
Oct 01, 2004

Its been awhile since I have updated but I have much to tell you all. I cannot believe that it has been over a month since I have updated!! In any case on sept. 13th I had my consultation with the Sleep Center of Rochester. I have sleep apnea and Dr. O'malley wanted me to have a sleep test since I haven't done anything about the apnea. Actually, I never knew that there was anything that could be done. I actually didn't know how serious a condition this could be. It wasn't until I started reading up on it here at Obesityhelp that I learned a great deal. Well the Dr. that I met with was named Dr. Isreal and he was absolutely awesome. I told him that I was having the sugery and he totally was able to get me put on the wait list to do the Sleep study ASAP. Well guess what? I went in for my sleep study the next night. I GOT IN THE NEXT NIGHT!!!! That meant that I would be able to wait the 2 weeks for the study to be analyzed and still have time to get approval.

It gets better. A few days after that I got a long awaited call from the DR's office. Granted, I had been calling because I hadn't heard anything from the office in quite awhile. I had called to find out if everything that was needed for insurance approval had come in. a few days later, they finally called me back. Well I was told that my primary care letter was not sent over to them. I was shocked but I figured out why. I didn't give my PCP the letter because I thought that they had faxed over the letter last year. But that was not the letter that they needed. My fault totally....so I thought. I will show why it wasn't my fault. I also did not have my ultrasound done and the sleep test results were not in for Dr. O'Malley to see. Okay, so I told them that I didn't know that I had to make my own appts. The woman than told me that I was given the paperwork at my meeting with Dr. O'Malley. Well guess what, I KNOW that I didn't receive any paperwork during my one-on-one with Dr. o'Malley. I have been trying to have this surgery for over a year. Do you think that I don't keep EVERYTHING that is given! So, I called to make a appointment for the upper abdominal ultrasound. Guess what, I got an appointment on the same day I would be getting the results of my sleep test. My ultrasound was 9/28 at 8:45am and my sleeptest follow-up was at 10:00am. Well I made it through the ultrasound and headed over to my sleeptest followup. I called my mother and told her that I had just drove up to the sleep center and that I had time because my appointment wasn't until 10:45am... Well I am sure you will see that I was VERY wrong. Because I walked in at 10:30am happy go lucky because I was early. I checked in and a few minutes later was told that my appointment needed to be rescheduled because it was scheduled for 10am and now I am over 15 minutes late!!! I sat down and was on the verge of tears. Here I was, having drove 2 1/2 hours to Rochester and so in need of these results that the nurse had pitty on my and found out that there was a cancellation for 3pm that afternoon. I told them I would take it and that they had made my day!!!!

Needless to say that when I got to the sleep test follow-up I knew what they would say. Yes I have sleep apnea but I have a severe form of apnea. A split study was done on the overnight and for the first 2 hours they were testing me for the apnea. What they found was that in those 2 hours I completely stopped breating 24 times and did a "stutter step" 112 times. So in that 2 hours I had interrupted sleep patterns 136 times! That means that I will be using a CPAP machine from now on. I started using it that very night and have been getting used to it. I barely even think about it or feel it.

Oh yeah I almost forgot, my ultrasound was fine and my gall bladder looks like it won't be a problem. All of this was done on September 28th. After leaving the sleep Center I called my surgeon's office and told them that they should be receiving the ultrasound results and the sleep study results no later than friday the 1st of October.

Wed. I got into work and had a message from the surgeons office telling me that they were still missing a couple things. I gues some people don't talk to each other because she told me that I was missing the exact things that I had called and reported to them that I had completed and would be sent to the office ASAP. I won't hate because I am aware that I am not the only person that they are working with. But they did give me something that I didn't know they didn't have. She was also calling to tell me that they had sent my paperwork to my insurance company for insurance approval! Can I tell you I was so happy to hear those words. I was told that if I didn't hear anything from them by Monday that I should call my insurance company and find out what the delay is. So that in a nutshell is what I have been doing for the last month. I want to thank you all for all of the emails. You will never know how much I appreciate them all. You all make me feel like a member of the family!!! Take care and God bless. Sending good vibes to all of the upcoming surgeries!!!


