Home Safe & Sound

Apr 22, 2007

Through the grace of God, we are home safe & sound and very happy (American Airlines rocks almost as much as my DS!).  I have so much to share but not quite yet.  For the time being, I've uploaded some of the highlights of our trip via photos (see left column).  

In the meantime, Evelyn remains uppermost in my thoughts and prayers; she is showing some improvement but has a way to go before she's up and around.  Please keep her in your prayers; she is worth the effort.

My Irvine Speaking Schedule

Apr 07, 2007

Check out my You Tube Channel for the latest media upload by clicking here!

My Speaking time at the Irvine OH Convention: Saturday -and- Sunday @ 2:30-3:15pm

Check out my newly-updated website by clicking here.

California, here we come ... The time is almost here and we're very very psyched.  (Mark the dates: OH West Coast National Convention on 4/14 & 4/15 at the Crowne Plaza in Irvine. ) 

Remember, we'll be in Irvine/LA from 4/11-4/21, so don't be shy about contacting me re hooking up between those dates if you're out that way.   

We have spent a lot of time and energy to put together an agenda for the event that will inspire and entertain.  I'm especially hopeful that I will do my "switch siblings" proud.  It's so our time to shine!!

If you're researching weight loss surgery, be sure to stop by and I hope to shed some light on this stellar procedure.  But even if you're a post-op or non-op, I hope to contribute to your journey in an inspirational and supportive manner, so don't be shy ... Come on by ... Collect your hug!

On a very serious note ... 

As most of you know, Evelyn has had another setback and has been placed back on a respirator after failing to breathe on her own (she had a revision from a nondescript WLS to an RNY on 3/27).  Regardless of the excitement and anticipation I feel about the Irvine event, we cannot forget for one second the courage it takes to have this surgery.  We must be willing to risk our lives to save them.

If the prayers and support and love being sent Evelyn's way were enough to change the tide, she'd be posting right now instead of me ... but "don't can't stop believing" (I even have put the ringtone to the Journey song by the same name on my cell phone for her cell # ... and man does my heart stop when her daughter Kiara calls with updates from E's phone!) ... 

We see miracles in our lives and others' everyday and if anyone ever deserved a miracle, it's her.  So our theme for the day ... "Don't stop believin'" ... in anything or anybody. 

Irvine Commercial & Prayers for Evelyn

Apr 02, 2007

I made a (new) general commercial for the Irvine event.  You can view it by clicking here.

In the meantime, please keep love and support and prayers headed in the direction of our WLS sister, Evelyn ... She is a revision from what was supposed to be an RNY who hoped to have the DS but during the procedure her surgeon found she was up against too much to complete it.  Instead, he refined the original weight loss surgery that was sort of nondescript into a more traditional RNY.

Evelyn has been in ICU for a week now and is on a respirator.  She is a loving Christian mother and a good, sweet person.  If anyone can lift her in prayer and help her find her way back to us in good health, it will be her OH brothers and sisters.

It is sobering to see someone with so much to live for be in such a perilous position.  It brings the concept even closer to home that we all must live every second for all its worth and be grateful for all we have as we have it--not just in retrospect.

We love you, E ... We need you ... You mean so much to us and your OH family is right here, ready to help you through.

It's All About Irvine!

Mar 16, 2007

Here's a little "commercial" I put together and posted on YouTube to announce our trip to California (Click here to view).

I can't wait to hug those OH family members who will be attending the Convention on 4/14 & 4/15 at the Crowne Plaza in Irvine.  We have actually extended our visit to the LA area from 4/10-4/21 just so we can squeeze in everything we want to do.

We have spent a lot of time and energy to put together an agenda for the event that will inspire and entertain.  I'm especially hopeful that I will do my "switch siblings" proud.

Breaking Freaking News!!

Dec 22, 2006

Happy Holidays, Switch Siblings!

I hope you are all enjoying holiday preparations and continue to move forward physically, emotionally and/or spiritually during your journey.

There's so much I'd like to share with you and have been keeping a lot of stuff very close to the vest.  At this point, this is what I CAN tell you and I'm so very excited and pleased to give you all the heads-up ...
I'm working with OH to have "a significant DS focus" during their California convention (April 14-15 very close to the John Wayne Airport in Orange County).  This will include -- and certainly isn't limited to -- me speaking during the event, a nutritionist speaking specifically about the DS, and -- more than likely -- participation by one of our major DS surgeons.  OH is about to ink the contract re the final location and we will share that before the ink is even dry!!

