Support meeting

Jun 11, 2010

Went to my group meeting last night at Overlake. Great group of people in all stages of wt loss from thinking about it to several years out. I love hearing the stories and always come away feeling good.        If you are in this area you should come sometime. I have made a friend on line and she and I talk on line and meet at the mall which is great. We have different Dr's but the same hospital so it is interesting to compare notes.  Also we are close in surgery dates and weight loss, both complaining it is too slow   Had a craving for pot roast so I made one and portioned it out into several containers and froze them. had one tonight and low and behold I kept it down I think I've finally mastered the eat slow routine.  Also had a few grapes and that helps with the no drink with meals..  Off to read my Beck Diet Solutions now. Have a good weekend everyone


About Me
Bellevue, WA
Surgery Date
Mar 09, 2010
Member Since

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