My journey

Nov 20, 2023

I want to share my journey towards weight loss surgery. I currently weigh over 500 lbs, and losing weight has been a tremendous challenge for me. I know I am not alone in this struggle, and I hope that by sharing my experiences, I can provide support and encouragement to others facing similar obstacles.


Section 1: The Battle Begins

I believe it's essential to acknowledge the difficulties we face when trying to lose weight, especially when it comes to qualifying for weight loss surgery. This realization hit me hard when I started the process for surgery. However, I quickly learned that I wasn't alone in my struggle. Many people face similar challenges, and it's crucial to find a supportive community to share experiences with.


Section 2: Overcoming Mental and Emotional Roadblocks

One of the most significant hurdles in this journey is not just physical but mental and emotional. The weight we carry isn't just on our bodies—it's also on our minds. There may be years of trauma, emotional eating, and negative self-perception that we must address. Recognizing and working through these challenges is crucial to achieving long-term success.


Section 3: Seeking Professional Help and Support

Weight loss surgery is not an easy fix, nor is it the right path for everyone. It's essential to seek professional advice and guidance. Consulting with healthcare professionals, nutritionists, and therapists can provide valuable insights into the process and help create a personalized plan to address health and weight loss goals.


Section 4: Celebrating Non-Scale Victories

As we work towards qualifying for weight loss surgery, it's important to focus not just on the numbers on the scale but also on the non-scale victories. Small lifestyle changes such as improved mobility, increased energy levels, and better self-esteem are just as significant and worthy of celebration.


Section 5: The Importance of Supportive Communities

Finding a community of people who are on a similar journey can be incredibly empowering. Whether through in-person support groups, online forums, or social media, connecting with others who understand your struggle can provide a sense of belonging and encouragement during challenging times.



My journey towards qualifying for weight loss surgery has been filled with ups and downs, but I remain steadfast in my determination. I am here to tell you that, no matter the obstacles you face, there is always hope. Together, we can support one another, share our stories, and work towards our goals. Let's stay motivated and focused on transforming our lives for the better.


Remember, this is just a template to provide some guidance for your blog post. Feel free to add personal experiences, anecdotes, and any other insights that align with your own journey.


Might Determination and journey to get weight loss surgery

Oct 17, 2023

Living with obesity is a challenging journey, both physically and emotionally. As someone who weighs over 500 pounds, I understand the impact excess weight can have on one's quality of life. In my quest for a healthier and happier future, I have come to realize that seeking weight loss surgery may be a crucial step towards achieving my goals. However, finding a doctor who specializes in this field can be a daunting task, often requiring relocation. In this blog, I would like to share my experiences, challenges, and the hope that fuels my determination to find the right surgeon.


1. Acknowledging the Need:

Coming to terms with the fact that weight loss surgery might be necessary is not easy. It requires facing the truth about our health and recognizing that we need professional help. The decision to pursue weight loss surgery is deeply personal and should be driven by a desire to improve our overall well-being.


2. Researching Weight Loss Surgery Options:

Understanding the different types of weight loss surgeries available is vital for making an informed decision. From gastric bypass to sleeve gastrectomy, each procedure has its own benefits and considerations. Conducting thorough research, consulting healthcare professionals, and attending informational sessions can help us determine the best approach for our individual needs.


3. Assessing Local Options:

Ideally, finding a qualified weight loss surgeon in our local area would be convenient. However, depending on our location and the availability of specialists, this may not always be feasible. It is crucial to explore local options first. Researching nearby healthcare facilities and speaking with general practitioners can help us identify potential local resources for weight loss surgery.


4. Expanding the Search:

If local options prove limited, widening the scope of our search might be necessary. This can involve researching reputable weight loss surgeons in nearby towns, cities, or even different states. One must consider factors such as surgeon experience, success rates, patient testimonials, and post-surgery support programs. Narrowing down potential doctors and scheduling consultations can help us find the right fit.


5. Preparing for Relocation:

Relocating for specialized medical treatment can be a major life decision. It involves numerous considerations, including housing, transportation, support systems, and access to aftercare services. While it can be challenging, moving to an area where we can find a highly skilled weight loss surgeon might provide the best chance for a successful procedure and long-term weight management.


6. Overcoming Emotional Challenges:

The journey towards weight loss surgery is not only physical but emotional as well. It can bring up deep-rooted insecurities, fears, and doubts. Seeking counseling or joining support groups can help us navigate these complex emotions. Knowing we are not alone, and being surrounded by individuals facing similar challenges, can provide immense encouragement and strength.


7. Embracing the Journey:

Above all, it is vital to maintain a positive mindset and embrace the journey. Change takes time, and finding a weight loss surgeon who can guide us towards a healthier lifestyle is a significant step forward. Each day is an opportunity to work towards our goals, and we should celebrate every milestone, no matter how small.



