March 27/11

Mar 27, 2011

Today was a good day :)   A lady came into the shop today.. her name is Hazel and she has been getting tattooed and pierced by us for years.  She is one of the most unique wonderful ladies I have ever met.  Whenever she would come into the shop it would make me smile.
She wanted me to re pierce her navel, since she had had a tummy tuck.  We determined that it wasn't too tight so we were able to do it.  She told me that a few years ago she had the gastric banding done.. and that's why she had the panni done.  I told her that I was having the bypass done in a few months... and she told me that after the band didn't work for her (it made her sick alot) that she had it reversed and went on to have the gastric bypass.  It ends up that she had hers done at the same hospital, and dealt with the same doctor during recovery that I am having do my surgery.     It was SO nice to talk to someone who has gone through the same thing... who knows what I'm talking about when I mention the pouch and B12 strips lol  She had such a good experience, and had great things to say about her surgery and the hospital... its really uplifting to hear.  Now that I am two weeks away from getting my date... I am starting to get nervous and even questioning my decision a little bit.. so to hear Hazels experience... that just reaffirmed my decision...
We exchanged emails and phone numbers, and she told me that she will be my bypass buddy lol...  
So she came in for a piercing.. and I got a new friend in return :)

March 17/11

Mar 17, 2011

Happy St. Patricks Day!!! And what a great day it has been!  I had my Dietitian appointment this morning at 8am.  Which meant I had to be up at 5:15 and on the bus by 6am! Thankfully my husband was able to come with me this time! (even if he did sleep the whole way there lol)

The receptionist asked if I was only there for one appointment.  I said yes but if the had a cancellation to see the Social worker I would take it.  That would save me having to come back on Monday and spending another $80 to get there and back!  She said she was just about to check the messages and would let me know.  Not even 2 minutes later she told me that she did have a cancellation at 9, so my appointments would be back to back!  How perfect!!!

I saw the Dietitian first.  Her name was Denise and she was so nice!  She was really interested in my tattoos and even told me about a book by John Irving called "You Went Away".  Apparently its about a female tattoo artist... Im going to read it for sure lol

Anyway, she asked me a lot of questions about the actual surgery, to see how much I knew about the actual procedure.  She also asked about the Dumping syndrome and about what the three stages of eating are right after.  I am so happy that I have done so much reading and research about Gastric Bypass so I knew the answers!  She talked to me about my eating habits and portion control.  Over all it was a great meeting and she said that I am as ready as I am going to be!

Right after I was able to see the Social Worker.  I really wish I could remember her name, but Im so bad with that.  The only reason I remembered Denise is because that's my mothers name lol

She asked me alot of the same questions but focused on the diets Ive tried, why they ha vent worked, why this is different.  She asked about my support system and my family.  I then had to try to explain why I have 8 parents and 8 siblings lol   We spent a lot of time talking about the risks of the surgery and the risks after.  She also told me that I was very well informed, with a great support system and that I have a very realistic outlook for my results. 

And like that .. I was cleared for surgery!!!

I have an appointment on April 11th to see Dr. Hagen, where he will then give me my surgery date, and a date to go for blood work and meet the anesthesiologist and nurse.  I will also get my 3 week supply of Optifast at that time.  I was told to bring $300 in cash and some heavy duty grocery bags, since they are divided into 6 shoe box like containers.

So I have my date to get my date lol and Im super relieved. The wait is almost over and my new life is about to begin!  Today was a good day!!!


March 9/11

Mar 16, 2011

So I went out this morning to buy all of my vitamins that I am going to need after the surgery and I was very overwhelmed by the variety and the choices that there are out there!


I was VERY thankful for my information package that I received from the Bypass Class.  It narrowed down my options.  I had to buy vitamins that were either chewable, or liquid at first, until my new stomach is able to handle the kind that you swallow.  I was very surprised at the price... I was able to get everything I need ... for $60.. and that's for a two months supply.

These are what I found:


Jamieson B12 Fresh Mint Strips (the dissolve on your tongue) 

30 strips for $10.99


Jamieson Chewable VitaVim

60 tablets for $11.99


Wampole Calcium and Vitamin D Liquid

350 ML for $16.99


I kind of wish I had picked up the Chewable Calcium with Vitamin D that said they tasted like caramels, but I didn't see them until after I paid... maybe next time!

One more week to go until I see the dietitian and social worker.  I feel like time is going by sooo slowly.  I'm also a little bit scared about meeting with them.  Ive heard from other patients that they postponed their surgeries because of depression, or because they weren't informed enough.. and I really don't want that to happen to me!!!


I am not an emotional eater.. other than that fact that sometimes I eat out of boredom... My biggest issue is that i eat the wrong amounts of food at the wrong times.  I also read that some patients have to go back to see the Dietitian and SW twice for follow ups before even getting a date.

Im just really really impatient.  Cant wait to get some answers!!!!
1 comment

Feb 27/11

Feb 27, 2011

( i know im talking about this website but this is the same blog I use on a different site lol)

So I joined a website recommended to me by Humber Hospital...

