Debbie B. 24 years ago

Hi Alex, I hope things are going much better for you. Shar/Ut keeps me informend on your condition.. I keep you in my prayers nightly and wish for you a quick recovery and that your leak will heal and that you will be able to return home quickly with your family.. Hang in there !! Sounds like you have a wonderful positive attitude and that is super and that will help with you getting better and getting back to your life.. Soon all this will be behind you.. Take care ((HUGS)) !!

Shar /. 24 years ago

Alex had surgery 3/29 and his wound ended up being fluid filled in the cavity, but the culture came out negative... so no abcess! Yeah!!! Despite a good bed, he is having an awful lot of back pain and spasms. He is doing PT again which makes his back worse it seems. He is on a higher protein IV of TPN and his weight is stable right now... probably due to the increased protein. Of course, he is not taking anything by mouth still and hoping for a miracle that his leak will somehow heal. At any rate, hopefully he will be out of the hospital as soon as he can get himself up and walk a bit more. It was sure good talking to Alex & Janne... Alex had a VERY hard week last week, but is feeling much more optimistic right now. Please post him a message if you have time. If any of you would like to chat, his number is: (214) 525-6356. Love,

Vickie K. 24 years ago

Hi Alex & Family, Hope this note finds you feeling better. Sorry to hear that you are still in the hospital but maybe it won't be much longer before you will be able to be out & about again. We are all thinking about you & wishing you the best. Hope that they keep you cool because it surely has been pretty hot outside. Glad they moved you to a different room which is larger & hopefully cooler. Hang in there. Many happy thoughts are being sent yall's way. God Bless!!!

Shar /. 24 years ago

Alex had surgery 3/29. I was having computer problems for a bit and Alex moved rooms so we were out of touch for awhile. I don't know HOW Alex is doing it - but he is hanging in there. Please leave him a word of encouragement... Here is the latest from his wife: "Alex was moved down the hall. The room he was in was extremely hot, and after several days of lying in over 80 degree heat, being promised that a tech, who never showed, would come to check it out, I walked in one afternoon, found him with no water to cool him off and hit the roof. By the next day he was moved to a cooler room. Still no air conditioning (supposedly due to work being done on the building, but for 2 weeks?!?!?!) but much cooler. Bigger too. The other room didn't have room for us to turn around in. Alex has been having back problems, due to being in bed for so long. We have finally gotten some muscle relaxers prescribed so he has been able to move more in the last couple of days. He is off the wound vac, but until he can get around on his own, he can't come home. The incision on his chest abcessed. I get so tired of doctor's not listening to me when I tell them that something is wrong. Three days ago, I told them that Alex running a temp of 98.9 or 99.# is not normal. His normal temp is 97.8. Always. Also his blood pressure was up. I thought it might be due to a kidney infection, maybe contributing to the pain he was having in his back. It probably isn't that, tho we have yet to get the cultures back, but the doctor just dismissed my conclusions. They did take a urine sample the next day, probably because I insisted, but don't they know that after 2-1/2 months of this I know what is normal for Alex? It just makes me mad. I don't like this hospital at all. I keep thinking about all of the people there that don't have any family to kick up a fuss. Anyway, off of my 'rant'. Alex's new phone number is 214-525-6356. I think the worst part of all of this for Alex is that he wasn't able to attend Sean's graduation last Monday. For me, I just miss him. I want him home."

Barbara I. 24 years ago

Dear Alex & Janne, It looks like everyone has gone on vacation:) I hope that things are going ok with you and that you are already home! If not I hope that you are getting ready to go home ASAP:) Not much going on here except I got a copy of a letter my surgeon sent to Aetna. Evidently it was a follow-up letter and they have requested more info from my Doc re: current medical condition. The Good news is that they didn't say no right off the bat:) Hopefully I can get scheduled for early July. Even with all that you have been through I am anxious to get it done and get on with my life. Let me know how you are doing and if you are home:) ttfn Diane aka Damsel aka Barbara

Barbara I. 24 years ago

Dear Alex & Janne, It sounds like your weekends are getting better & better and that maybe you are getting a little bit better treatment now. Hopefully they will get tired of you and send you home real soon! When you do get home make sure that Janne takes an hour or so, as often as possible, to recover also. I hear she's been working real hard and needs to get rested up a bit before you get the urge to go running around showing off the new you:) Pretty soon you'll have more energy than you know what to do with. Then won't it be fun thinking of new ways to expend all that energy:) I am still waiting on a response from Aetna abt the possibility of my own surgery. But it's only been 3 weeks since the surgeon contacted them so I'm not worried yet. BTW, that crack rescue squad is still on standby, let me know if we still need them:) ttfn Diane aka Damsel aka Barbara

Shar /. 24 years, 1 month ago

Pulled this for ya off the message board: "05/21 05:19 PM hi Alex M., im still praying for you , Shar, you are such a great caring angel:O)Brynda F., con. on your approver, Kris N., do you have any thrift storys in your town?? we have some pretty neat ones & i was just thinking you could look there, T.J. , my heart goes out to you, can you maybe take your pants to a dry cleaners or a seamstress to reinforce your pants, just a suggest, hug, -- jeannie odeay"

Shar /. 24 years, 1 month ago

Hi all you "Alex" watchers! Alex went to Life Care Nursing Home (which has advanced wound care techs) last Thursday. His wound is healing fast. He has a wonderful house doctor that works together with his original surgeon. He has a better bed than in the hospital, but having some back pain. The transfer he made from the hospital was difficult. He hasn't walked yet since being there... so hopefully soon. His JP drain still produces a small amount of drainage. Come June 29, 2000... the surgeon will re-evaluate and he may have a possible second surgery if his leak has not sealed on its own by then. That is the "plan." Alex hit 500lbs. (-140lbs. total) this week. The next weight should be in the 400's! Alex & Janne's son went to his senior prom this weekend. Their son stopped by to see Alex at 12:30am in their tuxes and prom dresses. Sounds like Alex approved of his son's date! All the friends that came to visit were wonderful. I asked Alex... "How are you doing it?"... meaning... how are you staying sane and happy after all this? His answer was that he spends time thinking a lot and planning things he'd like to do in the future. Some of those dreams include taking off on a wave runner and hanging out in the 'Lazy River' at the local water park, oh, and getting some sun! Alex appreciates all of your support so much. Thanks all - Love,

Shar /. 24 years, 1 month ago

Alex had surgery 3/29 and was transferred to "Life Care Skilled Nursing" facility in the Dallas, Texas area yesterday. I will talk to Alex this weekend to see how he is adjusting. So happy he is one step closer to going home! His new number is: (214) 525-6359. Love,

Barbara I. 24 years, 1 month ago

Dear Alex & Janne, It does sound like things are beginning to improve a bit, and we're all Glad to hear it! I know that you're getting Stir Crazy about now, So next time you're up & about, go up to the Nursery and look in on all the new babies. Or see if you can read a story to some of the kids that are stuck there too. You might just get smiles all around & that's always good medicine:) p.s.....still Looking for the keys...crack rescue team waiting in the wings...maybe I should have gotten one of those chirping keyrings:) ttfn Diane aka Damsel aka Barbara
About Me
Irving, TX
Surgery Date
Jan 29, 2000
Member Since
