Barbara I. 24 years ago

Dear Alex & Janne, I have been out of town helping a friend with her computer to recover her database for her business. I just got home about an 90 minutes ago, but I couldn't go to bed without checking up on you:) I am very happy to see that you might get to go home this friday! I won't hold my breath, but I will keep my fingers crossed for you:) If you are using a walker that means you are up and about again...That's Great news!! If it's time to mothball the CRT let me know:)I should have an answer from Aetna regarding my own surgery in about 2 weeks, I'll keep you informed. Sweet Dreams & Warm Healing Thoughts still heading your way:) ttfn Diane aka Damsel aka Barbara

Vickie K. 24 years ago

Hi Alex, I just read the post that indicated that you might get to go home this Friday. I think this is wonderful & hope all continues to go well for you & your family. This was great news and I know how excited you all must be. May the Lord continue to be with you & your family in a very special way. God Bless!!!

Lisa A. 24 years ago

Alex, you are truly an inspiration!! To have endured the things you have, and still be hanging there with the attitude you have is amazing! We hope to hear news of your homecoming very soon, and I will continue to include you and your family in my prayers. (By the way, I think your dear angel Shar has earned her angel wings many many times over! :-)

Karen R. 24 years ago

Alex- I will be so glad to actually see a post from you! I mean, your angel definitly did a excellent job, going above and beyond- but still- I will be happy to hear that you can eat and drink, and live life- and to hear it from YOU yourself :) ! What you went through was just amazing- no easy feat. You and your wife must be exhausted. I am glad to hear that the many prayers said for you are working and that you will be home soon. That is where the real recovery will start... Best of Luck!

Shar /. 24 years ago

Well - guess what guys? This Tuesday Alex will be having some physical therapists go home with Janne and they are going to do an inspection of the area Alex will need to negotiate with walker, wheelchair, etc. If all is well, he gets to come home this Friday!!!! Janne is hoping that with the help of her son and his friends they can do all the furniture moving. Alex and Janne thank you so much for all your well wishes. They both appreciate each of you very much. I'll post again tomorrow on Alex when I talk with him. Love,

Nancy G. W. 24 years ago

Alex, I'm so glad to hear that things may FINALLY be turning around for you. You have really been through the mill and my heart goes out to you and your family. I'll tell you one thing, you've got the best darn Angel! Just want to let you know that I keep you in my prayers daily and can't wait until the day you get to go home. You are an inspiration to us all. Love, Nancy G.

Barbara I. 24 years ago

Dear Alex & Janne, Well I know that putting on clothing that used to fit and having room for another person is always a cheerfull fact it's a "Kodak Moment" :)..(hint hint)...Happy to hear your clothes are falling off, just don't trip over them whatever you do!! Don't do anything that'll jeapordize you getting out of there ASAP! (Don't let "them" do anything either!)...Crack Rescue Team (CRT for short) standing by to affect your escape if necessary, just let me know when:) ttfn Diane aka Damsel aka Barbara

Shar /. 24 years ago

Hi all! Alex had surgery 3/29. Talked to Alex and he is doing well dispite the fact the he found out that he had a staph infection after all! He is taking Levoquin antibiotic for that. His wound is healing pretty good but one day the nurses let his wound go 16 hours between changings which was a big no-no! They spoke up and since then the nurses have been much better at changing the dressings 3x's a day. It is getting easier for him to move and he can now get out of bed on his own. He got some new PTs and like them better. He has gone to group PT and can do the exercise there. He said he put on the shirt he wore into the hospital on 3/29 and it SWAM on him. He also tried on a pair of swim trucks he had that used to be really tight on him and said that if he doesn't tie them really good... they will be at his ankles. Not sure when he will leave the hospital, but he is hoping in about 2 weeks or earlier. Send Alex a message - he sure appreciates you all! Love,

Christie D. 24 years ago

Alex, Was just reading the message board for the fist time and ran across a post about you. You have really been through it, huh? I will be praying for you. I hope you continue to improve daily !! You sound like like such a wonderful person!! Keep your spirits up!! Great weight loss too, by the way!! Good job!! I will be thinking of you and praying for you!! God bless you!!

Barbara I. 24 years ago

Dear Alex & Janne, It sounds like I may need to get my "Crack Rescue Team" off of standby and get your butt home! You would think that with all you've been through during your stay, that by now the Hospital personnel would be treating you with kid gloves and praying that the word "lawsuit" was not in your vocabulary. I hope that you are taking notes and letting them see that you are! Ask questions, get names & job titles and most of all don't let them get away with anything. Remember that Alex is not only a patient, but a consumer. As such they answerable not only to you but to a variety of Medical and Governmental review boards. I know that it's been a rough journey so far, but we are all hoping that you continue to improve and are home real soon! Warm Healing thoughts still headed your way:) ttfn Diane aka Damsel aka Barbara
About Me
Irving, TX
Surgery Date
Jan 29, 2000
Member Since