Please ... Start putting this on your 2007 to-do list.  Having been to Kentucky for the OH event at the end of October 2006, I have to tell you ... It is incredibly fulfilling and a giant hug for one and all.  To think there can and WILL be a strong showing of DSers ... Well, it just doesn't get any better than that!  DH & I are planning a 10-day trip to the west coast specifically tailored around the event, so if you west coasters absolutely can't attend, maybe we can find a way to "hook up" while we're there.

In the meantime, please spread the word -- far and near -- to all the DS websites you visit.  I'm doing this not for OH's benefit as much as DSers everywhere. To think we can help guide pre-ops desperate to have their surgery of choice and bond with them as well as fellow post-ops ... I mean, seriously ... Think about it.  It's awesome, isn't it?!


There will be more info about this and some other (more personal) stuff to share soon but suffice to say: I FREAKIN' LOVE MY DS BEYOND WORDS and am grateful for this chance to live life to its VERY FULLEST ... Because of my life as it stands today, an incredible amount of support, and subsequent positive events, I am correcting things that happened to me over 40 years ago and feeling a positivity and resilience I NEVER thought possible.  (And I've always been a "positive person!")

God bless each and every one of you ... May you delight in wonders beyond wonders during this holiday season ... and ... Well, cya in Orange County ... k???

Two Year Journey to Freedom

Nov 19, 2006

Why is it now that we have an official "blog," I feel it's almost obligatory to reflect online in writing everyday?  I keep fighting the urge.

In any case, I've been working on this particular entry for two weeks.  Why?  Because it's my two year post-op anniversary and I wanted to find a way in which I could convey to you how incredibly awesome a two years it's been.  I know ... So cliche, right?  But it's so freakin' true.  When you take this tool and use it for all it's worth, everyday and in every way (okay ... MOST days and in MOST ways), it is the gift that keeps giving.  

I mean if you are a regular visitor to my profile I'm sure you have some idea of the progress I've made since my surgery but I'll give it to you in a nutshell:

~ I'm no longer bedridden.

~ I'm driving again.

~ I've taken two cruises.

~ I've flown to Las Vegas from NYC.

~ I've flown to Kentucky from NYC.

~ Almost all of my interpersonal relationships (especially with family) have improved/grown because my view of things is less burdened and harsh.  Overall, my perspective is brighter and more generous than ever.  I believe I need to take all this positivity I feel and continue to share it with all who care to accept it.
     A couple of relationships have deteriorated and while I wish things could be different, I have to accept that sometimes others see only what they want to see and what they think of me may not be my business. 
     I daily practice the 9th step of 12 step programs (for me that would be Overeaters' Anonymous) and take regular inventory of myself and my actions and when I am wrong, promptly make my amends.  There's not much more I can do.

~ At age 51, I see new muscles in my body almost daily that I didn't know existed -- at least not in me.  I've gone from a size 32 to a size 2; I've lost nearly 200 lbs -- from 321 lbs to 123 lb. Now 5'7" (I've grown an inch over the past two years as well), I am what one would term an "athletic build."  Many say I'm too thin but I say "I'm so freakin' healthy," I eat well and my bloods are great, so ... I really do believe I'm a-okay.

~ My husband tells people I'm a supermodel and we have pretty close to the life we've always dreamed about. By the grace of God we are not one of the divorce statistics; our love has deepened and grown on every level.  He is my hero.  He stood by me when I couldn't get out of bed and now lets me run ahead of him when I can't stop moving. 
     He showed a picture of me at work and a dimwitted co-worker said "What the HELL is SHE doing with YOU?"  And I told him to tell this co-worker that I am DH's result.  He built me ... He worked and stood by me with every single pound lost, every single bit of discomfort, every single growing pain before and through this process. I am now his 51 y/o trophy wife and it is a turn-on for us both that I make sure I look good for him -- even at the supermarket ...

I think you get the idea.  Simply put, I am an ecstatically grateful post-op who worked hard to get here, starting with 9 months of battling insurance to have my DS and really working food plans to have the maximum effectiveness of weight loss because my body was so compromised from the onset.

