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Friday, September 22, 2023

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 9/22/23 4:05 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

The weekend is here! I am packing everything at DH's home to bring to mine today. Three sleeps until we leave for Florida. It will take a while for the condo to feel like home even though we have owned it for 4 months.

The MRI was easy. I didn't need the Valium though they didn't give me much. Last time I had 10 mg but this time they gave me 4. I was barely a bit sleepy for maybe an hour. I was wondering why so low a dose but then I googled it and they always low dose people over 60. Probably because a lot of "elderly" folks aren't very robust or a fall risk. I really don't think I am different than 10 years ago, in fact I am probably more active since I weigh less. Annoys me. But anyway in the 14 years more or less since I had an MRI the machines got a LOT wider. I could see out and felt quite comfortable.

DS is cooking a special dinner tonight and SIL is coming. Nice of him to ask.

In the meantime I need to shower, pack the car, and get to my hairdresser appointment near my home an hour away. Have a fine Friday!

on 9/22/23 1:50 pm
VSG on 06/13/12

I feel like MRIs are better, I like that the end of the tube was open. That helped. My last MRI was of my boobs!! You lay on your stomach, and then they open a kind of a trap door thing and your boobs hang down into a box type thing. Weird!!!

Glad to hear it went okay for you and that it's out of the way. Now you're ready to go enjoy your new home in Florida. How exciting to be able to settle in for awhile.

On my way for a a little happy hour drink and snack. More later. :)

diane S.
on 9/22/23 4:48 pm

Greetings all

It's sunny and calm but smoke is in the air. It makes for spectacular sunsets. The nearest fire is 60 plus miles away so we have no ill effects but scary to think of how it impacts others. There is an Indian reservation about 100 miles away that seems to get hit every year.

Liz glad the MRI was not too bad. But boo on them for not giving you more drugs. I guess old people do fall down but that happens with or without drugs. I think I had an MRI once years ago when I fainted for no known reason. I recall it was like putting my head in a trash can and someone pounding on it. DD the boob MRI sounds so weird with the gravitational element. Who knew? Anyway Liz I hope you get a report soon.

CC you are one busy lady! All those house chores you got done! You might as well start puppy proofing!

DH brought home most of a tuna sandwich from his lunch today. He had to help his 80 year old tech impaired friend set up wi fi on his phone since he was unable to do that while at a hotel recently. When they get one the phone with this stuff its like an Abbot and Costello routine.

So I have had leg pain for some years but a couple of days ago it suddenly got quite a bit worse. I could hardly walk. It is not joint pain. So I consulted Dr. Google and observed that a sedentary lifestyle can be a cause of this. Well duh. Anyway I realized I must try to move more before I go back to the doctor whining about this. So we got the treadmill running again and I walked during part of the local news. Seems like finding the right time of day is important to trying to make a new habit and the local news (which we call the dumb dumb news due to poor production quality) is a good time. I am not totally worn out for the day and yet it's also not morning. We shall see.

Football day tomorrow. I do enjoy the fall ritual.

Not much else. I went on a mission awhile back to locate the orphan socks and reunite them. Had a huge tub of the orphans. Got a lot of them matched up today - like 15 pair. This is what passes for an accomplishment these days.

I noticed BB on TT had some interesting remarks about a weight loss drug. I wish there was a drug that made carbs totally unpalatable. Many years ago I took the phen fen combination. It worked but the only thing I could force down was sweets and carbs. I remember being at a lunch and there was some kind of meat dish and I could not force it down nor the green beans; things I would ordinarily eat. After about a month I got high BP and had to quit that drug. Why is there not a decent appetite suppressant that is not speed and doesn't cost a zillion dollars? Rant du jour.

Interesting about the wider MRI Liz. Many years ago when we were in the midwest DH had to have some kind of scan. He was very large and while there was one plus sized scanner in town, they scheduled him for the regular one. So five minutes after he went in he came back out. I would have found that intensely humiliating. Not sure how he felt. Now why don't airlines take this hint?

Anyway, almost time for the dumb dumb news. Guess I'd better get into my leotards and sweat bands...

diane s

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on 9/22/23 7:19 pm

Proud of you for getting on the treadmill!! Just getting off our duffs and starting is the absolute hardest part. I hope it cures what ails you!

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 9/23/23 4:40 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

That's great that you are trying to move more but be sure to work up gradually. You don't want to overdo and get more sore.

on 9/22/23 7:35 pm

Today I trekked to Home Depot for switch plate covers. Somehow a bunch disappeared when they painted. I also called and ordered a remote to control my folks' Sleep Number bed here. They control it on their phone, but that doesn't help guests and I have some coming next month. Remember when you could just lay on a mattress and go to sleep?...

I also called the landscaper and we are going to meet next week about removing some raised veggie beds I won't use as I'm not here in summer and replacing it with some artificial grass for the puppy. They leave the sprinklers in so it can be rinsed and cooled when needed. Smart. He's also going to move a lot of the cacti in the backyard to the driveway plantings and put in softer, non-stabby plants.

Next I checked the water meter at the street before and after the irrigation ran just to make sure I'm not losing water somehow. My leak paranoia is on high alert.

It feels like Tuesday. Not sure I can explain that feeling, but it doesn't feel like Friday!

Lots of phone calls left to make as those are my least favorite chore and I've done most everything else.

Food was better and then it wasn't as I find myself with a bunch of caramels in the house from a cookie recipe I made in MI. I may just have to toss them.

Take care everybody!

PS - what do you think of Augie as a dog name? Or Tater for a non-human name? Or Ollie?

on 9/22/23 11:21 pm

Tater is kinda cute! You'll end up calling him Tater Tot, though.... I just know it!

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 9/23/23 4:42 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

I second the motion for Tater (Tot). Love that you are already planning accommodations for him.