Sep 02, 2004

Hello everyone!! Its been awhile since I have updated my info. In any case I am here now. I spent a entire day in the emergency room with horrible abdominal pains. Guess what it was???? Ovarian Cysts. Can I tell you I would not wish that pain on anyone! Its all better and we are going to see if they will go away on their own. I was so scared that the cysts would interfere with my upcoming surgery. But alas, it won't. Now my sleep test may interfere. The sleep Center in Rochester only had a sept. 13 opening so I had to take it. I asked what the process was like and was told that its 3 sessions!!!! I really don't know if that will give my insurance company enough time to approve my surgery. But I will put it in GOD's hands.

My friend Teresa had her surgery this past monday!!! Due to my job schedule I was not able to be at the hospital but I hope to be able to go and visit her in Syracuse. It appears that the surgery went well. The only problem was that she had horrible back pains but felt better when she was able to sit up and also walk a little.

I keep going up and down as far as my upcoming surgery. I feel that I am doing the right thing but then I feel as though I won't be able to make this work. I really wish that I had more confidence in myself right now. I am not like this at all, I am usually so self-assured about my decisions. I guess I have hit a rough patch. But I will get over it and will be grateful that I have the opportunity to have this surgery.

I almost forgot. When I went to my last nutritional appointment they were able to weigh me. I had the shock of my life when I saw what I weighed. Last year I had wen to my PCP and they weighed me. It was 384. I didn't trust that amount. I had been in so much pain in my legs and back that it had to be different. Well it was. As of August 2, 2004, I weighed in at 447!! I cried like a baby because I told myself that I would never get over 400lbs. Not only was I over it, I was over it by almost 50lbs!!!! I wanted to drive over to my PCP and smack the nurse who weighed me so horribly wrong. Lord, help me to get over this setback, so that I can better prepare myself for my surgery!!!!

Take care and please, send me some encouragement!!


Jul 01, 2004

Well as you can see its been awhile. Lots to tell. Well two days before my doctors appointment, the DR.'s office called and said they had to cancel my meeting. The office was going to be closed and they would have to rescedule. You know that I almost passed out. Not only was I to meet with Dr. O'Malley but also go to my psych eval right after. So they resceduled for another day (June 10th) and we hung up. I called my mother (who is the bomb!) and cried on the phone. She lets me do this. She then told me to stop and to call them back to see if I could still go for my pysch eval. I called and they said yes! My appointment with Dr. Nichols was so much fun. He is absolutely awesome. I was a little nervvous but by the time we walked to his office I was completely over that! He basically told me that he would send the results to Dr. O'Malley and that he has been doing these evals for some time and he could honestly say that I am a perfect candidate and that he is very comfortable giving his approval on his end. He also said that I am one of his top clients for this surgery and my possible success. That made me feel so good!!!!

Fast forward to June 10th...Maine was fantastic and it gave me a opportunity to connect with my co-workers. My doctors appointment was almost missed because I made a hair appointment for the same day. Was done early there and was heading over to the other side of town when this non-driving lady pulls out of a parking lot and almost hits me! She didn't even try to look before backing out. apparently I am very quick because I went around her and was still able to not be hit by the car coming at me. Do you know that this trifling woman still kept backing out without looking. Some people!! Anyhoo, Finally got to the dr's office and sat down in the waiting room. I mett a very nice man who was also having the surgery. He told me that his wife had had the surgery the year before and now it was his time. He was such a nice man. I didn't get his name but I told him about this site and gave him the site address. When I went in to see the Dr., I though that it would be stressful but it wasn't. He examined me and told me that he had the records from my PCP and also the psych eval. I had to reschedule my nutrition appointment but he said that once I get the new appointment, they will be able to set a tentaive date. Well guess what after some wrangling I was able to reschedule my nutrition appointment for July 9th and I called Dr. O'Malleys office. I spoke with one of the secretaries and she gave me a tentative date of (drum roll please)..........OCTOBER 12, 2004.!!!!!!! I am hoping they can push it up once all the paperwork is in and they send for insurance approval. But, I have been somewhat patient, I can wait my time.

I guess I will stop here. I will be more diligent with my entries from now on.
Hope to hear from any of the members here!!!