Of course, I didn't do it alone and just check my friends corner to see some of the OHers who helped me through this awesome journey.  Then of course there's DH, DD, DS and her family, and many tried-and-true lifelong friends of mine.

This journey so far has been proof that no one is too hopeless or helpless ... Life can become exactly as you design it ... and weight loss surgery is a gift with which we can do more than we had ever hoped.  It cannot be stressed enough that your life will NOT be perfect -- no matter what you've been told your whole life by well-meaning family and friends.  Life and shit WILL happen and you will have to cope with it.  But all the "noise" and perceptions of you by others that get in the way of your effectiveness when you're a bigger person will all but be erased and you will be more able to look in someone's eyes and let them see who you truly are.

I pray that each and every one of you will have the opportunity to feel what I feel today.  I know amongst all other things that I've been lucky in countless ways but I try to take that luck and do the right things with it.  I never really carried the emotional burden of being "the fat chick" because I always went in search of my wildest dreams, fat or thin.  But today I can tell you ... I'm LIVING them and it's very freakin' cool!

October 2006: What A Month!

Oct 31, 2006

This is the most interesting month I can remember since my days as a rock'n'roll promoter.  Lots of great stuff, some lousy stuff, some scary stuff (in other words, a month of LIVING) but as usual, I've survived it and I'm still smiling.

9/30-10/9: We started the month on an Eastern Caribbean Cruise on the Crown Princess.  I ate whatever I wanted ... No, that doesn't mean I ate totally indiscriminantly and stuffed my face every ten seconds, it means that I enjoyed myself without the types of restrictions I tend to place on my eating (I ate something with real carbs in it daily ... OMG ... LOL!).  Word to all who travel Princess: Do not deny yourself one of the free chocolate chip cookies or the ice cream bon bons from the International Cafe ... Superb! ... and so rich that you couldn't overdo if you wanted.

The Crown Princess was a lovely ship, featuring "Movies Under the Stars" on one deck, a spa, a gym, and pretty much all other things that are standard on a cruise ship.  It's huge but "sectioned off" in a way that no one area seems massive; as a matter-of-fact they may have overdone in this respect as some areas got overly congested and claustrophobic when busy.

We had a beautiful balcony stateroom (albeit much smaller -- especially the bathroom -- than the Carnival Triumph was last year).  Balcony staterooms are the absolute best way to enjoy a cruise (and not that much higher in price), when sailing with someone you love.  This way you can enjoy all the romance of a cruise without the feeling that someone is watching you the whole time.  How wonderful to sit on our balcony and enjoy our coffee while the Caribbean sun shined on us and the shimmering ocean.

We went to Grand Turk, St. Thomas, San Juan and were scheduled to go to Bermuda but the weather did not permit us to dock.

A wonderful Chilean couple (Dino & Paula) joined us for dinner each night and we became great friends, in spite of the obvious language dissimilarities.  My NYC comprehension of Spanish and my high school Italian (Dino spoke Italian as well as Spanish) were put to the test but good.  They were so sweet and love to speak English because English is the most important second language in their country; commerce with the U.S. is a high priority there.

As wonderful as our cruise was last year, this was 10x better.  We spent some mornings working out in the gym and I got to show my prowess as a mermaid by braving any possible stares and criticism and donning a bathing suit, taking to the pool to work out but good.

We came home very tan and very happy.

Upon our return -- and very much unlike last year -- we were a flurry of activity.  (Last year we literally took to our bed for the following week after the cruise out of sheer exhaustion.)  

Dino & Paula were scheduled to stay in NYC for a couple of days, so we dropped our bags off at home and went right back out to take them sightseeing to the NYC I know.  We went to Greenwich Village, had a delightful dinner in Little Italy, and took a long yet solemn walk to the site of the World Trade Center.  They so respected what we as NYers went thru on 9/11.  At one point Paula and I comforted each other by hugging tightly, almost on the brink of tears.

10/10: DH & I headed back into Manhattan for the monthly NYC DS get-together.  I was so looking forward to him enjoying this wonderful group of women and taking part in the goings-on.  Unfortunately, he got a bit more than he bargained for -- and so did I.  It did not go as it normally would and kind of set a sequence of events in motion that would unfortunately alter our group's dynamic -- possibly forever.

