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Saturday, September 23, 2023

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 9/23/23 4:52 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

I have been awake since 3 thinking about what I have to do in the next few days before we depart for Florida. I placed the Amazon order I had been accumulating and an order for kitchen bar stools this morning.

I got the report and images from my MRI. Can't understand a thing except there is a lot of places where degenerative is thrown in. The surgeon I see in early December will have to decipher it.

So today is my 50th high school reunion. It is going to be rainy and windy all day. So I am skipping the afternoon festivities under a tent. I know I will end up frozen and I won't want to go to the primary event in the evening. Which is also partially under a tent though with some indoors. My plan is to get there early enough to stake a spot inside. I know I am being a wimp but that's what happens at our age when one is used to being warm in Florida.

Time to do a few other things including packing to stay in my old hometown tonight. DH is going back to his home to finish buttoning it up and taking Justice with him. I will drive straight there tomorrow morning so we can leave his car in the garage there over the winter.

Have a satisfactory Saturday!

on 9/23/23 10:28 am
VSG on 06/13/12

Precision planning, and well orchestrated! Yes, do get an indoor seat. I haven't even lived any part of my life in Florida, and I'm always cold once the temp is below 80. My lovely great grandma was born in Alabama, and moved to Minnesota in her 30s. When she was an old woman, she would go south during part of the winter to visit her sisters. She would tell us when she returned that the cold felt even worse, because being in Alabama had "thinned her blood". Later I discovered she was actually correct. I read an article once that said people who live in warm climates have more plasma in their blood because it acts as the body's air conditioning.

Started Saturday morning with a trip to our favorite coffee shop. I had about 3bites of my pumpkin bread, and was full. Good deal! I did have calories in my drink though. I tried something called London Fog. It's a latte, but instead of coffee, its Earl Grey Tea and a shot of vanilla. So delicious!!

We're going to go see a Haunting in Venice shortly, followed by a quiet night at home. We're all caught up on Only Murders in the Building. The next episode will be released Monday night.

I watched a Jane Fonda, Lily Tomlin movie the other night called Moving On. A dark comedy. They are both so watchable. I can't remember what streaming service though.

I'm currently reading This Tender Land. I hope to fini**** this weekend. Would recommend.

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 9/24/23 3:18 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

Blood really does thin? I though that was an old wives tale!

on 9/23/23 2:31 pm
VSG on 06/13/12

I would recommend a Haunting in Venice. Beautiful cinematography, with lots of old fashion close ups with moody lighting. Others may figure out the murderer before me (never my strong suit in movies) but I was surprised and found it entertaining.

on 9/23/23 4:45 pm

I thought that movie looked good, DD. Glad to know it is!

Food was better today. Hoping to string a few good days together.

It was a little drizzly this morning. Made for pretty clouds tonight.

I'm feeling boring today, sorry!

diane S.
on 9/23/23 5:23 pm

Greetings all

Before I forget, Liz I have a friend who was having a lot of shoulder pain. She is a silversmith and needs her right arm. (also a sleever). Anyway she had injections of platelet rich plasma into her shoulder. They take your own blood and concentrate the platelets and then shoot it into the painful area. It has helped her a great deal. She did it twice. It's not exactly a mainstream treatment and is done for sports players. Anyway, you might inquire about it. I think it's not covered by medicare because its considered sort of out there. But there is little downside.

And Liz hope your reunion was fun. Take a good sweater! I am glad I went to mine and DH as well. A good time.

So we watched our team plan and they won. but well into the 4th qtr they delayed the game for nearly an hour due to nearby lightning. Then the network cut to a different game with no explanation so we were forced to listen on a radio. How quaint.

Day 3 of my treadmill use. It seems like the leg pain has decreased. Gee if this is all it takes to fix it then I feel like a dope. But its only day 3.

Pot pie tonight.

CC you are having travel lag. Relax!.

DD have a great weekend. Morning start looked good. Yep we are also caught up on Murders in the Building. Love it. Must continue the endless search for good tv. Football only goes so far...

Diane S

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Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 9/24/23 3:31 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

I just looked up PRP injections. Very interesting! It seems that they are mostly to assist in healing labrum or rotator cuff tears and somewhat for arthritis and bursitis. I'm not sure it would help me as I think the reason I'm at a bad place is because the cartilage isn't just damaged, it is actually worn away and there are bone spurs caused by the friction of the bones. It might have helped in my early years of shoulder problems though.

diane S.
on 9/23/23 5:25 pm

P.S. Another old but good chic flic is Tea with Moussilini. fun..ds

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