May 13, 2004

Well, it has been a long time since my last update. As far as what is going on with me, April 26th was my Birthday!!! I am officially 32 years old. Guess what I did for my birthday? I went to my information session for the weight loss surgery with Dr. William O'Malley here in Rochester, NY. I must say that I like this man. He is very direct you are able to totally understand him and how he feels about what he does. The one person I wasn't feeling is the nutritionist that met with thr group. I don't know if you will understand me but, have you ever been around someone that is very small and thinks that they are all that and a bag of chips. Well that is the vibe that I got from her. It was like she was talking down to the group like because we are overweight that we MUST be stupid as well. I was sitting next to the woman and she looked at me and I looked at her. It was like we were reading each others mind. I just want to drop kick this woman in her face. Sorry about my ranting.

In any case, my meeting with the surgeon is on May 20th as well as my psych evaluation. I will be going first to see the doctor and then on to the pysch meeting. I can't wait to have an opportunity to meet the doc one on one.

My friend Teresa was just approved for her surgery by her insurance company. She found out a few days ago. She was scheduled for a May 28 surgery date but believes that it will be pushed back because she has gained four pounds. I feel that considering all of the personal family things that have been going on for the last fewmonths, she is doing better than expected. If the surgury is pushed back, I will be able to be there since I will be on vacation the last week in May in Maine! I still can't believe that I am going to Maine. Thought it would be a great change of the usual. Me and 6 of my co-workers (and friends) are going on vaction together.

Well I think I will get back to work. I hope all of you are doing great and succeeding in all that you do. God bless and I will update again soon.


Dec 02, 2003

Hello all! It's been such a long time since I last updated. I have just not been feeling ll that great. Both mentally and physically. Let me first update you on my WLS quest. I have a date for my group consult (Apr. 29, 2004) my one on one (May 20, 2004) and now my psych evl (May 20, 2004 also) and my appt. with the nutritionist (May 24, 2004). Previously I had been really upset with the fact that these appointments are so far away from the present. But I have come to terms with these date for the most part.

The only thing now is that I am having some problems that I believe are associated with being the size that I am. I have been having some chest pains that seem to happen if I sit for too long. I have also found myself walking differently. Its that walk that I use to call the "fat people walk". It's the walk that because of all the weight that I am carrying is in the front of me, it seems as if my stomach is pulling me and I feel as though if I have a waddle. I was walking in the grocery store (it is getting harder and harder to walk in the stores) and my mother saw the way that I was walking and commented on it. I think it shocked her and it embarrassed me so bad that I sort of got a little attitude. I really need to apologize to her and let her know how I am feeling. I think it actually scared her because before that I guess I wasn't your "typical" fat person. I mean, I did so many things that your avaraged sized person did. I ran up and down stairs,I walked everywhere, I didn't waddle and I wanted to do all types of things and be around as many people as possible. I went out to the clubs, flirted and all of the good things that a person my age (31) should be doing. Now....nothing!

Another thing that I have done is to actually look at myself in the mirror totally naked. It was a site! I can't believe that I actually look like this. My stomach is litterally hanging over myvaginal area. I cannot even see down there. I am so scared that it will become a time wheere I won't even be able to clean myself properly. I know this is ALOT of information but its how I feel and I am really worried. Just looking at myself in the mirror, I am trying so hard to figure out why my boyfriend would want to be with me. I am now unable to let him see me naked at all. Why would someone who is 6ft. 2 inch. 210lbs. want to be with a 5'5" 384lbs. person. Though we have known each other for many years and together for a few months, I am really thinking about ending the relationship. I know that he loves me but I am trying to figure out how someone could love me when I barely love myself. I am feeling sorry for myself and also PMS is coming on strong!!!!

I interviewed for a new position at the school that I work at (Ithaca College). The position is the Assistant Director of Multicultural Affairs and I feel that I would be great in the position but int he back of my head I keep thinking that I won't get the job because of people's belief that because of a person's size and weight that they may not fit into what people feel is the appropiate look for a midlevel professional job. I am totally qualified for the position but I have lost a few jobs because of people's size predjudices. In any case, we shall see!

I need to try a new diet plan so that I can try to make the time go faster until my consults. Hopefully this time the weight will stay off. I guess I will end this update! Will check in again soon. Bless you all and I hope to hear from anyone!!!