10/11:  Again we traveled into Manhattan as we had tickets to see a taping of Rachael Ray's talk show.  The only problem was that they had seriously overbooked the show and we were unable to get in.  Considering they had already bumped us once from the summer ... That was it for us ... Seeing her just isn't THAT important!

10/12:  DH & I finally had a chance to really catch up on things at home and relax.  However, later that night my sister called and said my mother was being transported from the nursing home to a local hospital as she had become "unresponsive."  As I've mentioned before on these pages, her Alzheimer's is very advanced and these kinds of calls are scary.

We were at Mom's bedside constantly for the next four days.  At one point her lung x-rays were showing a shadow and they thought she might have cancer.  So sad ... How much does one have to suffer?  I mean she's already "the nursing home moaner" -- the main reason most people hate nursing homes.  (Her only way to communicate -- since she can't effectively convey her thoughts -- is to moan constantly.)  She was incredibly vocal for two days straight, even as the 103 y/o woman next to her lay on her death bed and her family gathered around her (God bless them; they were so understanding).

Finally, Mom was cleared to return to the nursing home (cancer-free, the shadow was NOT a mass, thank God) and I was finally able to decompress from all the ups and downs of the past couple of weeks ... Until ...

10/16:  I "accidentally" received an email from a member of our beloved NYC DS group that showed that one of the members with whom I felt most close was labeling me in a negative way.  This person was someone with whom I had let myself become very close -- in spite of the fact that I have often found women quick to betray friends ... especially when jealous or envious or for whatever reason they deemed reasonable at the time.  

Since I am writing this way after the fact and have moved on, let's just say my feelings were hurt by someone who should have had far more respect for our friendship -- and me as a human being, considering our relationship -- than to be so negative and hurtful (even when pretending to be sensitive) behind my back.

10/21: I turned 51 in an extremely uneventful way ... Just chilling and coming down from all the excitement and craziness of the previous few weeks and gearing up for the Lexington OH conference the following week. 

10/31:  So here we are at the end of an extremely eventful month.  I had the absolutely wonderful experience of attending the OH Lexington Conference and meeting members and post-ops who have been incredibly significant participants during my journey: Stalkerval, Tooter, Leilani, Dana Barr, Amy Williams, and so many others (including -- but not limited to -- Dee and Jane M and Charlie C and Dex and Becky Sue and Becky Bellamy and Vickie and Vicki and Kathy Mom of Many and so on and so on ...)  Below is a PhotoShow that is indicative of the fun we had.

All-in-all an extraordinary month.  Lessons learned include:

... Never to get too comfortable with -- or trusting of -- people who don't deserve it

... Either people "get you" or they don't ... In their heart of hearts if it serves them to think the worst of you, they will ... and not hesitate to perpetuate their version of reality to others.  Those that know me -- and really want to know me -- get me and trust my intent ... which has always been pure and loving.  I am a perfectly imperfect human being and not without a plethora of faults but there is not one day that I don't go through a checklist of how I can be better to others and myself.

... Life is to be lived to its max every single day because tomorrow is too much of a mystery

... Patience is a virtue -- albeit a difficult one to master (still working on this)

... The more active you are, the more you lose -- or at least makes it easier to maintain.  (In spite of eating enjoyably during the cruise, constant activity and staying in motion led me to losing another 4.5 lbs this month; I have lost just shy of 198 lbs total in less than two years!)

My Favorite Things/Sites

Aug 31, 2006

The following have proven invaluable to me as both a post- and pre-op:

4C Totally Light Tea
4C Iced Tea has always been one of my faves but I never really got to enjoy it in its full sugar version (I ALWAYS drank "diet" drinks but was taken over to the dark side a few times ... Boy was the "dark side" delicious!). Then 4C developed a sugar-free version that for some reason still had 4 carbs per serving ... too much for me when you need 8 x 8 oz per day. So now 4C has come out with "Totally Light" ... Even DH loves the way the Decaf tastes ... What a lovely way to stay hydrated! We also enjoy it in the Tea2go version (fits perfectly into a 16.9 oz water bottle ... and, best of all, completely dissolves in the coldest of water)! 

