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Monday, September 18, 2023

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 9/18/23 5:12 am, edited 9/18/23 11:29 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

One week to Florida. I am looking forward to it though I will probably be grousing about the heat for the first week or two.

Rainy day here. DH is going to work on cleaning the garage and making a dump run so his car can be left here on a charger. I am going to sort through the towel closet and leave only good quality ones in place. The remainder will be bagged for my step DD's to sort through for what they may want to retain for humans or dogs. It seems like a good solution to the complaint that the closet is too small since it is overstuffed with towels that look like like they date back 30 years.

BTW, did I mention that the corticosteroid injection in my shoulder is working as well as it did in June. So I hope I get at least the 2 months I got put of it last time. I dread when it wears off.

Time to get semi-motivated. Have a mild Monday!

on 9/18/23 11:27 am

The problem with fun, busy dog show weekends is that I wish I had a day to recuperate, rest and relax before going back to teach for the week! The dog show was more successful this weekend than the last! Molly was best of winners both days (meaning she beat all the non champion Airedales) and Blitz was best of breed on Saturday, and went on to earn a group 3 and an Owner handled group 1. Next day he was Select Dog to the #1 Airedale in the USA and got an owner handled group 2. Blitz will end the Owner Handled year, which ends on September 20, as the #1 NOHS (national owner handled series) Airedale in the USA. It was my goal for him and I am proud that we accomplished it by an extremely wide margin.

As usual, the dog show weekend provided a weight stabilization.

Metabolism - mine is fine for an almost 60 year old man. I just eat too much and eat too many refined carbs. I do know though that I lose a lot slower at this age than I did at 30 or 40! But now that I am feeling so much better about me, owning my eating disorder, etc.... the mental push to be thin is really non existent. I feel pretty good in my skin 90% of the time.

Have to do physical therapy with dad today. Also, have to take the suit in for fitting and get to Costco to at least get coffee. I was out of coffee this morning and had to stop on the way to school. Boooooo!

Hope everyone that follows has a great Monday!

on 9/18/23 3:37 pm
VSG on 06/13/12

Towel purging!! Yes,only use the nice ones. Life is too short to use worn towels. Which reminds me to use the nice stuff more often. I hardly think I need to worry about wearing it out anymore.

Peps, wonderful news!!! A celebrity in our group. Very deserving.

Today was a better day at work. I need to keep reminding myself that it takes a few weeks or more for everything to settle in. I'll just keep swimming.

We had a very nice visit with Aussie relatives and the rest of my family on Sunday. My great nephews were so kind to our little visitor, sharing their toys, and showing him their chickens. Lovely.

DH will be making Hawaiian Pizza and a salad for dinner. The scale hasn't budged for a week and a half. Clothes feel looser, and one pair of pants needs to be removed from the rotation because they're too big. Hopefully that means I'm in the losing inches part of the game, and then the scale will move later...

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 9/18/23 4:12 pm - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

Sounds like that scale will be following soon.

Hawaiian pizza - yummm!!!!

diane S.
on 9/18/23 4:34 pm

Greetings all

The overcast skies continue. Fine by me.

I had a bunch of errands today including signing taxes and picking up gallery tax stuff and studio payroll and so on and so on. The days a series of such things makes me worry I will forget something. I used to remember to do 20 times this much stuff. Oh well.

Picked up some new pieces at the studio. When leaving I heard a lot of honking and looked up to see a flock of geese flying low overhead. I felt a drop of moisture - I think a goose peed on my head. These are Aleutian guess which spend the summers in Alaska and migrate here in the winter. Smaller than Canada geese. They eat grass and give the cattle farmers fits.

Peps congrats on all the wins! Points from the classes and big group wins. Folks, Peps and Blitz have to defeat hundreds of other dogs to get these awards. Major BFD. But no coffee on a Monday morning is a nightmare. Glad you found some.

Liz glad your pain is gone for now. Hoping it stays that way. And soon you get to spend some time in the new Florida digs.

DD glad you had fun with the kids. Hawaiian pizza! Not sure how I feel about pineapple on pizza but whatever floats your boat. And Yay on tossing some baggy pants.

Talked to brother yesterday and he was saying how much he hates the idea of ever putting on a suit and tie again. I told him "Oh yeah, well think about wearing a skirt and panty hose in the heat". I can't believe I did that for as many years as I did. I don't even own any.

Not much else. Pot pie tonight.

Diane S

p.s. forgot to report there was a large fluffy skunk out in the front yard of the restaurant we went to Saturday. It seemed to be eating out of a dish. Guess the restaurant feeds it. Weird.

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Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 9/19/23 4:54 am, edited 9/18/23 9:54 pm - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

Panty hose - yuck! I am so glad I never have to put them on again!

on 9/18/23 5:26 pm

In Denver tonight. Home tomorrow. Last night at the hotel in Iowa there was a golden retriever wearing a doggie baseball hat (with ear flap holes) and sneakers. So cute! Though he might disagree... Ferg would not have stood for it.

Liz, any towels no one wants can go to the animal shelter!

There is snow on the mountains, but should be nice tomorrow. I am going through Moab and Monument Valley, which I've never been through before.

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 9/19/23 4:55 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

Good idea for the towels! I will mention it to DH's DD.