What a great site!  There is SO MUCH information on there.. and not to mention some amazing people!  The site is full of blogs, forums, tips and before and after pictures!  People from all over... and also people that are very close to home which is nice!  

I found out that there are support groups in my area that I can go to.. even now... not just after the surgery.. there are so many people on this journey.. at every stage.. and its sooo nice to know that I am not alone!

I was looking at all of the before and after pictures, and it is just amazing.  For the most part you cant even tell they are the same people.. its such good encouragement!

(here is a link to the before and after pictures)

Everyone is so nice and willing to offer help.  Im starting to get very excited and impatient so I like having this site to go on while Im waiting... Im trying to put things into practice now.. so Im not overwhelmed afterward.. but even the simplest things that we take for granted everyday are super hard to do!  Like chewing  my food... REALLY chewing it.. taking my time and stoping between bites... and sipping my drinks.. not gulping..  its not as easy as you might think lol

Anyway.. I just wanted to say how happy I am to be apart of that website!!!!

18 more days till I see the Dietitian.. and Im soo glad that my husband wants to be there with me.. I just hope I am able to find a babysitter so he can go!  I should also have my last appointment with Dr. Hagen booked soon.. which means I should have my surgery date soon! 

I will keep you posted!!!!

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FEB 17/11

Feb 23, 2011

Feb 17/11

  What a stressful morning!  i was so worried about having to leave so early this morning, and even though I talked to the kids about it, made their lunches in advance and set out their clothes for them, my daughter still wouldnt listen to Mike and wouldnt get up on time.  So she ended up being 20 minutes late for school, and missed her class field trip.  And even though I know it wasnt my fault and that I had to be at these tests, it still hut that she was crying and screaming on the phone saying that it was my fault because I wasnt there.  I have to keep reminding myself that I am doing this for them, and that it will all be worth it in the end.

I went to the echo cardiogram first and it was uncomfortable to say the least,  and even though i know he was just doing his job, I did feel a bit violated!  First I had to undress from the waist up and put on a hospital gown (that was too small and open at the front so it was pointless.) I was more than a little embarrassed.  He had me lie down and started to do the ultrasound of my heart. He couldnt get a very good reading so he had me roll onto my side and hot my breast up.  It was almost painful at times.  He had to push pretty hard.  I have to say it was heat to see my heart on the monitor.  It reminded me of when I was pregnant with Porkchop and ChickenWing.  

When I was done there I was sent downstairs to the breathing lab.  I had no idea what to expect(a reoccurring theme) The lady (who didnt speak English very well at all) put me in a VERY small glass box that I could hardly fit in, and mad me plug my nose with these weird plastic tweezers, and made me breath into this tube over and over until I almost passed out!  At one point they would force air into me and then make it so I couldnt breath at all. Lets just say its not the best experience for someone who is claustrophobic!

When I was done they sent me to Dr. Shirkins office so I could get the results from the day and from my sleep study. Dr. Shirkin was not the man I thought he was!  I thought the little Russian man was Dr. Shrikin but I was wrong.  He was so nice and gave me all good news.  he said that my sleep study results were good and that although I do snore, I do not have sleep apnea. he said, "Catherine, I wish I could help you, but you are not sick"  He said I was really healthy, young and will do awesome with this surgery.  He told me that  alot of the people he has seen go though this weigh between 500 and 600 pounds and I was one of the smallest patients he had seen.  I cant get over that... for the first time in almost 30 years.. I was considered the small one.
Dr. Shirkin then went on to praise Dr. Hagen left and right... he said that he assisted him once and that he has magic hands.  I also found out that out of all the surgeons, Dr. Hagen is the head surgeon.. that makes me soo happy.  Right now Im just excited to get my final date!  One more month!!!  March 17th cant come fast enough!!!

FEB 15/11

Feb 23, 2011

Feb 15/11

  So today I had my Gastric Bypass class.  Sitting in the Bariatric Department surrounded by about 20 other patients.. I have never felt so thin.  Putting that many obese people in a small hot room is not the best idea!  if you know Family Guy it reminded me of the episode where Peter had the fat guy meeting.

Anyway the class itself was very educational.  i was super happy because a lot of the things that they talked about , I already knew.  So it goes to show that homework and research do pay off lol  I bought 5 different books on Gastric Bypass, including "Weight Loss Surgery for Dummies" and its actually really helpful!

The best part about the class is that they really go over the diet.  What to eat at each stage of of recovery, how much, and lists and examples of each thing.  that was something I was really worried about, so I am feeling better about it now.  I think the reality of the whole situation is starting to sink in and Im getting scared.  I know its a life changing operations and I know I need it and want it.. but it still scares me to death!

Going to this class brings me one step closer.  I did find out that the actual surgery is only between one and two hours long, and I should only have to stay in the hospital for 2 days (as long as there are no complications)  I know I will look back at this and feel like it was just yesterday... but right know it feels like this is never going to happen!  

Although, I should really count my blessings because I heard two other patients say that their doctors referred them over a year and a half ago and they were just getting in now... So my 6 months is nothing.  If my surgery is in May, then my whole pre-op journey will only be about 10 months.  I cant wait to be writing about this a year from now!