Beats the heck out of the competition -- and that means Propel (which isn't too bad but does have some sugar carbs) and certainly Fruit H20 (which I detest with a passion -- triple yuck). 

Bariatric Bytes
Ruth aka "Tooter" is an inspiring friend of mine. She has created this website chockful of information for weight loss surgery patients that many non-ops will also find helpful and extremely informative. Her info on vitamin supplementation and what vits blend well with others, along with her research about soy and thyroid alone has proven so invaluable to me that I never forget to remember her in my prayers. Then there's the recipes ... yum! Don't hesitate to bookmark Bariatric Bytes in your favorites. (Love ya, Toots!)

Bariatric Eating
Susan Maria Leach saw a void in the weight loss surgery market and filled it -- with panache. Aside from being an accomplished author, she developed a physical store in Pompano Beach, FL and a website thru which she sells many products that we as weight loss surgery patients find helpful (and tasty!) ... Many WLSers and dieters will find her methodologies and products incredibly helpful.

Calorie King
Nutritional Info including Restaurants/Fast Food 

Cigna Squeaky Wheels
Support for Fighting the Evil Cigna Empire 

Most economical and delicious way to get in my calcium. Only one chewable wafer 3x a day (spaced at least 1-2 hours apart, since we can only absorb 500mg of calcium at a time) for a tasty bone-satisfying treat. 

Keep track of everything you eat ... Really helps you when you're early post-op and wondering if you're "eating too much" once you're further out 

Fuze (Rhymes with "Lose")
I started drinking the Fuze Slenderize formulas at about 10 months out. (Be careful as they do have many other versions as well which are full of carbs and sugar ... So read the label very carefully!) I'm so glad I did. First of all, they are chock full of flavor (especially the Tropical Punch) and amino acids/vitamins that aid in your weight loss efforts. Stick a bottle in the freezer for about a half-hour before drinking and it is super refreshing. I drink between 1 bottle every couple of days to one bottle a day -- especially when I am less active, as the amino acids help my body metabolize like I've been working out. Can't explain how it works but I can tell you that, for me, it just does! 

The Gopher
EXTREMELY useful tool in general -- but an absolute Godsend to the early post-op 

Fun Juice
Economical and delicious juice concentrates (currently made with aspartame but they're switching to Splenda shortly) ... mix a portion with water for a juice-like drink ... Really excellent! 

Le Nature's Flavored Ice Waters
Especially fantastic after about an hour in the freezer 

Maxi Hair
Great product for keeping post-op hair loss to a minimum. Complete with a healthy dose of B-vitamins, I continue to take it at two years out. They are part of my daily regimen.

Decent prices on a wide variety of low-carb stuff, supplements, sugar-free syrups, Just the Cheese (no carb, hi protein crackers) ... Never more than $4.99 shipping -- no matter how much you buy! 

Nutrition Data
Look up nutritional info for all foodstuffs 

Perfectly Sweet
If you're able to portion your maltitol properly, this is the site of your dreams. One item is better than the other to have that sweet tooth satisfied without compromising your eating plan or turning to real sugar (sugar is my heroin and I know it but the sugar-free items at Perfectly Sweet let me have my cake, eat it, and keep my waistline ... Hooray! (Just tell 'em the Mermaid sent ya!)

Rate it All
If you've got an opinion on just about anything or everything, than this is the link for you! 

Cured my pre-op cravings for sugar/carbs and upped my metabolism, practically saving my life pre-WLS 

Swanson Vitamins
Get your supplements at a discount 

Ultra Nourishair
This supplement helped me go from losing a fluffy palmful of hair 3-4x a week at 2-1/2 months out to no significant hair loss by 3-1/2 months out. 

Vintage Fruit Refreshers
Sugar-free juice-like beverage made with Splenda, no calories or caffeine. Absolutely the best thing on wheels! So far I've tried the Lemonade, Cranberry, Kiwi Strawberry, and Peach Citrus … with the latter being my favorite … but they're all really good. There is no web link for them but they are distributed by Cott Beverages. You can call them at (866) 260-3776 for info on where to find them in your area. 

