Fallon D. 21 years, 11 months ago

Hello everyone: Fallons mom with an update on her surgery recovery. She is 3 weeks out now and doing much better although she doesn't have much energy yet. She had her first weigh in at doctors office and lost 26#'s. More importantly she is able to get around a lot more and doesnt seem to require a nap very often. Even though she is 3 weeks out she still needs words of encouragement to keep her focused. Would appreciate Anyone out there who has the time to write her a note at [email protected]. She doesnt seem ready to get on the site yet so I try to encourage her to at least read what messages she has waiting. Thank you all again for your prayers and support.

Fallon D. 21 years, 11 months ago

Hi...its Fallons mom again with an update.She is progressing well although she has had quite a bit of nauseau and vomitting. Her attitude is improving every day and already you can begin to see the weight loss! Had an infection in her scar area which we thought was a staff infection however doc said no and sent her home. It has since broken open to be a large hole near her belly button where you can actually see the thread or "cord" from the incision. Will be calling dr tomorrow to see if she should return again though her first "scheduled meeting" is on Monday. Still feeling weak although somewhat better since starting the carnation instant breakfast prescribed. Anyone else had this experience with the hole?

Michelle S. 22 years ago

Fallon - what you are feeling is very normal. I am four weeks post op and every day gets better and better. I was also wondering if I did the right thing, now I know I did. I also had the pain on my side and was told by my doctor it is from the retractors (sp?) holding open the chest during surgery. Use a heating pad, that should help. Mine lasted about two weeks. I am just starting to get enough energy to get through the day without taking several naps. You did do the right thing and you will feel better soon! Good luck. Michelle Sneen

Fallon D. 22 years ago

Hi..Fallons mom checking in again to let you know how things are going for her. She has had a couple of days where she felt O.K. but most of the time she is very tired, has pain in her shoulder, and now pain in her side. Came on the site tonite to see if "normal" and it certainly appears to me that it has happened to many of you post op. Several days ago she lamented that she thought she had made a mistake by having this surgery. I asked her to withhold judgment until a year from now and see if she still feels that way. I think she expected to feel better quicker although after reading many of the post op posts, (which I print up or repeat to her) she understands that this is a slow process which can take quite a while. She is doing better on her water intake and eating lots of sugar free popsicles. Not walking much yet due to pain and overall feeling of no energy but has been out with me a couple of times for a ride in the car. Tomorrow is her surgery follow up appt and she will get tubes taken out which she is looking forward to. Also looking forward to being able to "have milk" which I am not sure is next on the agenda. Keep posting please especially those of you who have not been Up and Around as quickly as some others. I think she is "scared' because she is not feeling as good as many others have 9 days out. She was able to sleep in the bed for the first time for a couple of nights but has developed this "side pain" so now she is back on the couch which is more comfortable for her.

Tracy P. 22 years ago

Fallon~ I'm not YET on the "other side" so unfortunately I don't have any words of wisdom for you when it comes to your dizziness and trying the walk. But... I did want to say congratulations to you for making it to the other side. This misery shall pass and then, watch out, you'll be feeling like a whole new woman! I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers while you recover and just remember; they never said it would be easy, just that it would be worth it! ~xoxo

jay B. 22 years ago

gOOD MORNING FALLON, Just hang in there for there is light at the end of the tunnel. I remember those early days like there were yesterday. I had to sleep in my lazy boy for 2 days before i could move onto my daughters bed. (We have a waterbed and I could get in that for 2 weeks). I walked with a cain for 2 weeks for my gut felt like it was ripe open. I could hardly get up and down to do any walking. I did what I could do. When I was sitting inthe lazy boy i would just lift my legs and just move my feet and ankles at much as possible this keep the blood flowing so i didnt clot. and i moved my arms too. I was dizzy for a few months out and i just keep incressing my protien and soon that all went away. I didnt push my self over board i did what i could and left the rest for when i was stronger and felt better. I had people to remind me daily that i just had MAJOR SURGERY. Our bodies are all different but surgery of any kind is a shock to our bodies and put our emotions is a wacky state for a while but I keep telling myself this is only a temporary fase that i am going thru and just in there even if i had to do it one day at a time or 1 hour at a time. Each day I got stronger and stronger and it took me my full 6 weeks to feel human again. today I am wonderful and down 144 lbs at 18 months out..So just know that your day is coming and you will see the light at the end of your rainbow. This is not easy but you can do it...God bless you and I wish you a speedy recovery... DREAMS DO COME TRUE FOR THOSE WHO BELIEVES JAY BILLER

Fallon D. 22 years ago

Hello all...thanks for your words and encouragement. This is Fallons mom and just wanted to update you on her progress. She came home Thursday late afternoon and has been recuperating here at my home. She has done well but seems to be very dizzy..trying to encourage her to get up and walk 15 min every hr. (that is what the dr. ordered) however, only successful about half the time. She is doing her breathing exercises and trying to get the liquids down but having a hard time with that as well. Ice cubes seem to be the best at this point. She took a shower today and I just printed up your messages to her. Any advice you can give re dizzy, nauseaus etc and still walk as she should will be appreciated. She is sleeping in a lazyboy says she cant get comfortable in bed. Yesterday she was kind of depressed but got over that. She wonders why she feels so lousy today. Any of you on the "other side" with some encouraging words? Thanks Robin

Valerie B. 22 years ago

Glad to hear you are safely on the "other side!" I hope I'm not too far behind you. Sounds like you have a very supportive Mom. That's so important. Good luck to you & everything you do. Keep us posted on your progress!

anne G. 22 years ago

Everyone please take the time to welcome Fallon to the other side .............................................Fallon, welcome to the other side. And I do mean the other side.... the side where you can breath and walk and exercise and live without people yelling mean fat things out of cars at you, where you can sit in a normal chair, buy clothes off the rack at a regular store, walk into a grocery store or restaraunt without feeling guilty that you want to buy food, a side where you can have self esteem and self control, a side where you can run up a flight of stairs and tie your shoes, a side that was never know to our kind of people, a side where when you talk someone is listening and not thinking good lord this girl is huge.... anyway you get the point. I read your personal comments and I would have thought I was reading from my own journal from when I was your age. I am now 38. I had my gastric bypass when I was 25. and it has changed my life no rather it has given me life. I just had a revision on 2-19-02. The first time you wake up you will say God why did I do this to myself and that feeling may last about 8 weeks. Then you will hear God's answer to that question. When asked would you do it again your response will be YES. Now I am not saying that all your problems will go away after all family and personal stuff will always be there but you will finally have the strength to live. God will show you health and show you how good it feels. My mother sounds very much like your own... she was very supportive. My Dad sound like your dad. I always felt by being fat I was not good enough, my dad however, jumped at the chance to pay for the surgery because after all he really did want a thin kid and he did in fact treat me better when I was thin.... the bast---- is dead now and I hope God has made him know the pain he caused. I urge you to stay strong and focused and learn to use this new tool correctly. Nothing in life is 100% and everything worth having is worth working for..... well I guess I have taken up a ton of room on your page... but I had to let you know you are not alone. email or post whenever you need a friend. anne g aka wild thing

Julie C. 22 years ago

Way to go Fallon. I had my surgery on May 24th... I am feeling great... Just make sure you do that deep breathing exercise... I know its difficult.... If you are still in need of an angel let me know... Julie
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Valparaiso, IN
May 25, 2002
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