I will enjoy reading the Sunday paper.

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 9/10/23 7:21 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

LOL - DH and I have to be at my house by 4 so he can watch the Patriots.

diane S.
on 9/10/23 1:34 pm

Greetings all

Quick check in before our guest arrives to watch "Strays". Hoping that DH the tech head can get it running as its sometimes easier said than done.

Otherwise I am preparing to see accountant tomorrow for amendment to gallery tax return. I have such a friggin mess of papers since I save everything but am not a natural organizer. Only a few numbers matter in these multiple files. But I am glad to get it done.

Yay Peps and DD for 2025. Too bad schools put so many teachers through torture. Whats this crap about being in love with a problem? My doctor *****es that each year about 15 minutes of work per day is added and over 10 years it really adds up. So true. So much of education needs to happen very early at home.

Glad the prednisone is working Liz. It's a great drug but I guess it does make one want to eat. I have only had it once for a platelet disorder and only for a week. But I have had the injections a lot. Hoping your pain fades and does not come back and you have a great trip.

Yeah football is fun but I mostly only like college. Sometimes I think liking football is a sign of an aging brain. Well I guess I have it. Our Husker-CU game was a fright but the later Oregon Texas tech was great. yo CC you went to CU!!! Boulder is a great town. Bet you had fun. Both Colorado and Nebraska used to have great teams. Looks like CU is on the way back. You are good to set up all the pro football tech stuff for your dad (even if you did break his iPad LOL).

So the chili last night came out pretty well and there is plenty for today. Gonna add a bit more chili powder. Yes I did eat crackers.

The sun is out in full so I might have to pull the blinds for our movie. The vertical blinds have been tied up out of the way since the puppy era.

Cheers all.

Diane S

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Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 9/10/23 2:17 pm, edited 9/10/23 7:17 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

My mother loved all sports and her favorite football games were college level. She was an Oregon Duck.

on 9/10/23 1:56 pm
VSG on 06/26/17

Good Morning All. Monday morning here and the start of my working week. I caught the 6.32am train and currently making making my way to the city. It takes an hour. Im going to use this time to post here daily and also do further study. Thats my plan anyway. I got up with DH this morning and used the time to potter at home. Think this will work best but will see how the week pans out.

We went to the farm Friday night. Made good time, arriving by 8.30pm. We hadnt been in a month! Saturday we both spent close to 5 hours each on the ride on mower and tractor/slasher taming the grass. It looks a lot better. Had some of DH family for afternoon tea. I made a double batch of scones. One of my BIL's and his wife inhale food. He had eaten 3 scones by the time I had finished my cup of tea! Sunday we had to throw out a lot of the contents of the farm fridge as we had mould. Spent several hours scrubbing/bleaching then put it back together again. We got back to the city house around 3pm and worked solidily catching up there as we had been away for a week. Weekends are never long enough!

Im hoping this week at work is a bit less daunting than my first one. Im not acustomed to feeling like a fish out of water but challenges are always good

Liz- so sorry to read about your neck and shoulder! Awful to be having to contend with that pain

Peps- Lovely to be inching towards retirement. We are the end of 2026

DD- same for you re retirement. Sorry you are going through so much with your job. I have so much respect for teachers.

Cec- Hope things have settled with your Dad. My DH is VERY resistant to change & it often causes huge tension.

Diane S- enjoy your movie :)

Diane O - Hello :)

Well I had best keep going. Study time

Have a great afternoon/evening


Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 9/10/23 2:20 pm - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

I'm sure you will pick up what you need to work effectively super quickly.

Having 2 homes definitely can be a challenge to keep up with at times!