Vita-J VitaminJuice
By far the most extraordinary product for us (thanks, Track McCreary!). A full 16 oz. bottle of Vita-J delivers more than 100% of minimum daily requirements of vitamins. Mostly full-juice flavor with 2 carbs, 2 g sugar, 8 cals per serving. Two of the flavors -- Orange & Pink Grapefruit -- supply 300% of the quantity of Vitamin C, which is extremely useful to promote healing. The second I was allowed liquids in the hospital, my nutritionist approved it and I started sipping. I recommend this for everyone -- but most especially early post-ops who can't stomach the idea of vitamins!! 

Vita Cost
Yet another great vitamin/supplement source, with some excellent prices ... Especially for my Calcium Citrate Chewable Wafers w/ Magnesium and D and Pure Protein 35g Shakes (no protein smell, palatable enough for the benefits of the product, and no sugar alcohol!)

Vita Lady
A great bariatric vitamin/supplement source, including powdered calcium! 

Vitamin Shoppe
Another great vitamin and supplement discount site. I find their "Supreme Green Tree Extract" to be very helpful as an antioxidant diuretic. 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

(This was written pre-op.) 

I posted recently that Spirulina removed my cravings for carbs or sweets. Now despite this all sounding as if I'm contradicting myself ... The cravings are gone. I still get hungry and do have to deal with that. But instead of reaching for foods that are empty calories and really not good for me, I am able to make decent decisions because it's not a matter of "If I don't eat someting sweet I'm going to lose my mind." And if it's sweet stuff I must, well I'm really okay with having a more carb-free/SF product.

I opt now for carrot sticks or celery instead of pita bread when I eat hummus. I eat a 1/3 cup of cous cous instead of a whole cup with my protein at dinner. I'll eat salad or spinach instead of mashed potatoes ... Get it? When I get a head craving or thought about a foodstuff not in my best interest, I don't wrestle with myself for hours. I'll think "hmm ... a slice of 7-layer cake" ... Then I think "what for?" and get past it. It used to roll around in my head until I baked it or put it on the shopping list. 

Probably most miraculous was my new absolute love of water after starting the Spirulina. I was a latchkey kid who grew up on Tab and rarely drank milk ... For most of my life, the only water to hit this mouth solo as what I used to brush my teeth or ice water put in front of me at a restaurant until I got my Diet Coke with Lime. In other words, it seems as though the Spirulina helped me in ways I never predicted.

The real reason I had started taking it is because I have a thyroid-affected autoimmune disease (nearly bedridden) and I was desperate for anything that might help my metabolism realize it's not time to completely die yet. All the recognized side effects have been benefits I didn't count on but have been a pleasant surprise. This may not work for everyone the way it has worked for me but it really can't hurt because Spirulina is actually a great "food" (I say this because although it is considered a supplement, it is also considered plant food -- as in a plant foodstuff -- not as in food for plants!)

I have no stock or financial interest in Spirulina or Solgar ... I just love to share what works for me. I may be unique; but I'm not so unique as to be the only one who benefits from certain products. 

Vitamin Shoppe usually has Solgar on sale for a decent discount; I buy the large bottle (250 tablets) for maximum savings.

August 30, 2006

Aug 29, 2006

The ridiculousness of it all … every little bit of it. This journey is almost laughable at times. Being terrified that the weight loss is again temporary like it was pre-surgery, I keep looking for reasons why the weight is going to pile on.

- Getting on the scale and seeing a 4 lb water weight gain didn’t help. Then I broke one of my biggest rules: I weighed everyday for six days only to see the weight shift 4 pounds back and forth. One water pill and sure enough, I was at 128.

- Then – because I can be really hungry some days – I’m sure I’m eating too much and am headed for certain regain. Then I take a reasonable, more objective look at my food. Remember, I’m on maintenance and I had the DS, which allows me some extravagances like butter (I will forever malabsorb 80% of my fat intake) and sugar (no dumping). Most definitely do not consider these to be “diet foods.” But today was my mom’s birthday at the nursing home and the last time I had cake with real sugar in it was at my daughter’s wedding on 6/21.

But this is everything I ate today:

8a: MermaidOne (Iced Coffee with a 1-1/2 scoops of protein powder) and wholegrain toast w/tbl PB

10a: Payday Pro (was halfway thru it when I realized how much sugar it contained. Tastes really good and has 15 grams of protein but I won’t be making the purchase again.)