While the process of finding a weight loss surgeon to perform bariatric surgery can be overwhelming, remember that it is a step towards a better life. By acknowledging our need for professional help, conducting diligent research, considering local options, and being open to relocation, we increase our chances of finding the right surgeon. Let your determination, hope, and the desire for a healthier future fuel your journey towards a new, revitalized you.


Remember, you are not alone in this battle, and together, we can overcome the challenges and achieve our weight loss goals.


Disclaimer: This blog is not intended to provide medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare professional for personalized guidance on weight loss surgery and related decisions.

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My goals

Oct 17, 2023

Losing weight is often a deeply personal journey, driven by our individual desires for better health and improved self-confidence. However, finding the motivation to embark on this journey can sometimes be a challenge. In my case, a unique and heartfelt source of inspiration comes from my little brother, who performs in drag. In this blog, I would like to share my story of how his incredible performances have ignited a spark within me to embark on a weight loss journey, with the ultimate goal of being able to witness his remarkable talent on stage.


1. A Tale of Love and Acceptance:

Growing up, my little brother and I shared a special bond, always supporting one another's passions. When he discovered his love for drag and began performing, I became his biggest cheerleader. Witnessing his transformative performances, the confidence he exudes, and the joy he brings to every stage ignited a sense of admiration that I can hardly put into words.


2. The Desire to Be Present:

As my little brother's drag career flourished, I came to the realization that my weight often held me back from fully enjoying and participating in his performances. The uncertainty of fitting into seats at the venue or experiencing fatigue during and after the show made me long for a healthier lifestyle. I yearned to be present, fully immersed in the magic of his performances without any physical limitations or worries.


3. Setting Personal Goals:

Inspired by my brother's artistry, I decided to set my weight loss goals with determination and dedication. I understood that achieving better health would not only allow me to attend his shows with ease but would also improve my overall quality of life. Setting small, achievable milestones along the way helped me stay focused and motivated on this transformative journey.


4. Utilizing Support Systems:

Weight loss is not an easy feat, and having a support system is essential. My little brother became one of my biggest champions, offering guidance, encouragement, and understanding. Sharing our goals and progress together created a sense of accountability and made the journey feel less daunting. In addition to my brother's support, seeking advice from healthcare professionals, joining a support group, or even finding an online community can provide invaluable motivation and guidance during this process.


5. Embracing a Healthy Lifestyle:

In my pursuit of witnessing my little brother's remarkable talent on stage, I realized that achieving sustainable weight loss requires adopting a healthy lifestyle. Through a combination of regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and self-care practices, I began to make positive changes in my life. By focusing on nourishing my body and mind, I am not only working towards my weight loss goals but also learning to value self-love and self-acceptance.


6. Celebrating Achievements:

Throughout my weight loss journey, celebrating even the smallest victories has been crucial for maintaining motivation. Whether it's shedding a few pounds, fitting into a smaller size of clothing, or feeling more energized, each achievement brings me one step closer to my ultimate goal of seeing my little brother perform live.



While embarking on a weight loss journey can be challenging, finding inspiration and motivation from unexpected places can provide an extra push towards achieving our goals. In my case, the awe-inspiring performances of my little brother in drag have become a driving force behind my desire for improved health and well-being.


Remember, weight loss is a personal journey, and the reasons behind it may be equally unique. Find what fuels your motivation, embrace a healthy lifestyle, and seek support from loved ones and communities along the way. With determination, self-love, and the support of those who inspire us, we can achieve our weight loss goals and fully enjoy the precious moments life has to offer.


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I need help

Sep 30, 2023

I weight over 500lbs and I would love  anybody at my weight could tell what was your Experience and what was life like after surgery. 

1 comment

Are there any specialized weight loss Are there any

Sep 29, 2023

Are there any specialized weight loss programs or services designed for like me with a higher BMI? I weigh over 500 lbs


I weigh ?over 500 lbs what can expected

Sep 26, 2023

I weight over 500 lbs what can expected before and after surgery 

1 comment

Hi From Maryland I'm new here

Sep 25, 2023

Hi I'm Anna Single Mom on a Weight Loss Journey | Ocean City, Maryland 


 Embracing change and writing my own story as a single mom from the beautiful shores of Ocean City, Maryland. 


Currently on a profound weight loss journey, determined to transform my life and become the healthiest version of myself. Starting at over 500 lbs, I've decided to take control and undergo weight loss surgery. 


Join me as I navigate the ups and downs, triumphs and setbacks, on my path towards a healthier and happier life. I believe in the power of self-love, resilience, and the importance of taking care of both body and mind.


 In addition to sharing my weight loss journey, I'm a fierce advocate for self-care, mental health, and empowerment. As a single mom, I strive to be the best role model for my children, teaching them the value of self-worth and the strength of determination.


Let's support each other, uplift one another, and celebrate all victories, big and small. Together, we'll defy expectations and embrace the beauty of self-transformation.


 Join me on this incredible journey as we inspire and motivate each other to live our best lives!


About Me
Sep 25, 2023
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