Oct 18, 2003

Hello all, its been a long time. I haven't had too much to update. I am still feeling very down about the fact that my group meeting isn't until April 29, 2004. One of my best friends is working on having the surgery as well. She lives in Albany but will be having the surgery in her hometown of Syracuse. She went to her group meeting at the end of last month and had her one on one meeting with the surgeon and nutritionist this past friday. i am so happy for her but I would be a liar if I didn't feel jealous as well. I know she will be fine and will have a date soon! She even suggested that I contact her doctor to see if I could get into one of their group meetings. That way I can see how they are and maybe feel comfortable enough to have the Center perform my surgery. It makes sense because I actually live an hour outside of Syracuse and my doctor is 2 1/2 hours from me. I will call on monday and at least see if I can get into a group meeting. In any case, i really want to have Dr. O'Malley do the surgery. My PCP seems to prefer him over the other doctors in Rochester. I trust my doctors choice but I am so impatient. Maybe I am the problem! But, I really want this surgery. Maybe the time that I have until my scheduled group appointment to lose some weight. I need to prepare myself for all that I will have to do after the surgery. But oh well. I haven't heard from anyone on this site in such a long time. I fell VERY alone. I look at all the sites and people talking about how much support that have gotten from everyone and I am jealous. Have a great evening everyone.


Sep 23, 2003

Its been awhile since I have updated. To be honest, I was very discouraged for awhile. It had been awhile since I had called the surgeon's office to set up the consultation and had to have my PCP fax some paperwork over. My doc said that he faxed over the info the next day. The surgeons office said they would contact me to set up an appoinjtment. Needless to say, no phone call. Then I remembered all of the comments about doing what needed to be done to get what is right for you. Well, I did! I called them today and informed them that I have not heard from them like I was previously told would happen. Well now I have my consultaion date! APRIL 29, 2004. It is such a long way away, but the lord will get me another date if that is right for me!! My one on one doctor appointment is May 20, 2003.

I am realizing that I feel totally alone on this site. I have gotten two email total since getting on this website. But is it all good, we must all get to know each other gradually!!! Take care and I will update again soon.


Sep 14, 2003

I am having a hard weekend. Last week I called to set up my consultation with Dr. O'Malley and was told that I had to wait to get an appointment until they got some info from my PCP. It would also not happen until April of next year. So I looked into other doctors in Rochester but I really want to meet with Dr. O'Malley. I am so not happy. I have no ideal what I had been thinking that I would call and they would tell me "we have a spot for you next week" or something to that effect. I have no luck.

My mother had the surgery about 18 years ago and she had really bad complication so I stayed away from the ideal. It was until a couple of years ago that she suggested it and for me to really think about it. I knew that my father would have a hard time with it as well as one of my brothers. All they can think about is what we went through with all the emotions of my mom's surgerires and the infections but now they are supporting me fully and now it doesn't look like I will get started for quite a while. If anyone have any suggestions or comments on how to deal with this setback, please by all means let me know.


Sep 10, 2003

This past saturday I went to my doctor's appointment to see if my PCP would support my decision to have the gastric bypass. He would!!!! He gave me the referral to see Dr. O'Malley. I called this morning and was told that they needed to send a fax to my PCP to verify some information before they could set the appointment for the group consultation. So after calling my doctor's office and getting the fax number I called Dr. O'Malleys office to give the number. was I in for a surprise. The receptionist stated that when they receive my information, they would call me back to set up the appointment. I was like, sure okay no problem. She then preceded to inform me that Dr. O'Malley sees approximately 80 new patients a month and that they were now scheduling for the April 29, 2004 group meeting!! I had to have her repeat what she said. I wanted to cry, but I kept a upbeat voice and thanked her and said that I would await her call. I then got off the phone and cried like a baby! It is now later in the day and "I am not feeling too sorry for myself". I can only hope that something goes my way and I am able to be put into a earlier meeting time.

I would like to thank all of you for allowing me into your lives by putting your journey on this site. It has helped me a great deal. Your strengths in the face of it all has truly inspired me to continue on this journey of my own. God Bless you all. Now I will continue to wait it out because I know that this is the right decision for me


Sep 01, 2003

Hello everyone. My name is Erica and I am a 31 year old female. I have been overweight my entire life(Even in the womb I took all of the food from my twin sister and she had to stay in the hospital for an additional month.). Well now is the time for me to change for the better...

About Me
Staten Island, NY
Surgery Date
Sep 09, 2003
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