FEB 9/11

Feb 23, 2011

Feb 9/11

  So that brings me to today.  Right now I am sitting in the sleep Clinic at the Humber Hospital, waiting to be hooked up to all sorts of wires.  that way they can monitor my sleeping and see if I have sleep apnea or any other sleep disorders.  I have talked to a few people who have gone through this and I have a feeling that I am not going to sleep every well at all!!  I never imagined that I would have to have all of these tests before the surgery!      
Feb 10/11
So that was probably the worst sleep I have ever had!  They had told me that lights out would be at 9pm, so I stayed up extra late the night before (I havent  gone to bed that early in years!) I arrived at the clinic at 8:30, and then had to sit in my room doing nothing until 10:30 when they finally started to hook me up to 20 different wires (including on my legs, chest, all over my face, behind my ears and even in my hair)

They put two belts around me, one around my chest and the other around my waist. I had a breathing tube in my nose and taped to my face, and something else attached to my middle finger.  They finally got me in to bed around 11pm, and it was like something out of a scary hospital movie.  They left the room but then the doctor came on the loud speaker (he had a very strong Russian accent by the way) He starts to tell me to move my eyes and feet and breathe all different ways...

I am the type of person that nest to change sleeping positions many times throughout the night, so having to lay still on my back all night was really hard.  over and over I would start to drift off only to be startled awake when the wires would start to fall.  I think I finally fell asleep between 1:30 and 2:00.. and then before I knew it, it was 5:30am and the doctors were turning on the lights and ripping wires off my face.  So now here I am at 6:30am, in the hospital waiting area, hoping that Tim Hortons will open soon and waiting for my friend to pick me up.

If I could give a word of advice to anyone about to have a sleep study done... take the next day off because chances are youre going to need a nap!!!

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FEB 2/11

Feb 23, 2011

Feb 2/11

  Thankfully it worked out that i was already off work that day, and my husband Mike was able to come with me to meet Dr. Hagen.  I was very nervous and didnt know what to expect, so I was so grateful to have Mike with me.   There were a few people in the waiting room, all women, and all bigger than me.  I was honestly afraid that he was going to tell me that I wasnt big enough to have the surgery!  Obviously that wasnt the case!!!  

We didnt have to wait long to see the doctor, which was nice.  He weighed me in at 334 pounds.  he told me that for my height i should weigh around 130 pounds (by the way I think thats complete bull!!!)  He told me that a healthy BMI is between 18 and 22, and that my current BMI is 53. (anything over 30 is considered obese) That means I would have to lose upwards of 200 pounds to reach that weight.  Dr. Hagen said he expects me to lose about 75% of my excess weight in the first year (150lbs)  The most important question I had he answered before I was able to ask ... that I should have my surgery within a month of my last appointment (which as of right now is March 21st) So hopefully in May!  Finally there is a light at the end of the tunnel!!!


It all Started....

Feb 23, 2011

It all started on July 15th, 2010 (5 days after my wedding) when I met with my family doctor to go over my weight loss options.  Although on paper I looked pretty healthy (other than my weight) I knew that if I didnt do something now, in five years it would be a different story.

Dr. Brown asked me what I was looking for, and as soon as Gastric Bypass was brought up, we both knew that it was my only option.  he told me he was going to send a referral to a surgeon and that they would call me.

I left the appointment feeling so relieved!  But then the waiting game began.  Months passed without word and a lot of phone tag with Dr. Brown.  Finally i got the call from the Bariatric Clinic at the Humber River Hospital on January 15th, 2011... exactly 6 months to the day of my first meeting with Dr. Brown.

January 31/11
My mom came with me to my first info/orientation session.  It meant so much to have her there with me since I really didnt know what to expect.  there were a lot of people there, and to be honest, most of them made me feel small.  That alone made me question if I should even be there.

Regardless, the session was very informative and I really learned a lot about the procedure.  i have to  admit that it scared me as well.  Between the things that could go wrong, and all of the side effects, not to mention the  alarming death rate of one in every 200... it shook me up a bit.  But in the end the good outweighed the bad... literally!

I think the most shocking part of the seminar was when they told us that it could be up to a 6 month wait just to get my list of appointments (to see the surgeon, dietitian, social worker, medical internist etc)  And then on top of that it would be an additional 6 moths before the actual surgery.  I couldnt believe I would have to wait another year after already waiting 6 months and thinking that I was so close!

When I got home I actually broke down crying.  I was just so sick of being sick, tired and fat.  I was about ready to say forget it but then came to my senses...  whats another year .. its not like im going anywhere.. and i didnt have any other options.

Feb 1/11
Then nest morning (not even 24 hours later) I get a call from Dr. Hagen's office at the Humber Hospital saying that they had a cancellation and asked if i could meet with Dr. Hagen the next day for my initial consultation, and that they would be emailing my list of appointments asap.

Anyone who saw me or talked to me that day could tell you that I was on Cloud 9!  I was in complete disbelief that it was all happening so fast!  I had just wrapped my head around the fact that I was going to have to wait 6 months to hear from them, and then to find out that I had all of my appointments within the next two months... I was soo happy!!!!