1p: 2 cheese sticks & iced coffee w/half-half

3p: 1/2 slice cake

5:30p: small cheeseburger and onions (no bun, of course)

7:30p: sweet potato and butter

9:30p: NSA ice cream

Do you notice what I finally noticed? (Yes, I did have enough protein. I usually get at least 100 grams daily.) Rearrange everything I ate today – as massive as it may appear – and it is about two meals worth of food to a normie. So you know what? I think I’m going to be okay. And if that 4 lb water weight spreads to 6 … Then I adjust accordingly until I’m back down again. It’s not really rocket science.

I’m really excited to be driving again. I actually drove on two highways to go to see my mother. Going to visit her is a big reason why I’ve made myself get behind the wheel again after three years of being too weak and stressed and nervous to drive. Everyone thought I was done after my extended hiatus. But remember, can’t keep a good Mermaid down … even a size 2 Mermaid!

Just remember ... There will be times when this journey is very lonely. Either because we hold ourselves to a higher standard or believe others do. Sometimes the weight (there's that word again!) of that pressure will drive us into a shell. At that juncture there can be a crossroad when we decide whether to bust loose or buckle. Buckling is easy ... Like giving up on those diets in the past ... Like going WITH the crowd instead of LEADING it. Don't EVER be afraid to be the person you CAN be ... The old you didn't work for you, that's why you made this radical change ... Why in God's name would you want to bring him/her back?? When people get in your way, invite them to walk by your side or tell them to move, because there's only one way to go and it's forward.

Weight Loss Chart

Jul 04, 2006

Weigh Period


Pre-Op 321     52%
2.5 weeks 295 26 26  
6.5 weeks 267 28 54  
3 months 246 21 75  
4 months 240 6 81 50%
5 months 228 12 93 48%
5 mos, 3 wks 220 8 101 46%
7 months 207.5 12.5 113.5 46%
8 months 199 8.5 122 42%
9 months 198 1 123 40%
10 months 183 15 138 32%
11 months 174.5 8.5 146.5 32%
12 months 173.5 1 147.5 32%
13 months 168 5.5 153 32%
14 months 158 10 163 32%
15 months 149 9 172 30%
16 months 146 3 175 27%
17 months 141 5 180 27%
18 months 136 5 185 25%
18.5 mos 134.5 1.5 186.5 21%
19 mos 131.5 3.0 189.5 21%
20 mos 127.5 4.0 193.5 21%
21 mos 128.0 +0.5 193.0 21%
22 mos 128.0 0.0 193.0 21%
23 mos*** 127.5 0.5 193.5 21%

***NOTE:  Eight months later, I found myself experiencing an approximate weight gain of 10 lbs.  Not "bounce back weight gain" nor the result of becoming complacent and/or lazy.  I continue to maintain a very low carb lifestyle  The weight gain was firmly attributed to the fact that I got a Mirena IUD inserted 11/06.  The Mirena claims no significant weight gain but for those who strive to remain thin and trim, there is abounding proof (like 40 pages in response to one posting on another internet message board specific to this subject--click for details) that a lot of women have experienced this phenomena (as well as a host of other side effects).  

This problem, in addition to the fact I had a 1"x3" mass develop in my breast practically overnight, resulted in my having the Mirena yanked on 7/5/07--shortly after my lumpectomy (aka "excisional biopsy") of the thankfully, benign mass.  The weight gain is--in and of itself--subsiding practically without much effort on my part because my dietary intake has been quite pristine throughout.  

The Mirena works for many women without incident and it does achieve the promise of lighter-to-no periods but it appears that if you pride yourself on total fitness and tend to lean towards the lower BMI spectrum for your height, etc, it can easily put on about 10 lbs--as it did with me.  

As of this writing (7/30/07), I am still detoxing the hormones out of my system.  I will continue to monitor and inform.  (BTW...95% of my very form-fitting clothes fit fine throughout the weight gain process...Just in case you were wondering why I didn't catch the weight gain earlier.  Plus in spite of DH insisting it was the Mirena all along, I continued to believe the mfr's assurance that the product was immune fromt his likelihood.  In other words, I screwed up...I trusted them--and nearly made myself nuts in the meantime! )

About Me
Westbury, NY
Surgery Date
Feb 01, 2004
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