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Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 9/12/23 8:33 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

I have to admit that I feel a bit overwhelmed sometimes. Though a piece of me wants to experience as much as possible before I get too old, the other side of me would like more downtime. Bring with DH added a lot of activity to life because I added things with him to the ones I already had. But I do enjoy the things we do.

We are on a Hop On/Hop Off Trolley right now. We are doing the full tour first then will decide what else we want to do.

Have a thriving Tuesday!

on 9/12/23 2:07 pm
VSG on 06/13/12

Hop On/Hop Off tours are my favorite way to orient myself to a new city. :)

diane S.
on 9/12/23 4:46 pm

Greetings all

Another sunny warm day here. No for for now. Scrabble today where I won two of three including beating the Shark by lots! Then it was a quick store trip. I found some roasted chicken legs in the deli and bought them so we will see how they work as a protein lunch/snack. After that I stopped at the studio for a few things. Home and then a nap. Busy me.

Accountant meeting got changed until tomorrow so now I have to prep again. Ho hum.

We started watching a spooky series called "The Changeling" last night. I don't hate it but it's more spooky and tense than I like. DH of course loves it. Oh well.

Yay for hop on hop off tours! Love that too. DD did you do that in Edenburough? (i know spelled wrong). It was fun there. I so love the kind of tour that does not include herding.

Ocean Diane we are thinking of you. Stay strong. Stress seems to be a recipe for weight gain.

More chili tonight. Must retrain myself from crackers.

Cheers. Diane S

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on 9/12/23 7:26 pm
VSG on 06/13/12

Ha! I take vicarious pleasure in your trouncing the shark! :)

on 9/12/23 7:09 pm

Late check-in. I didn't do a lot today again! It was chilly and gray and windy outside. I did cut my dad's hair. And we went to some friends' home for drinks and appetizers, which was fun. We also stopped to look at my dad's wife's brothers house, which they've done some remodeling to. He wasn't there. That used to be their parents house. Sadly, he went cheap on the construction work and a lot of it looked pretty sloppy, with some questionable choices in finishes, giant bubbles in the laminate floor install, paint drips on expensive new cabinets from the wall painting. Hmm. Goes to show that if you have $X to spend, do less and hire quality workmanship rather than do a lot with poor quality work. If done in smaller bites, it would take longer, but what he's going to need to do to get all of it fixed is going to be pricy!

After ****tails we went to get Mexican food. It was pretty bad this time. Everything was cold, but I'm not really a send it back person. I ate a little and left most of it. Sigh. Win some, lose some!

Hope you all had a nice day!

on 9/12/23 7:24 pm
VSG on 06/13/12

You are so right CC, shoddy work can turn out to be way more expensive in the long run. I think I've mentioned that I sometimes struggle with the fact DH never wants to hire anything out, because he wants to do it himself to make sure it's done right. We had our house built, and the builder did good work, but DH still tweaked a few things when we moved in. :) Luckily, he is very handy, but the flip side is it takes a long time for projects to rise to the top of the list.

on 9/12/23 8:06 pm, edited 9/12/23 1:07 pm

When I was in project management, we used to talk about the project triangle: "good, fast, or cheap; choose two". It can be good and fast, but it won't be cheap. Fast and cheap, but it won't be good. Good and cheap, but it won't be fast...

Lucky you to have a handy husband! Imagine if he did poor work, but always wanted to do it himself?!

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 9/13/23 4:51 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

That project triangle is definitely a good thing to keep in mind.
